“You’re not sorry, but that’s why I love you,” I say, walking over and giving him a hug. “I promise I’ll be careful.”
He grumbles a little more, but eventually, he lets me go and disappears from the living room to his bedroom to pout.
“Let’s get ready to party. I need this so desperately,” I tell my girls.
“No getting too drunk, just in case,” Callie adds, not one hundred percent on board with the idea.
“Deal, now come on, let’s go,” I say excitedly.
We all quickly get ready and head on out; it feels good to be outside again. I’ve donned a little black dress, I have heels on, my makeup is on point, my hair is up in a fierce ponytail, and I’m feeling good.
When we arrive at one of Savannah’s bars, we get escorted in and treated like royalty by the staff. We sit and chat for a while, then grab something to eat before moving on to one of her clubs.
We are escorted up to the VIP section upon arrival, bottles with sparklers attached to them continually arrive, the music is pumping, and I’m dancing my ass off and it feels so good. All the tension, stress, and emotions of the past couple of weeks are flowing out of my body. I feel alive. I can’t remember the last time I went out and had fun without Michael checking up on me every two seconds. Then when I’d come home, he would accuse me of flirting with other men, all the while he was sleeping with the staff.He’s not your problem anymore.I can flirt with whoever the hell I want to.
“I need to pee,” I tell Callie, who is talking to some guy in a suit.
“I can come,” she says.
I wave her away. “The toilets are just there,” I say, pointing to them across the room. “You can see me from here, I’m fine,” I assure her.
“Fine,” she grumbles. She’s as bad as my brother, but I still love her.
I head over to the bathrooms, do my business, and when I walk back out, a chill slides down my spine. Unwanted eyes land on me and make me feel icky. I turn around, wondering where the uncomfortableness is coming from, but no one is there.You’re being paranoid, Paige.
I pull out my phone and decide to FaceTime Giorgio. It rings and rings, but he picks up eventually.
“Pronto,” he answers groggily. That’s when I realize the man is in bed. He is sitting up, and the sheet has fallen, exposing his bare chest. My eyes zero in on every rippling muscle as I lick my lips hungrily. Wow. Giorgio has grown since the last time I saw him without his shirt on. His dark hair is all messy from sleep and those chocolate eyes are puddles of cocoa.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t check the time.” I giggle.
“Paige?” he says, waking up fully.
“I wanted to show you that I’m out and about, getting my single life on, thought it might inspire you,” I tell him.
“You’re out clubbing?”
I nod while willing the sheet to fall further to reveal if he sleeps naked or not. What am I saying? He’s a friend, an old friend, who needs my support, not me leering at him.
“Finally convinced Smith to let me out, look at me go,” I tell him as I do a whoop and a shimmy, which makes him laugh.
“How much have you had to drink?”
“Not enough.”
“You look like you’re having fun though.”
“I am. Do you have any idea how hard it is to flirt after being with someone for so long? It’s awkward,” I tell him.
His brows pull together as he scrubs his face. “You meet anyone nice?”
I shake my head. “I’ve had a dance with someone, but when he slid his hand over my ass, that was it for me,” I confess.
Giorgio’s mouth falls open in surprise. I know I told him I wasn’t ready for anything with anyone just yet, and I realized that as soon as that guy touched me; it felt wrong.
“I’m not ready for anything like that.”
He nods in understanding. “I’m proud of you for getting out and enjoying life.”