Giorgio: I’m tender, that’s all.
Giada: You’re a catch, Gio.
Giorgio: Look after Allegra. Tell her to call Mamma.
Giada: Will do.
Giada: Take care of yourself.
Giorgio: You too.
Giada: We’ll talk in a month.
Giorgio: Okay.
“Come on, let’s go out. I need to leave this apartment. My brother is acting like my jailer,” I moan to Callie and Savannah as we sit and watch nothing on TV while sipping our wine.
“He’s being protective,” Callie states.
I know he is, but it’s suffocating. “I get it. He wants to protect me. But does he really think Michael is going to try anything again? It’s been a week and nothing.”
“Do you have any idea the number of women attacked by their partner or an ex that I deal with on a daily basis? I don’t want my sister to be a statistic,” Smith snips at me.
I can see the anguish of those cases on his face.
I let out a heavy sigh. “I’m not saying you don’t. What I am saying is I’m a grown-ass woman and I am going crazy here. I haven’t even had a chance to celebrate my divorce or whatever the hell it is.” I stand up and plead my case. “Why am I letting that douchebag dictate my life still? I’ve had enough.”
My brother’s face softens. “He’s attacked you in broad daylight, Paige, not once, but twice.”
“Everything is signed, he got what he wanted. Things have settled down. I’m sure his anger has subsided,” I reassure him.
He doesn’t look convinced.
“Would it make you feel better if we went to one of my clubs?” Savannah suggests.
Smith raises a brow.
“I’ve made sure security in all my clubs and bars know he’s blacklisted, they have his photo and name, he won’t be getting in anywhere,” Savannah explains to Smith.
His brows pull together as he contemplates that bit of news. “Would feel safer if you had that protective order on him,” he grumbles.
Yes, I know; I’m an idiot for not listening to everyone’s advice. And yes, I should have done something about it when he accosted me outside the lawyer’s office, but I think he’s angry and hurt that I left him. Is that right? Hell no, it isn’t, but we were planning on spending the rest of our lives together. I loved him, and, in his own way, he loved me at some point. I honestly wanted the entire mess behind me, and I thought the order would hinder that.
“I’m over worrying about him. It’s done. We are finished. He got what he wanted, end of story,” I state angrily to my brother.
He huffs unhappily before turning to Savannah. “You really have him blacklisted in all your family’s places?”
“Of course, that dick isn’t allowed anywhere near Paige,” she answers.
Smith nods in understanding.
“Smith, I don’t need your permission to leave these four walls. I’m an adult, but I also don’t want to worry you,” I tell him.
I can see he is grappling with letting me go out, but in the end, he relents, “I’m sorry, Paige. I don’t mean to be so protective. It’s just …”