Giorgio: What the fuck. Do you need me to come over there and tell him to leave you alone?

Because I would, I would hop on the next plane to New York if she asked me to.That’s not strange, is it?Maybe it is.

Paige: Appreciate the sentiment, but Smith has it covered. I’ve filed for a protective order against him.

Thank goodness.

Giorgio: That’s good. Hopefully, that will make him think twice.

Giorgio: What the hell was he thinking grabbing you like that?

Paige: He wasn’t. And that’s the scary thing.

Paige: You should have seen the hate in his eyes, it was scary.

Giorgio: Are you okay?

Paige: I don’t know. I’m pretty shaken up.

Paige: I’m confused too. Why does he hate me?

Paige: He cheated. I was a good wife. Yet now I’m the villain.

Giorgio: Guess he’s realized what he’s lost.

By the sounds of it, he never deserved her in the first place.

Paige: That’s on him. He made those choices.

Giorgio: Maybe he thought he would never get caught.

Paige: What a dick!

Paige: Men suck!

Giorgio: Hopefully not all men.

Paige: Guess there are some okay men out there.

Paige: Enough about my disastrous life, how about you?

Giorgio: Yours is much more serious than mine. You’re sure you’re safe staying in New York?

Paige: Where would I go?

Giorgio: Europe? Italy maybe.

Paige: My life is here.

I want to saywhat life, but that sounds mean because she does have her family and friends there.

Giorgio: True. What’s your next step then?

Paige: I have no idea. I don’t have a job anymore, so I guess I might need to look into that.

Giorgio: You thinking of opening up a new restaurant?

Paige: I could. This time it could be something I want to do.