“No,” Michael snaps.
“Today has been quite a surprising day and I think it would be best if I talk to my client and we reconvene regarding the matter,” Michael’s lawyer asks.
“I think that would be a great idea, Mr. Cannon. One week, will that be enough time?” the mediator asks.
“That would be perfect,” his lawyer says in agreement.
“Right, well. This mediation is over, and we will reconvene in a week’s time, hopefully with a resolution,” the mediator states as he gets up from his chair and starts gathering his things. Michael’s team does the same, when suddenly, Michael lunges toward me, his hands hitting the conference table with a thud.
“You’re going to pay for this, Paige, mark my words,” Michael says, pointing at me.
I’m in shock as I stare at my very pissed-off ex.
“I don’t think it’s very smart of your client to threaten my client in front of all these witnesses,” Abigail says, looking at Michael’s lawyer who is trying to drag his client out of the room, but he’s refusing to budge. “This isn’t the first time he has threatened her either. Luckily for us, it was caught on CCTV outside the front of her residence. I will suggest you have a chat with him, otherwise he’s going to end up behind bars if he continues this behavior.”
“We will be in touch, ladies,” Michael’s lawyer says, nodding in our directions as he ushers Michael out of the conference room.
“I’m sorry, Paige, but that man is unhinged,” Abigail tells me.
“After the first time, she refused to get a protective order,” Callie adds, and I turn and glare at my best friend.
“This isn’t him. I’ve never seen this side before.”
“It’s now the second time he’s threatened you, and this time, it’s in front of his lawyers. He doesn’t care,” Abigail states.
I know, but he’s clearly upset that I’ve taken so much from him. Of course, he’s going to be angry. What happens if he does more?
“I think you should talk to Smith about getting that order,” Callie adds.
“Won’t that affect the meetings?” I ask.
Abigail shakes her head. “We can have it without the two of you.”
Right. I guess then it might be a good idea. “I’ll talk to my brother.”
“Good. Today went well. Michael’s theatrics are a win for us. If his lawyer is smart, they will tell him to take the deal, it’s the best offer he will get. But today proved he doesn’t like to listen, so we shall see. I’ll be in touch with the new meeting time. Stay safe and let me know if you need anything,” she says, shaking our hands before leaving.
“How are you really doing?” Callie asks as we take a seat at a nearby bar.
“I’m shaken but okay,” I answer, perusing the drinks menu; after today, I need something strong. “Why does Michael hate me so much? I’ve done nothing to him other than love and support him.”
The waiter interrupts us, and we give him our drink order before continuing. “His ego is bruised. Especially since he knows he’s fucked up and because you’re rich.”
“Wasn’t that weird when he said he had someone investigate me?” Callie nods. “He thought I would be cheating on him while I was looking after my dying relative, like what the hell?”
“He wanted to find any excuse, in case you found out about his infidelity, then he could throw it back in your face,” Callie adds.
Tears well in my eyes. “It’s been a lot, all of this has,” I tell her, trying to hide the fact I’m crying in a bar.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay,” she reassures me, reaching around to squeeze my hand. “You’ve had a really hard time recently. I’m so proud of how well you have been dealing with it. So, a few tears in a bar after a horrible meeting with your ex, you’re doing pretty well.”
“Today was brutal, and I wonder if it was worth it. Maybe he’s right, do I really need the apartment when I have so much from Lucia?”
Callie’s brows pull together. “It was your home, too.”
“I know, but it’s tainted now. I don’t want to go back there. I have so many homes I could live in, do I really need that one?”
“You plan on leaving New York?” she asks.