“They’re in Greece?”

She nods.

“Doesn’t that look bad? After we said we were finishing the engagement party early because of family health issues,” Luca adds.

“As if those two selfish bitches care, please,” Natalia says with a huff.

This isn’t good.

“There is already chatter on some of the blogs saying the timing is weird. But Giada said she had already been booked to DJ at some club in Mykonos over the summer and couldn’t get out of the commitment.”

News to me, but to be fair, I never asked many questions about what she was up to. That sounds bad. I should know where my fiancée is working, shouldn’t I? How the hell did I think Giada and I were ever going to work? I’ve been delusional about this relationship. I was focused on making everyone else happy except me.

“What about Allegra?” Luca asks.

“She posted that she was there for work, too. That her family were the ones to tell her to go to Greece, and everything wasokay. Like what the fuck is that bullshit? She’s a cold-hearted bitch,” Natalia explains.

“It’s probably for the best that she’s away. Papà doesn’t need that stress,” Luca adds.

“Wish I was on an island somewhere running from my problems.”

“You could be. I’d be down for lying on a beach somewhere, obviously not Greece.” Natalia nudges me, which makes me smile.

That sounds fantastic. Then the thought of New York pops into my mind.Are you fricken crazy?Paige doesn’t need you there with your baggage at a time when she is going through her own shit.

My phone buzzes, and I look down to see a notification from Paige. What the? That’s freaky. I was just thinking about her, and then she messages.

Paige: No need to apologize. It’s nice to know that someone else is going through the same thing I am. I love my family and friends, but they don’t get it.

Giorgio: You can message me anytime.

Giorgio: And I get it.

“Why are you smiling?” Luca asks as he tries to peer over my shoulder. I snatch my phone away from his snooping.

“I wasn’t smiling.”

“Um, yeah, you were. Don’t tell me you are already DMing girls.”

I glare at my brother. “I was chatting with a friend if you must know. Someone who is going through the same shit as me, actually.”

“Who?” Natalia asks.

“I’m not telling you who.”

“Do I know her?” she asks.

“Why do you automatically think it’s a woman?”

“Because I don’t smile like that when one of my boys DMs.” Luca grins.

“Fuck you both, and no, you don’t know her.”

“A new friend?” Luca questions.

“An old one.”

Luca’s eyes widen, and a smile falls across his face. “No fucking way, you’re talking to that American girl. What’s her name …?” he says, clicking his fingers.