“Can’t believe what a bitch you’re being about all this. It was sex, Paige, fucking sex. I wasn’t in love with anyone else. I didn’t marry anyone else. I don’t have a business with anyone else. It was always you I wanted. And what I did with them was stress relief. Men have fucking needs.”
He still doesn’t get it. “Lucky, now you can have all the stress relief you need.”
His face turns red over my comment. “You’re such a bitch. No wonder I had to fuck other women to put up with you.”
Low blow. I hate how his words hurt me. I’m trying to be strong, but I can feel my throat closing as my emotions begin to get the better of me.
“Talk to my lawyer, Michael. I have nothing left to say to you,” I tell him as I head toward the door to Smith’s apartment.
“I’m going to make you pay if you don’t stop what you’re doing,” he warns me.
My veins turn to ice. When I turn back, his blue eyes are narrowed on me.
“Do you seriously think threatening me is a good idea? You do remember who my brother is?” I toss back, trying to sound confident, but inside I’m shaking like a leaf. I’ve never seen him so angry before. He’s scaring me.
“I mean it, Paige. Don’t push me,” he says, pointing the papers at me before turning on his heel and storming away.
“Are you okay? What did he do to you? I’ll kill him,” Smith says as he walks through the door, ready to murder Michael.
I shake my head as I stay curled up on the sofa, tears streaming down my cheeks.
“I pulled the security footage, he’s on camera threatening you. There’s no sound, but you can see by his face what he is doing and how scared you looked. I’m so sorry, Paige,” he says, pulling me into his arms and hugging me, while I continue to break down. “I swear I won’t let him hurt you.”
A while later, Callie and Savannah come in to check on me.
“Did you send it?” Smith asks Callie.
Send what?
Callie looks over at me, then to my brother. “I passed on the footage to Abigail. If you want to get a protective order against Michael, she can take over the talks between her and Michael’s lawyers.”
“I can get you that order. Just say the word, Paige,” Smith tells me.
“I’m sure he didn’t mean it, he’s been served the papers, and he let his emotions get the better of him. I’m sure his lawyer will be pissed that he did it, it doesn’t help his case,” I tell them.
Smith lets out a frustrated groan and Callie reaches out and tries to settle him down, pulling him out of the living room.
“Your brother is worried about you, that’s all,” Savannah says.
“I know, but if I get a protective order, it could make him angrier. Can I tell you something, but you can’t tell Callie or Smith? I don’t need them worrying,” I ask her.
She gives me an unsure look but eventually nods in agreement.
“Michael threatened that he would make me pay if I continue this ‘revenge’,” I say, doing air quotes. “And I believe him.”
“Paige, then you should get the order against him. He could do something bad,” she tells me.
I shake my head. “I don’t think he would kill me. I think he would try to ruin my reputation in New York though, making it hard for me to get a job.”
Savannah looks at me, dumbfounded. “Paige, you never have to work another day in your life ever again. Lucia set you up, there’s nothing Michael can do that will ruin you. You don’t need to work in New York, not for anyone else, that is.”
Oh. She’s right. A hiccup of a giggle falls from my lips. “I keep forgetting that.”
Savannah gives me a bright smile as she pulls me into a hug. “Girl, you are a hot ass, rich bitch countess who can spend her days sunning herself at one of her many hotels around Europe, sleeping with the pool boys, and drinking champagne from your vineyard. Do you even understand how awesome your life is? And no pin-dicked, cheating Frenchman can change that,” she says, waving her hand around the room. “You don’t have to answer to a man ever again. You can do whatever your heart desires, Paige. Live in Italy, France, Greece, and move to Australia or Antarctica if you want. The world is your oyster,” she tells me firmly, which has me smiling widely.
“Thank you,” I tell her before hugging her again.
“Any time, babe. Remember me when you meet any eligible billionaires while away,” she says, giving me a wink.