“I created a dart board with your face on it when we broke up,” Lilly chuckles at Luca.

Once the song is over, I come back to earth and take a seat. Luca hands each of us a bottle of water, which I throw back instantly, only now realizing how much I needed it.

“Shit, congrats, on the baby, Lilly,” I say, rushing over and scooping up my soon-to-be sister-in-law and spinning her around happily.

“Thanks, Gio. Ew, you’re all sweaty,” she says as I place her back down.

Luca shoots me a glare. “Don’t ever do that again. She has precious cargo,” he warns.


“How did everyone take the news?” Natalia asks.

Luca and Lilly stand there in silence. What the hell happened?

“We thought it would be better if we took your parents into a private room and told them that way,” Lilly adds.


“Papà didn’t take it very well when he heard the news. He was pretty angry with Giada and …” Luca explains.

“And what?” I ask them.

“Your father didn’t feel so good. I checked him out, he was all good, but his heartbeat was erratic, and I thought the best course of action would be to go home and get his doctor to do a late-night house call to double-check on him. I believe it was just shock and he let his anger get the better of him. He needs to rest,” Lilly advises.

“Fuck,” I yell as I run my fingers through my hair. “I knew this would happen. It’s all my fault.”

“Hey, no, it’s Allegra’s. None of this is on you.” My brother tries to calm me down.

“She could have killed him,” Natalia yells as tears stream down her face, while Lilly goes over and consoles her.

“We announced that due to our father having a health emergency, you would have to leave your party early to attend,” Luca explains.

“Papà would not like that.”

“It was his idea.”

Wow. That’s surprising. He is so stubborn he has never wanted anyone to think he is frail, but he did for me.

“Then what happened?”

Luca sighs. “Giada showed up like a professional, gave a speech saying that the party would wrap up early as family comes first, and she thanked everyone for their well-wishes.”

“No one knows the real reason?” Natalia asks.

Luca and Lilly both shake their heads.

“People think I’m still engaged to her?” They nod in agreement.

“Maybe it’s for the best. You can discreetly break up and no one would be the wiser,” Luca advises.

“When? A week? A month? Day of the wedding?”

“It’s not ideal, but at least you won’t be hounded by the paparazzi,” my brother suggests.


“Do our parents know about Allegra?” I ask.