“Luca,” Allegra acknowledges her brother.
“You better not have come over here to cause a scene.” He glares at his sister.
Allegra stiffens at her brother’s warning tone and shakes her head. “I would never do that here.”
I catch that she sayshere, not that she would never do it.
“You must be Paige, we’ve heard so much about you,” Allegra greets me.
“You are stunning, this dress, wow.” Giada smiles as her eyes run down my body as if assessing me, as she moves around behind me to see the back. “And this back,” she murmurs as she runs a manicured finger right down my spine, sending goosebumps across my skin. What is happening?
“Are you flirting with her?” Allegra chuckles.
“Maybe.” Giada grins as she gives me a wink.
What is happening?
Lilly bursts out laughing while Luca groans.
“I see why he’s fallen for you.” Giada grins as those dark eyes slide over me again before she leans forward. “If you want to come over to the other side, call me.” She smirks before walking away and chatting with someone else, Allegra follows her laughing.
“What the hell was that?” Luca asks.
“I don’t know,” I say, shrugging.
“I think your new man’s ex wants you. You can’t make this stuff up,” Lilly says before bursting out laughing.
“It’s going to be a long ass night. Come, let’s take our seats.” Luca groans as he escorts Lilly toward their table.
I go and find my seat, joining Mackenzie and her family. I’m sitting right in between Mackenzie and Tomas. A waiter comes by and pours water into our glasses and I hastily take a sip, trying to calm the swirling nerves inside me.
There’s a tap on my shoulder, and when I turn around, it’s Gio, he’s taken his seat and it’s literally right beside mine. “Are you okay? What did she say to you? You looked shocked,” he questions me.
“She was fine, other than that she started flirting with me.” I smirk.
Gio is lost for words as he stares at me. “Flirted with you?” I nod my head. “This night keeps getting stranger by the moment,” he says, shaking his head. “I’m sorry about her. I didn’t know she was coming. Allegra asked at the last minute and then our PR teams got involved and thought that it would raise awareness of the event and hopefully squash the gossip out there.”
“I think that’s a smart plan.” His brows raise high. “People will be talking about the two of you at the event. Which thenmeans people will investigate it and maybe they might see some worthy causes and donate money to them.”
“I just want to kiss you right now. How the fuck did I get so lucky?” he says, looking at me heatedly.
“Later, now go do your thing,” I tell him as I turn around and join in on the conversation at my table.
“Here, have this,” Tomas says as he hands me his handkerchief.
“Thank you,” I say, taking it and dabbing my eyes. I probably ruined my perfect makeup as the tears flowed while I watched Lucia’s tribute. It was beautiful. I miss her so much and wish she was here with me so we could enjoy this night together. We would be having the best time; she could introduce me to all her friends, we would drink champagne and dance the night away. I wish she had pulled me into this world earlier, I would have loved to have been a part of all the good she was doing in the world. Gio is standing to the side of the stage with his family who gave the opening speeches for the event, and he is rubbing his mother’s back as she, too, is dabbing her eyes watching the reel. Once the tribute is over, I excuse myself and head to the bathroom to freshen up. I look a mess, but thankfully, my makeup has held, just my eyes are puffy.
“Hey, are you okay?” Gio asks as I step out of the bathroom. My heart blossoms seeing his handsome face.
“It was nice seeing her again. I miss her,” I tell him.
He looks around quickly before he pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead as he squeezes me. We are hidden behind a pillar, so no one can see us unless they go to the bathroom. Gio looks down at me, and I see fire and lust swirling behind those dark eyes before he kisses me softly.
“Tonight has been torture. I have to go. I love you and I’ll see you later.” With that, he’s gone.
I lean back against the pillar and suck in a deep breath. This man takes my breath away. I’m smiling when I leave our hiding spot and stop abruptly as a chill slides over my body, my stomach sinks, and that same feeling I used to get before I saw Michael hits me. Nervously, I look around the room but don’t see anyone. I pull out my phone from my clutch as panic starts to grip me and I dial my brother.
“Hey, how was it?” Smith says, answering the phone happily.