Page 117 of The Sexy Billionaire

“My prayers have been answered. Thank you God,” she says, waving her hands in the air.

What is going on? As I turn to my siblings for help, they all shrug and look equally confused.

“I always knew she was the one for you. Lucia and I always prayed for you to find each other again. Even when she was married, Lucia never gave up hope that her good-for-nothing husband would mess up and she would finally leave him. I just wished she was here to see it all, she probably has a front-row seat in heaven.”

That is … I don’t know what to think.

“Then when you brought her to Sunday lunch, and you told me she was divorced, I was so happy. And the fact that she had moved back to Rome was even better as if Lucia was planning it herself. I prayed every single day from then on that the two of you would fall in love and you have.” She smiles triumphantly as if she had planned it all.

“Mamma, that’s messed up,” I say.

She seems genuinely shocked by my comment. “What? Lucia always said that the two of you would get back together again. She believed that you were soulmates. And you know Lucia wasn’t one for the warm and fuzzies.”

“That’s not good karma, Mamma,” Natalia warns.

“What? Wanting my children to be happy?” she responds.

“I think I’m going to go now. This has been fun,” Luca says, standing up.

“Luca, wait,” Allegra asks. He pauses and raises a questioning brow at her. “I want to apologize to you and Lilly. If I hadn’t stuck my nose into your business, then the two of you wouldn’t have spent all that time apart, and … she wouldn’t have been kidnapped. And I wish I could go back in time and stop myself, but I was so angry at the world, and I took it out on you. I’m sorry.”

Luca’s eyes widen at Allegra’s apology. “Thank you,” he says stiffly.

“I know it won’t happen overnight, but I want to be the best aunty I can to your little man, if you let me?”

“No, you don’t get to come in here on your apology tour and try to take favorite aunty status. That is mine,” Natalia states.

“I … I wasn’t trying to step on your toes, Nat,” Allegra says.

“Well, you have. You have been missing from our lives for years and now suddenly you want to be back in as if all the shit you have caused never happened.”

“I’m trying to make amends,” Allegra explains.

“You’re not the only one that is hurt, Allegra. For years I wanted to be a part of your life and you never once let me in and now you’re demanding we bring you back into the sibling fold as if nothing happened.”

“That’s not what I’m asking. I know it’s going to take time. But I do want a relationship with you, Nat. And I’m sorry I pushed you away all these years.”

Tears well in Natalia’s eyes. “I just wanted my sister.” And with that admission, Natalia walks out of the room in tears.

I go to chase after Nat, but Allegra halts me. “I’ll go, we have a lot to sort out.”

“I need a drink. Today has been a lot.” Papà chuckles as he sits back down in his seat.

“I’ve got to go, and get back to Lilly,” Luca says, giving his goodbyes before exiting the room.

“Are you really okay about all this?” Mamma asks.

“About Allegra and Giada?”

She nods her head.

“Yeah, if it hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t have found Paige.”

“God can work in mysterious ways.” Mamma chuckles.

Unless God has been watching too much Jerry Springer, I don’t think he could have thought up this mess.

“You really love her, son?” Papà asks.