“But my happiness is at your expense, though.”
“Actually, it was a blessing in disguise what happened that night.” She gasps down the phone at my admission. “If you hadn’t done what you had, I would never have gotten the love of my life back.”
The line falls silent again.
“What did you say?” she questions me.
“What I said was I’m finally happy.”
“You are?” Her voice cracks with emotion.
“I am. Not saying what you did was right, but I’m so fucking happy you did it.”
“Fuck, I wasn’t expecting that,” she says.
“I wasn’t either. A lot has happened since you’ve been away.”
“Sounds like it has.”
“I think you should come back and tell our parents you’re gay.”
Silence fills the void again.
“What happens if they don’t want me anymore? What if they cut me off?” She sniffles down the phone.
“I’ll be here for you, same with Luca and Natalia.”
She scoffs at that. “They hate me.”
Hate’s a strong word.
“Maybe you can make it right with them. Have you ever apologized to Luca and Lilly for the stunt you pulled in Edinburgh?”
“No,” she answers weakly.
“That might be a good start, don’t you think? You’re about to become an aunty soon, don’t you want a relationship with your nephew?”
“I do.”
“Then tell them that, be honest with them. Apologize for being such a bitch all these years.”
“Tell me what you really think.” She scoffs.
“You know you have been, don’t act surprised.”
She laughs at that. “And what about Nat? She’s never liked me.”
“It’s not that she doesn’t like you, it’s the total opposite, she wants you to include her in things. Luca and I did everythingtogether, you did your own thing, and that left Natalia by herself. She just wants to be included, by you, by all of us,” I explain.
“Really?” she asks, sounding shocked.
“Yeah. Our trip to New York was the first time I’ve ever traveled with her, just the two of us. I felt bad about that.”
“You went to New York?”
“Long story. But I want you to try to be a part of this family. We love you, Allegra, but you have to start trying,” I warn her.
“I’m so scared,” Allegra says, bursting into tears.