“This year we hired an independent board to choose the worthiest charities to make sure it was fair,” Luca adds as he looks proudly at Lilly.
“I’m excited that we can bring Lilly’s Place and the girls’ plight to the most influential people in Europe at this ball, but my dear brother-in-law is worried his messy situation—as my passionate sister-in-law so eloquently explained earlier—would cause the focus to not be on the wonderful charities, but I don’t believe that to be so,” Lilly states as she glares at me.
Is this her giving me her blessing to announce Giada and my break up?
“I trust the people in this room with my life, some of you have literally saved it. So, I’m asking that what is discussed in this room tonight doesn’t leave these walls,” she states firmly, looking between all her friends.
“In the vault, Lilly,” Mackenzie states.
“Yes, of course, we would never say anything,” Zoe adds as both Matteo and Tomas nod in agreement.
“Thank you. Gio, would you like to continue?” Lilly suggests.
Me? Right. Yes. I guess I should explain. Especially as the four of them were there the night of my engagement party. Myhands clam up, my throat dries out as all the eyes in the room are on me.
“Gio walked in on Giada and Allegra doing it at their engagement party,” Natalia explains, point blank for me.
There’s an audible gasp as the boys’ mouths fall open at that bit of information. “So, your father wasn’t sick?” Matteo asks.
“He wasn’t well upon hearing the news that the engagement was off due to Giada cheating, but not with whom,” Lilly adds.
“My sister is scared of revealing her true identity to our parents,” I explain.
“I understand that feeling,” Tomas adds. His father is the head of a conservative political party back in Spain. His having a son who is bisexual hadn’t gone down too well.
“And Giada is worried she will lose her career,” I add.
“It’s a possibility, but I don’t think that will happen. Look at me, my female fan base tripled when they found out about Tomas and me,” Matteo declares.
“That’s because most of them wouldn’t mind being in the middle of the two of you.” Zoe grins at her two men.
“They could only dream of how hot it is being in the middle of the two of us.” Matteo smirks as he leans over and kisses his wife’s cheek. Zoe flushes at his declaration as she playfully pushes him away. “Two beautiful women, men would go crazy for them. Tell her to give me a call, I can help her navigate her new life if she wants. And if they do give her a hard time in Italy, I know a Spanish TV show that would love to have her on it,” Matteo states as he sends a wink my way.
Wow. Okay.
Then he turns to his partners. “See, I told you I saw them hooking up in Ibiza. And you and Zoe told me I imagined it. I was right,” he says, looking between them both.
“Don’t think now is the time to gloat about that,” Tomas says, nudging his partner.
“Oh, sorry, Gio, that was insensitive of me.” Matteo cringes.
I’m not surprised by his admission. “It’s okay. Giada and I should never have gotten engaged. I thought I was doing the right thing for my parents, but in the end, it’s created a huge mess.”
“None of it is your fault. You may not have been in love, but you were committed to her. And after all this time, you’re still covering for them while sacrificing your own happiness,” Natalia adds.
How can I not love my sister for her staunch loyalty?
“Gio is worried that if he says anything about the broken engagement, he will overshadow the ball,” Lilly adds.
The group erupts with encouraging words as they all try to reassure me that my statement about the broken engagement won’t affect the ball or the monies raised.
“Giada and Allegra’s story isn’t for me to tell the world,” I say.
“Then don’t. I’m sure you can announce your separation without a reason. Who cares if the media speculates as to why? They will, even if you tell them the truth,” Tomas states.
He’s right. I hadn’t thought about it like that. I look around the table at all the encouraging support from them, and maybe, just maybe, this nightmare can be over without too much fuss. My eyes land on Paige and she gives me a reassuring smile.
“You’re right. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks another scandal will replace mine.” I chuckle.