She shakes herself. “They are happy tears. I assure you. I hate that she kept so much from me about her life. I would have loved to know about this ball she was involved with. Why did we never go? Was she ashamed of us?”
“Lucia didn’t like the fanfare when it came to helping people. She helped so many people anonymously and I guess she just didn’t think about telling you because to her it wasn’t a big deal.” I explain what I understand from what my mother has told me.
“Every time I think I know her, I learn something new about her,” Paige says with a somber shrug.
“You’re going to do her proud, Paige. Once you get a handle on everything she’s left you, you’re going to do amazing things.”
She looks up at me slowly. “You really think I can?”
I nod my head. I believe in her.
Paige then gives me a blinding, bright smile. “I think I can, too,” she confesses. And seeing that spark of confidence in herself has my heart warming.
I don’t know myself anymore.
“Welcome to Yvette Sanchez Boutique, I’m Yvette.” A beautiful brunette comes up and welcomes us warmly.
“It’s an honor to be here with you. I’m a huge fan,” Natalia says, trying to contain her excitement.
“That makes me so happy. I’ve been following you for years now and I think you are one of the most stylish young women in Rome. We should do something together,” she says, giving Natalia a huge compliment.
“Yes. I would love that,” Natalia squeals.
A dark-haired woman comes around and hands us champagne and sparkling apple juice for the pregnant ladies in our party. Lilly invited two of her friends, Mackenzie, who’s also a doctor, and Zoe, who runs her own charity in Spain; they are sisters. Zoe is currently pregnant, too; she is about the same as Lilly.
“Sorry, Yvette, let me introduce you to Paige Johnson. She is Lucia’s great-niece,” Natalia explains to the designer.
Her dark eyes widen, and a smile falls across her red lips. “I have heard so much about you,” she says, greeting me warmly. “I owe so much to your great-aunt. Her company that helpslaunch designers is the reason I am here today. I couldn’t have expanded and grown without her investment.”
Antony explained that one of her investments was a company that helped fund artists; the company would give a business loan to them to help them reach the next level in their careers. They have the option of paying back in full the entire loan or leaving it as an investment and becoming partners with the company. It’s not easy to get funding, there’s a board of professionals in the field, and you must supply business plans and a heap of paperwork to show you’re serious.
“It’s so lovely to meet you, too. I had no idea Lucia did all this, so I’m sorry I never met you sooner. But I only realize now that I have some of your dresses Lucia has bought me over the years. Wow.”
Yvette waves my apology away. “Amazing. Your great-aunt was one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. I love that she gave no fucks about what anyone thought about her. She wore diamonds and drove an old vintage Mercedes when she was in Paris. Honestly, she was, and still is, an icon to me,” Yvette says, squeezing my arm tenderly. Tears well in my eyes at her beautiful compliments. “Can I show you something I’ve been working on since she’s passed? I hope you don’t mind.”
I nod and Yvette ushers us upstairs from the boutique to where her offices are. “Here,” she says, opening a door to a room that is covered in sketches. “My next collection is a homage to your great-aunt; it’s called the Countess Collection,” she explains.
I stare in bewilderment at the drawings that are pinned to the wall, each with a modern twist on something Lucia would have worn. Tears begin to slide down my cheeks as I take in each one. “She would have loved this.”
Yvette comes to stand beside me and wraps an arm around my shoulders. “Yes, she would have. And you know she wouldhave stolen the show on the runway.” This makes me chuckle because she would have.
“Thank you,” I say with a sniffle.
“It’s my pleasure, as I said, I owe her my career. Would you …” Yvette hesitates, and I encourage her to continue with what she was going to ask. “Would you like to consult on this collection?” she asks.
“I know nothing about fashion.”
Yvette chuckles. “But you know Lucia.”
That I do. I nod, trying to stave away the tears that keep wanting to fall. “I’d love to,” I say, hugging the incredibly nice fashion designer.
“I didn’t order a side of tears with my couture today,” Lilly says which makes us chuckle.