“Because you have so much more.”

“You could have had more, too, but you chose to stick your dick in your employees instead. That’s not my fault. You ruined us, Michael, you,” I say, pushing back at him.

“You think you’re too good now, don’t you?” He hisses as his grip tightens even more.

“You’re hurting me,” I say, trying to tug my arm from his.

“You’re hurting me, Paige. You’ve broken my heart and ripped it right out of my chest,” he screams.

“I broke your heart? You’re the one that ripped out my heart and stomped all over it. You constantly cheated on me throughout our entire marriage.”

“It was just sex, Paige. Jesus, how many times do I have to tell you? I loved you. You were my wife.”

What in the hell logic is that? Having sex with random women who aren’t your wife isn’t loving me.Bullshit.He wanted his cake and now, he can have all the cake he wants.

“What you did isn’t love,” I argue back as people stare and push past us on the busy sidewalk.

“You’re so fucking hard to talk to sometimes, Paige.”

“If I’m so hard to talk to then contact my lawyer,” I tell him, trying to pull away, but he grabs me again. “Michael,” I scream.

“Hey, man, she doesn’t like that,” a young guy stops, noticing what’s happening, and glares at Michael.

“Are you fucking him? Is he your new man?” Michael screams at me.

“Hey, don’t talk to her like that,” the guy interjects as he steps closer to my ex.

“Fuck off, this is my wife. I can talk to her any way I damn well like,” he snips at the stranger.

The man looks down at me, and I shake my head. “Ex, he’s my ex-husband.”

“Doesn’t look like she wants to be anywhere near you,” the stranger states, moving even closer, making Michael take a couple of steps back and let go of my arm. I move away quickly and start rubbing the bruises I can feel forming under my skin.

“This isn’t over, Paige, you will listen to me,” Michael warns as he storms off into the crowd.

“Are you okay?” the young man asks.

Am I? I don’t know. I’m shaking, tears are welling in my eyes, and my chest is tight.

“Where do you need to go? I can walk you there,” the guy states.

“My lawyers are here,” I say, pointing behind me. He nods and escorts me back into the building, then he asks reception to call Abigail. That’s when I start to crumble, the shock setting in. The stranger catches me as I stumble and makes me take a seat.

Thirty minutes later, my brother arrives to escort me home. When I see him walking through the doors, I stand up and rushover to him. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly as I break down again.

“Did he hurt you?” he asks, looking down at me.

I shake my head. “Just bruises on my arm.” I feel him stiffen against me as anger radiates from him while he inspects my arm.

“Let’s get you home, where you are safe,” he says, escorting me from the office.

“Say it, I know you’re dying to,” I say once we’re in his car, beating him to the punch.

“Damn right I’ll say it. He could have hurt you, Paige,” he says as his hands grip the steering wheel tightly.

“I know, okay? I get it,” I argue back.

Smith takes a couple of deep breaths beside me. “You’re my sister, Paige. I want to protect you.”