Page 8 of Conquer or Die

My head was buzzing with so many possibilities and emotions. My heart sunk my entire body was paralyzed with fear, anger, frustration, irritation, guilt and sadness. What pissed me off, even more, is I didn't know what emotion overpowered the other, and I knew I was so fucking wrong for keeping this from him.

I take a deep breath and step out of the car; wanting to just get this over and done and fix my mistakes, I see Lilly hanging off Vincenzo and Garcia standing next to Anthony. My eyes widened staring at him he put his hands up and reassured me to calm down. He nodded his head slowly indicating his men were all still surrounding and protecting the house, I let out a relieved sigh and saw Vincenzo do the same, I looked at him then back at the floor. If there was any doubt in my head that he knows about Dante it was slowly being washed away, he knew.

"Isabella, are you ready?" Anthony greeted me and questioned. I let out a deep sigh and nodded my head "as you probably both guessed by now you two will be interrogating and torturing him together" Garcia chimed in, we both shot him a stare and shook our heads frustrated. "Tough crowd" he jokes and walks inside the warehouse wanting to watch us. It was full of shelves of boxes but in the middle was a man tied up on a chair, I raised my eyebrows and laughed it was the man that was flirting with me. The one Vincenzo informed we were married. "Something funny?" he snarled, I nodded my head still laughing "seeing as you're the one tied up, do you think it's wise to make snarky comments?" I tilted my head smirking.

He rolled his eyes “If it isn’t the newlyweds” he mocked recognizing us, Garcia looked confused before rolling his eyes assuming it was something stupid. Vincenzo grabbed a chair and sat in front of him, "let's just cut to the chase, give us what we want, and I promise to be merciful. Don't give me what I want and then you're going to be facing something very unholy" his voice dropped asatanic smileformed on his face, his eyes darkened as he edged closer on the chair waiting for him to make a choice. "Fuck off" he spat causing Vincenzo to laugh,goosebumps rose on my skin I haven't seen him smile like that in years and I forgot how terrifying Vincenzo can be."I was hoping you'd say that" he stood up and punched him square in the jaw repeatedly, I watched in shock and quickly stopped him.

"We still need him alive" I whispered, he shrugged his shoulder out from my grasp and walked back a little. I sighed and gulped I turned around and smiled, "Does it hurt?" I looked at his busted jaw.

"Wow, sarcasm how original" he spat blood getting some on my dress, I rolled my eyes. "I wore red on purpose, I knew it was going to get messy" I smirked. "Who pays you and the others? Who's the boss?" I asked him straight up instead of beating around the bush, he rolled his eyes and kept his mouth shut. I sighed and stood up grabbing my knife from my thigh ... I looked down at it and realised the engraving on the handle.'V.K'

I saw Vincenzo's eyes scan the knife then before he looked at me, I quickly looked away, "Is it one boss?" I sighed sarcastically and dragged a line on his forearm, he hissed and shut his eyes "or is it two?" I cut another line, "or maybe it's five?" I gasped and made a score of five on his arm. He stayed quiet I rolled my eyes and stepped back.

I looked up and saw Garcia putting his two fingers together, I looked at Vincenzo who looked at me. We both knew why he wasn't talking we both weren't trying, both of us off our game because we of our previous fight. Us fighting and hating each other right now was what was distracting and draining us. I sighed and gave Vincenzo a nod he turned back at the man coldly. "Awe are you two fighting?" He laughed. “Already trouble in paradise?” he laughed, he sensed the tension between us, he had the upper hand and we needed to reclaim it.

"Hey, while you both are trying to figure out your domestic issues. You don't have any kid's I can 'babysit' do you?" He laughed.

Vincenzo's tensed body lunged forward holding him up by his throat, the man struggled and I along with the rest of the men were in utter shock at his strength. "Touch my son and I swear I will skin you alive, I'll serve your meat to your family while I use your dick and every bone in your pathetic body as my dogs new chew toy. Touch my son and it'll be the last thing you ever do" he threatened.

The man gulped staring at Vincenzo with fear in his eyes blood staining his face, I heard Vincenzo went dark, but I never believed them. Not until right now, my guilt only worsened after hearing him defending our baby. I took in a deep breath my blood still boiling from the man's comment, I stepped closer.

(Tw graphic scene)

"Do you want to play a game baby?" I smiled and looked at Vincenzo, he smirked sinisterly sending a shiver down my spine. I licked my lips "you ask him a question and if he doesn't answer I get to cut off a body part!" I squealed excitedly I turned over and saw Garcia with a shocked yet satisfied look on his face. Giving us a nod of approval, I shook my head closing my eyes gathering all my energy and I opened them and stood behind the man.

"Go on ask him a question" I purred, and Vincenzo did just that he kept his mouth shut and I sighed, "seeing as you don't want to listen why don't I start with your ears?" I chimed up and place the blade to his ear he screams out in pain as the blade slices his ear clean off. Some of Garcia's men turn around and some leave unable to handle the sight and his horrifying scream. I smile satisfied seeing the ear fall to my feet.

I move to the other side and whisper in his ear "you still have one left" I stand up straight after he stopped screaming, Vincenzo edged closer and grabbed the knife from my hand he stopped for a moment seeing the engraving on the handle then quickly went back to what he was doing.

"You know right above the knee is a nerve called Guillain-Barré” he states out loud looking at me, I smile shocked “really? What happens if we damage it?” I questioned looming over the man.

“If damaged it continues to damage parts of nerves. Causing muscle weakness, loss of balance and paralysis" Vincenzo smirks knowingly as he placed the tip of the knife in a precise position and angle. He looked at the both of us and shook his head “I’m a dead man either way what difference does it matter” he hesitantly breathes out hopeful that we’ll offer him some type of deal.

“You have one of two choices; you suffer a slow but painful death. Or” he stops letting me continue “a quick and easy death” I finished.

He gulps knowing there was no way out, within seconds he started spilling every contact's name, all the men he works for, and every single piece of information Garcia needed to take them down. Vincenzo smiled and tilted his head; I cocked my eyebrows up knowingly "If only you answered when we asked you" I purred watching the light in his eyes drain into nothing but darkness. Vincenzo piped up “also if you think that comment about my son was something I would forget you’re sadly mistaken” Within a second Vincenzo stabbed his leg causing sharp pain and a horrified expression overtook his face.

He did the same to the other leg and proceeded take off his pants and cut his dick off, I widened my eyes in horror "that's for all the kids who couldn't fight back" he spat and threw it at him "vai a farti fottere"go fuck yourself.

“All yours bellisma” he winked standing up, I looked at him and smiled, an old tradition of mine popped in my head. “Say bye, bye.” I winked, stabbing both his eyes with my knife, pulling them straight out I put it in one of the boxes from the warehouse, I can feed them to my secret pets when I get back, or I can let Sebastián take it and feed them, if he has the balls.

(End of trigger scene)

We walked off and left Garcia's men to clean up, "Well done" Garcia chimed up. We both stood still staring at him, the both of us still livid and ready to kill each other. He rolled his eyes "You guys felt it right?" He questioned. "Felt what?" I asked him, "the power" he emphasised. "When the two of you interrogated him alone you got nowhere, he had all the power but when you joined forces you not only got him to expose every little detail. You also managed to scare and dominate every man and woman in the building with the power you two share together." I sighed knowing he was right and knowing damn well I felt it. Did Vincenzo feel it?

“Literally look around, none of my men had the guts to watch. I even had to turn around a few times” he admitted.

"Alone the both of you are terrifying and dangerous. Together you possess more power in your pinkie than anyone does in their whole body. You two could rule the world ... but only together" He smiled at the both of us then lowered his head. He looked back up and teared up slightly "you kids be careful" he smiles and shakes our hands letting us go since we both clearly were not in the mood. "Oh, and thank Ariana for me, this wouldn't have been possible without her help." My mouth dropped, Garcia and Ariana both planned to parent trap me and Vincenzo? Okay now everything made so much sense.


We got back in the limo as the driver took each of us home, I sit in my seat uneasy Vincenzo stared at me coldly, "how?" I questioned he narrowed his eyes and looked at me "does it matter?" he replied coldly. "No" I whispered. "You fucking lied to me for so long! You kept my own child from me Isabella!"

"I had every right to keep my child safe!" I yelled.


"YES!" I shouted back.