Page 66 of Conquer or Die

‘I promise.’I nodded my head smiling.

I did just that as the years went by, I spent every second making sure Lorenzo was safe, that his pure heart never darkened that he was never exposed to my fathers training. I lived for the sake of my brother and sister, watching them grow up was the most life fulling thing.

It was the only reason I was still alive, watching Lorenzo be a mini version of Dante with his own unique twist is something I would never wish to miss out on, in this life we all have one person who’s willing to die for the other. Like I was willing to die for him, I knew he was ready to do the same. Every mission, every meeting, every fight, everything I had to encounter he refused to leave my side always ready to stand in front of me if he saw fit. My dream for him is for him to grow up find that epic love Dante and I dreamed about, have a family, and live a long happy life.

It’s my dream for both my siblings and a dream I have for my son.

Rolling down my window I let the air wake me up, confirming that all of this is a reality. Looking out onto the road I smile remembering how me and Isabella met.

I was so angry that I had to do a driver’s job and go to the airport to pick up my father’s client, but looking back I thank whoever is up there managing everything that it worked out like that. From the moment my eyes landed on her my heart claimed her as mine and so did my ego, I remember being so enchanted with her how powerful she is and how she never backed down even faced with a man double her size. She kept her stance squared ready to attack and when she did attack my heart did a flip.

The time I knew I wanted her the time I really knew I loved her; was the night she came to stab me. I laughed recalling the events of the night, how she straddled me our fight afterwards and how she cut herself and the last thing on my mind was my own life … all I could think about was stopping the bleeding a surging urge to stop the pain never wanting to hear that painful hiss coming from her beautiful lips.

Then when she nursed me back to health it just deepened my feelings, and I knew I was screwed that she was my going to drive me to insanity that she would unleash all hell and chaos leaving nothing in her path, but as long as I saw her smiling, I didn’t mind bleeding out in the chaos or listening to my skin sizzle.

The sound of a horn beeping drew me out of my daydream, and I realized I reached the intersection.

Right took me to Lorenzo and the left took me to Isabella. Taking in a deep breath I turned the indictor on and turned, I parked the car in front of the building getting out of my car I stared at the building in front of me my body frozen in place knowing as soon as I walked in the building sealing my choice the other will facing Xavier and whatever fate he had instore.

Feeling like someone was giving me a push, I ran inside the building breaking down the door, I froze looking at a silhouette sitting up lifeless. “No! you didn’t … you didn’t choose me! Vincenzo, please tell me you didn’t do this to yourself!”

“Lorenzo” I called his name rushing to his side. He jumped in my arms holding on for dear life. “I love you brother” he moved back holding my arms “so much that I was ready to die for you. Why did you pick me?”

I bite my tongue nodding my head “I promised you.”

Isabella’s POV

I spent the next hour trying to figure a way to get out, but I knew there was no use, I knew that I better start getting use to this basement the same feeling I got the first time he did this. The only thing that changed about this time is I’m grown I won’t break so easy, and he should be ready for an even bigger fight because this wasn’t the same Isabella in front of him.

The door flies open, and storming inside was Xavier his laptop, grabbing a chair he set it in front of me along with the laptop that showed security footage inside was Lorenzo, sitting peacefully almost as if he accepted his fate.

“What is this?” I questioned growing concerned; he smirked and told me to continue watching. Within the next second the door flew open Vincenzo rushing in, I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. A sense of relief watched over me knowing he was safe, but as happy as I was, I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed I knew he would save his brother and I would do the same it just finally sunk in that this was it.

“No! you didn’t … you didn’t choose me! Vincenzo, please tell me you didn’t do this to yourself!” Lorenzo yelled in disbelief; I took in a trembling breath feeling my eyes water.

“Lorenzo” Vincenzo called out his name rushing to his side trying to calm him down. I knew Lorenzo was relieved and I knew that If I was chosen, he would have to suffer a worser fate than me.

I couldn’t explain how thankful I felt knowing he was going to be safe. He jumped Vincenzo’s arms holding on for dear life like any baby brother would and it warmed my heart to watch.

“I love you brother” I heard him whisper “so much that I was ready to die for you. Why did you pick me?”

“I promised you.” Was all Vincenzo responded.

“Whatever you think you’re gaining from showing me this isn’t working. I’m not mad, the opposite actually” I watched Xavier take him eyes from the screen, yelling at me from my frustration if I wasn’t paying attention, I would have missed it. That word … he had a plan “did you think I was some sort ofserpente?” My breathing hitched hearing him while my eyes stayed fixated on Xavier praying, he didn’t hear him.

“You should have saved her. You are going to die a million deaths every second for the rest of your life and you just sentenced me to watch you for the rest of our lives dying every second without her.” He cried.

“Isabella! I won’t let you go without a fight baby. I’m coming” they both run out of the room sending Xavier in a panic.

“Grab her let’s go!” he called out for his men; they unchain me and quickly chain me up not taking any risks of me getting free. Xavier holds his hand up his men halt as they help keeping me balanced with an evil twinkle in his eyes, he bend down scraping my wound so fresh blood pours, I hissed kicking him away from me. “What the fuck!” I yelled feeling the pain all over again.

Sitting up he walks over to the wall using my blood he writes ‘I warned you! I hate cheaters.’ I rolled my eyes at his obnoxious behavior as he snapped his fingers, and his men held me steady as they lead me out of the room and into a car.

“For the mafia king his game plans are very basic” he comments at Vincenzo’s attempt to save me, I roll my eyes knowing there was more to the game Vincenzo was playing but he needed to be smart about it, so smart I honestly don’t even know how it’s going to play out.

“I told you Isabella, no one will put you first except me. No one will constantly put you first like me.” I felt both men who were holding me tense up hearing Xavier speak.

I remained calm and looked Xavier in the eye.