Page 50 of Conquer or Die

“His, okay?” I asked needing reassurance, he nodded his head “his fine, but Mia wanted to talk to both of us and Ariana.” I bit my bottom lip nodding my head slowly, something telling me it wasn’t going to be good news.

We made our way to Mia who was in her office at the clinic clearly waiting for us to arrive anxiously, fuck me. I mentally cursed knowing the news we are about to get was going to be anything but positive, “please sit” she ushered for the three of us to sit down, “is my brother, okay?” Ariana asked nervously. Mia bites her lip nervous making it clear the answer was no. “Your brother … Boss was dosed with heavy drugs and it’s going to cause a lot of damage unless we treat it as soon as possible but the effects of what he was dosed with is going to make it very hard.” She rushed out clearly scared to tell us the full extent of the issue.

“Mia, what did they dose him with?” Lorenzo blurted sitting on the edge of his seat, taking in a deep breath she starts explaining the extent of everything.

“We found traces of crystal, methamphetamine but high doses of amphetamines and cocaine. All of which are stimulants that speed up the messages traveling between the brain and the body, it can increase energy and concentration and reduce hunger and the need to sleep … the phycological harms it can cause are depression, extreme anxiety, aggression, and violence but one trait not needed in a mafia boss who has thousands of enemies … extreme paranoia”.

Panicked I felt my throat closing, I put my hand on my chest trying to take steady and deep breaths, Ariana coming around trying to help me, but no one was able to handle or help my panic attacks better than Vincenzo.

“It’s okay” she whispered trying to sooth me, I nodded my head feeling my breathing getting back to normal slowly I squeezed her hand reassuring her as she sat next to me making sure to keep an eye on me. “There are treatments regular exercise, healthy diet, and sleep. The withdrawal symptoms will not aid his treatment because after the drug we gave him to help him sleep wears off that’s when the true fight begins. We need someone or something that his willing to fight for to push through everything someone he trusts.” Everyone’s heads turned to me.

I shook my head viscously “he trusted me! When he remembered me before his memory loss, but now I’m the first person he would suspect, like he did when he faked my death. It can’t be me if his memory was back, it would be a different story.” I rushed to explain, shaking their heads Ariana and Lorenzo turn to face me. Mia excuses herself letting us have a private discussion as she clocks out, “you are the one person on this planet he trusts, even with his memory loss he didn’t kill you … the person he was when that happened would have disposed of you immediately. Vincenzo has this nagging voice in the back of his head he knows you’re special to him and there’s a deeper meaning and connection to you than he is fully aware of. That’s why your perfect for this, if anyone can help him in his most vulnerable its you.” Ariana added.

I let out a sigh still unsure, “when we saved him, he held your hand the whole way home. He calmed down straight away as soon as you squeezed his hand. Vincenzo… he went through a lot growing up and we might not know what he went through but that scared little boy in him trusts you.” Lorenzo spoke softly, both staring at me waiting for my answer. Nodding my head regardless of Vincenzo’s concern from before and regardless of my own, I promised to always be there for him and never leave and I’m keeping that promise, he wouldn’t have gotten drugged if he didn’t go to get his memory back.


We all left and made our way back to the house, I walked up the stairs slowly into our bedroom I saw Dante fast asleep in his little bed and Vincenzo was still asleep, but he looked like he was about to wake up soon. Moving and groaning, “Vincenzo?” I whispered softly kneeling next to his bedside. “Vincenzo?” I repeated he opened his eyes with a terrified expression. He jumped back and sat up, making me jump I took a step back my hand on my chest trying to regain my composure.

“Vincenzo baby are you okay?” I whispered trying to reach out for him but instead he jumped back. “Sorry, just a little jumpy” he breathed out keeping his distance. Unsure of what to do I respect his wishes keeping the distance visible between us to calm him down, “how are you feeling?” I breathed out watching his behaviour he was visibly anxious and fidgety. “Fine” he nodded looking down picking at his arm, “do you want to feel better?” I asked softly, he nodded his head looking cautiously at me “how?” he softly spoke.

“I went and spoke to Mia, she let us know what was injected into you and thankfully there’s a way to fix it.” I explained briefly.

“How do you know something was injected into me?” he asked looking suspicious.

Stuttering I looked up fearing his already starting to get paranoid, “I was there with you-” cutting me off he jumps out of the bed and puts his hand out “you where there?” he shouts. My head darts to Dante, making sure Vincenzo’s outbursts didn’t wake him up.

“No, no. Vincenzo baby I was there to save you, I wasn’t there when it was happening.” I tried explaining moving towards him, but he abruptly pushed me away, backing himself up against the wall. Shaking his head like he has a million thoughts rummaging in his head, “Vincenzo, let me help you. There’s a simple remedy you don’t even need to take anything to-”

“YOU WAN’T ME GONE! YOU WAN’T TO KILL ME! THIS WHOLE THING WAS YOUR IDEA, I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE!” He started screaming and shouting. Dante started crying visibly startled by Vincenzo’s outburst, my heart about to burst out of my chest. I rush to my baby Vincenzo still screaming “DON’T TOUCH MY SON!” he shouts throwing a glass cup into the window behind us, I duck down feeling my heart in my throat my breathing increasing rapidly fearing for what he is going to do next as he starred at me with that sadistic look in his eyes, grinning at me.“You grin was always halfway a smile halfway a threat”I observed aloud, my breathing heavy.

About to lunge towards me before Lorenzo and Bullseye rush into the room pinning him down before he could reach me. No number of men was about to keep Vincenzo down and it was visibly obvious they were losing their hold on him. He manged to easily get out of their grip and took one look at me “I’ll kill you before you kill me” he threatened. Turning around and running out.

“WHAT ARE YOU ALL STARING AT GO GET HIM!” I shouted feeling all my emotions boiling up to tipping point. They all ran out trying to get him before he left the estate or hurt himself. Dante clung to my shirt screaming his little lungs out, “It’s okay baby, it’s okay” I soothed him softly bouncing him up and down rubbing circles on his back keeping him close to my chest. After a few minutes he calmed down focusing on my chest rising and falling, “Isabella? Are you okay?” Ariana walked in looking the same way I felt on the inside “I’m okay” I whispered softly, I looked around seeing the glass shattered on the floor replaying the events in my head.

Ariana probably seeing the distress on my face, she grabs my arm and guides me towards her bedroom. Slowly taking Dante from my arms she places him on her bed, I wanted to object and keep him in my arms, but I feel so checked out that it was probably the best thing for him if he wasn’t in my arms right now. “Can you make sure his laying on his back and his sleep sack is zipped up. Oh, and that his little heart stopped racing” I called out for her to check on him because even though I was talking I couldn’t move I was practically frozen in place while my mind relived the events that just happened.

“I always knew Vincenzo had a dark side but that smile he did was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen” she shook her head slightly shaken up, I nodded my head “his always been so gentle with me, making sure I was never exposed to anything more than I needed to be. I never knew he had such a monster in him” she teared up, I snapped my head up and looked at her defensively.

Despite everything I knew what he was going through, and I have never understood anyone as well as I understood him. “If you’ve never been a monster, you will never understand the strength necessary to command so much power and be gentle”.

“I didn’t know I’m sorry” she whispered, I shook my head “it’s an inner battle every single day to be able to calm down those inner demons that you’ve grown accompanied to that you relied on to help and aid you through every decision you ever made, to allow them to consume you into the monster that was hiding deep inside you. To completely abandon all that you know and fight them every single step of the way, the amount of strength it takes physically and mentally drains you every single day until one day you just snap, or something forces the snap to happen.” I gestured towards my room and the situation that just happened.

Just as she was about to speak a shadowy figure slams a note on her glass, Ariana lets out a shriek, jumping up I run out of the room trying to catch up to him in the rain. “Xavier!” I shouted standing outside the window no longer seeing anyone except for our men, “What the fuck are you standing around here for? Huh! Just for show? How could no one have seen a man standing outside the bosses’ sister’s room? DID NO ONE SEE A SUSPICIOUS MAN FUCKING LURKING AROUND THE ESTATE? NO ONE!” My voice getting louder and louder. I turn ripping the letter off the window my shock and sadness now replaced with pure anger.

The letter was written on thick poster paper he wanted to make sure I could still read it even if it got wet.

‘Dear Isabella, naive Isabella.

Did you enjoy the handy work I did on Vincenzo? I really hope you take as much appreciation as I do. He was a very nice guest, I hope you love seeing the hate in his eyes when he looks at you, the hate and paranoia he feels deep in his soul every time he looks at you, I’ll admit I was scared it would be aimed at someone else but I knew you would be the first in his face and the first to try and ‘fix’ him. I watched the show that went down I must say it was worth standing out in the rain the highlight of it all was him breaking the glass, being the man, I always knew he was. Finally, you see it now the man I always saw in him, I can’t wait for this to escalate because my dear Isabella, I know it will, it will sneak up on you and do much more damage than I ever could and what worse than having your life taken from you by someone you love? His paranoia will increase, and it will lead to your death and inevitably lead to his own, after all why would he trust a person, he doesn’t remember? I killed two birds with one stone and everything that was his will be mine, everything that was yours will be mine. I will be the one who took down the most feared man in New York and I will be the one who slayed the dragon.

Until we meet again my dear Isabella, I guarantee it will be soon.”

I crumbled the note balling it my fists, tensing my jaw staring off into the distance as the rain poured absolutely drenching me. A sane person would run, cower, be scared, cry, not run after a psychotic man or maybe simply just get out of the rain but I couldn’t move I couldn’t think and as cliché as this may sound, I couldn’t feel anything. All that I could think of was how badly I could never catch a break how we could never catch a break.

“I’m so tired, so bloody tired it felt like the universe had been against me all my life and the split second it was on my side, and you gave me a seed of light it was merely a fluke to keep me alive, a cruel fucking joke. Have I not suffered enough? Have I not endured enough torture? Is it not good enough for you! Have I not done enough! What more are you going to put me through do you enjoy watching me crumble do you enjoy watching my soul burn? Watching the life fully be sucked out of me! I’ve tried so fucking hard, so, so, so hard. I dealt with every trial every situation you made me go through and I never complained not once! I took it on the chin and figured out a way to keep going but the one time you finally smiled on me and gave a crumb you took it away! Please! Please! Enough! ENOUGH!” I screamed allowing every single emotion that bubbled inside me to finally come out, straining my throat my voice boomed through the estate looking up I kept a deep breath in and shook my head.

“You gave me a seed. I’ll make it blossom no matter how heavy the rain and thunder you send on me become. I am going to take the situation in my hands now. Fuck your crumbs I’m going to make a 6-foot tier cake. I had enough!” I nodded my head feeling determined, “this isn’t the end I won’t let it be the end”.