Page 45 of Conquer or Die

He tilts my chin up with his finger then cups my cheek creasing it slightly holding me tenderly. “Life is full of risks, and its full of fucked up shit but if we don’t take the risk will never know. If you didn’t take the risk to stay here instead of leaving me, we wouldn’t have Dante or each other.” I smiled softly letting his words sink in, nodding my head softly despite my gut feeling telling me this was a bad idea.

“Do what feels right, I’ll support you no matter what. I mean it no matter what” I put emphasis as he takes me into his arms squeezing me tight.


Walking out of the bedroom hand in hand with Vincenzo and Dante in Vincenzo’s arm everything finally felt right again, like it was supposed to be us against the world. Ariana looked at our hands and back up all giddy jumping up and down clapping “FINALLY! All is right in the world again” rolling his eyes he ushers her to move, I giggle watching him become all flustered.

“Ariana leave” she shakes her head no “fuck off I’m not moving anywhere I’ve been waiting for this since break up 0.2” looking at her confused “you know first break up, was when Vincenzo got intel that your life was in danger and the spotlight was being shined on you due to dating the most feared mafia boss in New York and the rumour of dragon coming back. Then the second breakup which happened when he faked your death, I lost track of your on and offs after that shit show” she shrugged her shoulders.

I nodded my head knowingly “yeah don’t blame you that’s when I stopped as well” I added agreeing with her. Vincenzo shoots me a look I shrug my shoulders “what it was” I called out defensively, rolling his eyes we made our way outside all his men upon seeing our linked hands stopped what they’re doing and began cheering making Dante jump before he joined in and began clapping.

“Aww amore” I laughed out pinching Dante’s cheeks, after the men finished congratulating us on finally getting back together, we made our way to hacker.

Opening his door we walked in his tech office “what can I do for y-” cutting himself off his mouth drops looking at us “NO!” he yells in shock “Dante I know you’re not one yet but you don’t understand the severity of this situation that’s happening before your eyes” he exhales holding his hands to his chest “I just witnessed a historical monument and Dante when you get older I’ll explain how breath taking this was” rolling my eyes I let go of Vincenzo and push Hacker on his chair towards his computers.

“Less talking more typing” I usher him, “fine but I’m tweeting about this” Vincenzo looked over at him with a look I can only describe to be confusion and a little judgement.

“I found out some information recently and it was confirmed at Spain, but before I do anything Isabella like … or more precisely dragon like. I have one more thing I want you to do for me so I can be a hundred percent sure. What you find out determines what I’ll do” I gave him a knowing look.

“Oh fuck. Life or death” he elaborated on my statement I nodded my head “life or death” some might judge me fuck some might condemn me for even thinking about murdering my parents but once you go your whole life thinking they’re dead and praying for them to save you only to find out they were the cause of everything. The sleepless nights, the abuse, the torture the mental and physical exhaustion, the nights I debated to end it all to see them in heaven only to find out they were in another room watching and instructing for a petty revenge that didn’t concern me but him and my mother.

“Okay tell me” I let out a sigh “search for any activity under the names Luna Gonzalez and Romano Gonzalez” my parent’s alias they would use to hide their true identities from government officials, rivals and the names they would use when they were off the grid. “There they are” hacker pointed at the screen their names pinned off, “go back ten years that’s when I was kidnapped” he nodded his head typing away. “Going back that far will take me a few minutes go and I’ll find you with the files.” I nodded my head “thank you” I smiled he winked giving me a sharp nod. “Go”.

“Vincenzo I’m going to go see them, one last time before Hacker gives me the news. I just want to see them one more time before everything changes more than it already has.” I bit my bottom lip anxiously.

“Do you want me to go with you?” he asked rubbing circles on my back.

I shook my head no “I think this is something I want to do alone. Go spend some time with Dante and your siblings, I got it.” I smiled kissing Dante on the cheek before going on my tippy toes and giving Vincenzo a peck on the lips.


I walked up to the clinic taking in a deep breath trying to calm my nerves, I walked inside with a smile acting like nothing’s wrong, knocking on the door I open it slowly. “Mama … Papa?” I croaked out trying not to get emotional. “Mariposa are you okay?” dad or should I say Mario spoke up. He ushered me to come closer, I reluctantly walked up to him sitting next to him on the couch they recently added in the room. “Were okay no need to get emotional” he pulled me close giving me a kiss on the head.

I let out a breath trying to contain my anger, my disappointment but most importantly I was trying to contain the part of me that wished this was real the part of me that yearned for so long to have my parents back just to find out it was all fake.

“Isabella are you okay?” Mama speaks up softly, I looked up at her not realising that a few tear drops managed to escape, “I’m okay. I was just thinking about Maria” I lied trying to cover up my emotional state. If she was here and learned all this, I don’t know what she would’ve done, or how she would have reacted.

I shut my eyes trying to control my breathing. As much as I’m glad she’s shielded from all this pain as much as I really wish she was here so I can hug her so I can have her by my side through all this.

“We miss her too, not a day goes by we don’t think about our little flower.” Mama smiled sadly looking at the ground, I nodded my head “in a way its good she’s not here to witness this, the pain the hurt the betrayal” I began listing a few things purposely to get them nervous. Which worked immediately Mama laughed nervously while Mario eased his grip on me, I could feel him gulp.

“What pain? Betrayal? What are you talking about?” he questions looking at me.

I shook my head “about how I was alive when she thought I was dead she must’ve felt so betrayed” I diverted their nerves they both let out a sigh of relief.

“I’m sure she forgave you. She was always a forgiving person.” Mario added.

“A trait I never managed to obtain. Forgiving … I believe if someone wrongs you, then they deserve to deal with the consequences that follow the betrayal” I foreshadowed their fate, playing on their nerves. Unable to detain if I know or don’t know what they did.

“Maybe it’s something you can learn to do as a tribute to your sister” Mama spoke softly unable to hold eye contact “exactly maybe you forgiving the unforgivable would be like Maria living through you” Mario chimed in.

I shook my head no. “No, I don’t think so, what made us different were our traits yes? I may have been the unforgiving one out of the two of us, but I always got rid of the nightmares, the pain the sorrow. I took all the darkness and ate it, fuck I became it so it couldn’t hurt us … so it would never hurt her, everything was for Maria, I didn’t want her to experience what I did, and I never wanted her innocent nature to get tainted so while she was forgiving by nature I was not because I knew what forgiving the unforgivable meant. Forgiving the unforgivable only dims your light, and I would rather slaughter everyone and anything than allow her light to be dimmed” I began explaining subtly that they will face the same fate. They will be slaughtered like animals!

“If you had forgiven Xavier than your fate would have been different! Forgiving the unforgivable isn’t a sin more a sign of braveness” Mario added, I let out a dry laugh “no it wouldn’t have, he killed the two of you in front of me. He mentally scarred me forgiving him wouldn’t have erased the image of you bloody bodies from my head, forgiving him wouldn’t have magically made me happy and full of rainbows. Forgiving him wouldn’t calm the rage in my heart nor would it erase the image of that day. It may not be healthy, but everyone has their flaws mine is I don’t forgive I take revenge” I smiled looking up at the two of them “and don’t worry I will have my revenge” I threatened softly.

“Isabella maybe it’s time to forgive him and end this war focus on your son” Mama tried to convince me to change my mind showing a guilty conscious “My son? That’s who I’m thinking about. I can never rest or stop looking over my shoulder until his gone. He won’t stop until his dead. He will do anything and everything to get me back and if that means killing someone close to me or kidnapping my son, he will do it. I don’t want Dante to grow up without me but if I die killing him and those who helped him then so be it because that will be my sons only chance to live his best life. He will grow up knowing his mum did everything to protect him not use him to take as revenge for some petty conflict” I hinted once more that I was aware of them.

Just as I finished talking Mario shot up from beside me and stood next to mum, “you-” getting cut off as Hacker walked in “I have everything in here” he breathes out handing me the file quickly rushing off. I look at the file in my hands and back up at my ‘parents’.