Page 42 of Conquer or Die

“I know your hurting, and I know what it’s like to be betrayed by a parent like that.” I tore my eyes from the body and looked up at Vincenzo confused, “for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve never said or spoken about anything from your past.” I pointed out, he nodded his head looking around the room. “Let’s get out of here yeah?” I sighed and stood up slowly, “we can go visit anywhere you want” he tried cheering me up.

I smiled softly nodding my head “okay let’s go” I spoke up gesturing for him to follow me as we made our way downstairs to the car. Speeding off I saw from the corner of my eye, Vincenzo staring at me intensely like he was staring down a ticking time bomb and honestly? He had every right to look at me like that because I’m too calm right now.

“Where are we going?” he questions softly trying not to trigger me, I smiled to myself “to a prison that was used to imprison the most dangerous thing to ever exist in all of Spain history.” I explained knowingly getting his attention “some say it’s a historical monument, they imprisoned something so feared and dangerous they needed to tame it somehow. So, they chained it to the metal pipes, and did anything they could to break it and bend it to their will. For its power to become their own so it can become they’re protector and win all the wars” I explained looking straight ahead.

“Did they?” he questioned if they succeeded if they broke its will, I nodded my head “oh yeah it broke, but after a while they regretted breaking its soul because without its soul it was incapable of knowing who the true enemy was, it became so violent and viscous it was sent away. It became the monster they wanted it to protect them from … When it was sent away it was also the worst thing for Spain, as what was protecting them from the monsters disappeared and they were left to fend for themselves once again” I parked the car right in front of the place, seeing many people surrounding the area, some placing flowers or notes even paintings.

Vincenzo looked onwards intrigued in the creature’s dungeon, “where it all began” I whispered looking ahead. As soon as I approached it the people turned to look at me, some relived some frightened and some were both.

“Vete” (leave) I announced lowly, everyone quickly finished what they were doing and vanished leaving the place empty.

Except for one girl and her mother who approached me slowly and cautiously “Sé que la gente dice que eres malo y aterrador, pero no creo que te hayas deshecho de las personas malas haciendo cosas malas, eso no significa que seas malo, gracias, dragón.”(I know people say your bad and scary, but I don’t think that. You got rid of the bad people by doing bad things that doesn’t mean you’re bad thank you dragón)

I bent down to the little girl, pulling her in roughly and whispering in her ear “ser peligroso es ser libre no todos lo entienden … eres una chica especial”(being dangerous is being free not everyone understands it … you’re a special girl)keeping a persona in front of her mum to show no weakness even for children, while at the same time reassuring the girl. I gave her a wink and she smiled back understanding.

I stood upright she looked up at me smiling like a child meeting their hero, I kept a straight face the entire time, but I honestly just wanted to smile, but I can’t show any sort of emotions. It will turn ugly. They will think the monster went soft and will try to abuse it all over again. Turning I looked at her mother “vete” (leave) I spat roughly she immediately grabbed her child and scattered off.

Vincenzo looked at me and then back at the entrance, we walked pasted the flowers and notes and made our way inside.

“This doesn’t look like a prison” he whispered looking around, “this isn’t it … follow me” I ushered with my hand for him to follow me, walking down the stairs until we reached a bolted door, looking around I grabbed the first heavy thing I saw a brick. Slamming it down on the lock snapping it open, I grabbed both door handles to the underground prison taking in a deep breath I opened the doors. Walking down the stairs inside Vincenzo looked for a light, and only three lights dangled from the ceiling pulling on the chain the prison lit up very dim nothing much was seen grabbing his phone he used his flashlight.

“You said this place was used to imprison something right?” I nodded my head “yeah” I breathed out feeling my insides turning “what was it?” he whispered examining the chains still attached to the metal pipes. “Me” I spoke out firmly, trying to keep my cool.

“What?” he directed the flash towards me, “this is where it all began” I spoke up feeling sick to my stomach, I walked towards the chain bending down grabbing ahold of it.


“You can’t leave me here!” I screamed tugging against the chains that bounded my hands and feet, “XAVIER!” I yelled out, he spun around looking at me intensely “you will stay here until I say otherwise, you will stay here until you break and come the monster, I need you to be. You will burn here if you refuse” he threatened. “No one but you will burn here, one day I’ll have you in this same position but unlike you I’ll have the guts to set you a flame.” I threatened.

“You will break darling, it’s inevitable you may take longer than the average, but you will break” and without another word he turned on his heel and faded into the dark, “hello!” I called out trying to get anyone’s attention before I heard the door violently shut.

I looked up at the dark roof imagining the skies above my head “I hope you’re watching over me … something tells me I’m going to need your help” I whispered to my parents in heaven.


My jaw started to hurt from how hard I was biting down on it, I tugged on the chain and screamed, feeling the chains snap from the old rusty pipe feeling like my inner self needed to break free from them. I was only fourteen when he took me, I was only a baby when my parents sold me to the wanna be devil.

Vincenzo immediately grabs a hold of me pulling me in his arms, “I don’t want to do this anymore” I sobbed against his chest, “don’t talk like that, never let them win. Isabella, use it. Use every bit of anger every bit of rage and every bit of pain to your advantage don’t go numb don’t shut it out, embrace it and use it to tear the guts out of your enemies. Be the one in control don’t give them the satisfaction they so desperately crave”.

“You’re a women use it! Bring everyone and every man you meet to his motherfucking knees bare your teeth and show them they fucked with the wrong person”.


After Vincenzo calmed me down, we got out of there, walking back to the car my feet immediately froze in front of the memorial site. They knew I wasn’t dead, but the fact that I wasn’t here stopping or going after the human trafficker’s and the worst of the worst in Spain they considered all hope dead … therefore I was metaphorically dead.

I looked at the paintings some had just my face from what people remembered when I was merely sixteen and seventeen, others had me in my signature red leather jacket with dragon wings, but every painting had one thing in common they all said “en el amor y la memoria Dragón”(in love and memory dragon)I read out loud smiling sheepishly to myself, Vincenzo smiled “grab them” he gestured to all the flowers, notes and paintings.

“They are for you and when you go to break again read what they have to say about you.”


Putting everything in the trunk of the car we took off, my head was buzzing, so much was happening my head was in chaos. I was still too calm for finding out that everything was in fact planned by the two people you should never fear, the two people who should be the ones protecting you from the scars of the world we live in, not be the people who push you toward every single scar the universe had to offer.

(tw talk of explicit childhood trauma)

“I was ten when my dad took me to a meeting, little did I know it wasn’t an ordinary meeting” Vincenzo randomly spoke up.

“Dante and I never got along with our father, and after that day any hope of love was sentenced to death. We all sat down in chairs, looking around and like any normal ten-year-old boys we were scared. So, fucking scared all the men were old and all looked scary to a child, scars on their faces, guns attached to their hips and worst of it all everyone had fresh blood stained on them” Vincenzo spoke up never looking at me, I decided it was best to keep my eyes on the road seeing how this entire conversation was making him extremely uncomfortable.