Page 40 of Conquer or Die

Oh, baby it’s good to be home.

The man went to swing the bat at my face, skilfully ducking down I uppercut him in his stomach grabbing a hold of the ends of the bat I twist our positions around firmly pressing the bat against his neck. Back kicking the other man in his groin, letting go of the bat he passed out on the floor. Swinging the bat upward hitting him on his jaw, immediately knocking him out.

I turn around seeing the remaining three watching me worried, “come on boys” I purred egging them on. “I’ll even make it easy for you” I mocked throwing the bat to the other side of the room. Tensing their jaws all three charged at once, I punched one square on the nose, but the other idiot grabbed me from behind.

Fuck! I tried wiggling out of his grip, but the men smirked both punching me in my stomach, it felt like my intestines were going to come out of my mouth. “Isabella!” Vincenzo shouts out, fending off the two he still had on him. I grunt and slam my head backward breaking the man’s nose.

Letting me go on impact, I drop to the floor gasping for air. “Oh, this gives me flashbacks doesn’t it baby?” stepfather cooed standing over me. Smirking I looked up catching my breath “sure does old man” I grip his ankle pulling his foot off from underneath him.

Immediately loosing balance, a loud thud echoed in the abandoned room as his back made contact with the hard floor. Climbing on top of him I pound my fist into his face multiple times, his men pulled me off immediately flinging me to the side.

I wipe the blood from my lip, they looked at me worried seeing I picked up a dropped crowbar “let’s have some fun” I smiled wide. My smile clearly making them nervous, swinging it in my hands I charged for them.

Stabbing the end of the crowbar in one of the man’s eye before taking it out along with his eye still penetrated on the bar. Kicking him in his stomach with all the force I had in me, he flies backwards crashing into the window. I throw the crowbar at the two men who reacted exactly as I predicted “DOS MÍO, EN REALIDAD ES SU OJO, OH. ME VOY A ENFERMAR”(my god it’s actually his eye oh I’m going to be sick) they shouted.

Smirking to myself at their distracted and clearly disgusted states. I pushed them back officially breaking the window on impact I looked over at missing eye and pushed him out the window as well with my foot.

I turn seeing Vincenzo holding stepdad and looking at me very proud, “I did good?” I smiled proud of myself.

He laughed nodding his head amused “you did great princess” he praised me making me blush slightly. “Nice touch with the eye” he laughed nodding his head in approval.

Vincenzo looked down at stepfather and smiled “well I did warn you, didn’t I?” he smiled, a smile that will always catch my attention and my heart. This entire trip is just making me realise how much I missed him. I tried denying it all I really did. I made myself busy with Dante, and trying to keep him safe but the way my heart hasn’t stopped beating and my stomach hasn’t settled I knew … I’m screwed. Vincenzo tied him up to a chair while we stood over him.

(TW GRAPHIC SCENE descriptive torture scene! Ends after the x)

Vincenzo’s demeanour sent a shiver throughout my body, this was the most intimidating I’ve ever seen him. He was so mad that he was dangerously calm and composed. I looked back at Vincenzo who pulled out his favourite knife with his initials engraved.

“Woah woah!” stepfather screamed trying to get out of the rope’s tight grasps around his arms and legs, if he didn’t do what he did to me, and Maria id feel sorry for the old man.

“Have some mercy! Wait! Wait!” he screeched. Vincenzo scoffed placing the blade on his shirt.

“Mercy?” Vincenzo mocked pulling the knife down cutting his shirt in half.

“You took in two girls who were only seventeen, you saw how broken they were. You saw the pain Isabella went through and you knew the very detailed torture she had to endure. Where was your mercy?” My eyes stared watering hearing him speak, I think I’m getting my period because that made my heart explode and my eyes fill with fucking water.

“I was under orders!” he yelled trying to defend himself, “you were under orders to keep them under your eye not to torture them” he calmly explained as he used his knife to tear his shorts as well leaving him sitting in nothing but boxers.

“Instead, you abused what little power you had and tried to make yourself seem superior. Where was the mercy in that? While you were hurting them you never thought about getting hurt yourself? Well, I hope you’re thinking about it now because for every scar you left on my girls is a patch of skin that’s going to get torn off.” My heart swelled doubling its size hearing him speak about us like that especially about Maria seeing how protective he is over her even if she’s dead and never once complained.

He knew how much he hurt her, and he was more than ready to make him pay for it.

“I had to! They ruined my life!” he tried to fight his case and failing miserably, Vincenzo gave him his signature sinical smirk and tilted his head slightly “now it’s me who ‘has to’ old man” Vincenzo made quotation marks with his fingers before pressing the blade on his inner thigh delivering a straight cut cutting the meat.

Stepdad let out a scream as Vincenzo put his finger in the wound and began cutting his skin off from the muscle. Careful and precise “something tells me you’ve done this before” I commented over his screams watching Vincenzo intensely. “Well obviously this isn’t my first time” he rolled his eyes like I just said the dumbest thing ever. I huffed and pushed him out of the way. “My turn, this is for all the scars you left of me, internally and physically” I snatched the knife out of his hands and pushed him out of my way.

“Isabella … please” stepfather puffed out, visibly exhausted and in dire pain. “Please?” I scoffed. “Where was your mercy when you would beat me everyday? When you would burn my skin? When you would drown me until I passed out? I never punish the innocent and I will never harm a soul who doesn’t deserve it. You did a lot to me, and maybe I deserved it for past sins, but what did Maria ever do? She was innocent. Why did you do it? To feel powerful?” I scoffed. “How powerful do you feel now?”

I focused my attention on the flappy skin continuing Vincenzo’s work, taking my time and being very through, “how did you get so good with a knife?” Vincenzo chimes in watching my work visibly impressed. I smirked looking up at him “Oh, you know. The usual way” I winked.


(End of tw scene)

I skinned his right thigh while Vincenzo did his left. Due to the body not having a protective layer and the amount of blood loss he died after a few minutes, but we decided to finish the job anyway.

Both of our hands covered in blood, I laughed “are we toxic?” I questioned. Vincenzo shrugged his shoulders “we are the type of people, girls love reading about and listening about. You know true crime stories, once this hits the news people would say wow that’s fucked but kind of cool. The bastard deserved it for everything he did” I giggled shaking my head.

Yeah, were mentally screwed, covered in blood from skinning a man alive and laughing about it.