Page 19 of Conquer or Die

The heads of the families all stand up shocked and frustrated, “tying our men is a sign of disrespect” John shouts looking embarrassed that Isabella was able to control and restrain all the men solo.

Isabella smiles calmly looking at John “No. What’s disrespectful is trying to find someone to blame. For a problem that was created by many” she comments, I look at her confused. “You all assigned the death of Mr. Salvatore” she smiled looking at everyone in the room. They all looked at her shocked at her knowledge on the matter. I shoot her a glare, gripping her upper arm I harshly whisper in her ear “stop it” She snatches her arm out of my grip continuing her speech. “It was common sense really, only the elite families can authorise and carry out such an assassination it was too precise and well executed to be a rival gang. The mafia Don’s don’t die unless they break one of the commandments, meaning only someone of a higher rank could get a hold of such information.” She elaborates, I looked at her shocked and amused at her knowledge of how we conduct business.

“I know this because no petty gang has feds on their payroll, it didn’t take much to figure out. Being the five families only you could attain such information so quickly, besides being involved in crime all my life I picked up a few things” she cockily smirked looking at everyone, but I knew that last sentence was a dig at me.‘I can handleyou’Her voice echoed in my head like a taunt. “The kill was also very clean, that’s how I know Vincenzo personally executed it” She smiled looking up at me, I looked down her at her. Her eyes sliced through mine and the way she flicked her tongue to the edge of her mouth sent a chill down my back.

She was right and she fucking knew it. “How did you?” Samuel speaks up after a minute of silence his surprise visible on his face as he tried to decipher her. Huh yea good luck with that, I mentally thought to myself.

She ignored him and continued. “When I had a target I wanted dead, especially if he was a higher rank. I wouldn’t kill him straight away; it’s too easy law enforcement would clearly focus on the first victim. Believing it was the intended target” she elaborated, “as an experienced assassin myself you learn to account for timing, after the first shot, no one moves.” She stops midway and looks up at me waiting for me to continue. Like by being able to know my train of thought she was proving she’s already been inside my head. “People are stunned looking to see where the noise came from trying to figure out what just happened” I elaborated further like she planned her satisfied smirk making my entire body tense at just how well she knows me proving her point.

“Exactly everyone’s reaction is to look for the source of the sound, after the second shot it takes the average person-” she waves her hand “one and a half seconds to cognitively process that they’re in a death like situation”.

“It takes another seven seconds for a physical response to kick in. By which time the sniper already would have shot for the third time. The ability to kill certain people will send an immediate message to Mr. Salvatore that those hits were meant for him. I know that Mr. King would have targeted men within his inner circle to seal the deal guaranteeing that Mr. Salvatore will get so scared he will think he survived by some miracle because Vincenzo King never misses. Forcing him to go into hiding in which he would be in a need-to-know spot secluding him from social contact and law enforcement. That’s when Vincenzo took his time watching the fear in his eyes as he held his life in his hands” she smiled into the distance like she was reminiscing. “How do you know all this?” John questioned, “Because that was also my own method” she smirked proud, “Do you know who I am yet?” She whispered tiling her head towards Samuel with a devilish spark twinkling in her eyes.

The don’s men slowly backing away as realisation overcame them, Isabella’s smile widened like she missed those reactions, missed seeing the fear in people’s eyes as they finally dawn on who she is and what she can do without thinking twice. “I thought you died in Spain” Samuel’s underboss speaks up, she tilts her head the tip of her tongue tracing her teeth “Don’t blame them, it wasn’t from a lack of trying” she pouts. Before she laughs, Lorenzo looked at Isabella cautiously almost knowingly. “She’s back” he mouthed to Hacker and myself. I looked at him confused ‘she’s back?’ I knew Isabella was capable of many things, I witnessed her first hand when she was interrogating the man about her parents. My body shivered like it sensed danger, like my unconscious self knew exactly what Lorenzo meant.

“WHO IS SHE!” Samuel grew frustrated slamming his fits on the table disliking being kept out of the loop. “Dragon” she whispered coming out more like a threat. Fear immediately sinking in every man sitting on the board even Garcia had goosebumps rising on his skin and he knew who she is. “You not scaring anyone” John gulped, she smiled “There is nothing scarier than an eternity on your own, nothing and nobody to talk to. Eventually I asked for the pain just to feel something.” She bit edging closer to the desk resting her palms on the table. “You’d ask for pain just to feel something” Michele asked softly, “Countless months of torture and solitude will do that to a person.” She clarifies.

“It forces you to unlock a side of you, you never thought existed. No compassion, no remorse, your soul turns to the dark side without an ounce of hope. Some fight it and some accept the darkness allowing themselves to become one with it rather than letting it take your life.” She looked into the distance most likely picturing herself back in that time.

Knowing exactly what she meant I spoke up on her behalf, “so why not join the dark side? Why choose to be alone in your madness? Let the darkness show you the pleasure of cruelty, the joy of power. You'll find it so pleasurable. Inside you are one of us, we've seen it in you. You aren't pure enough to make it through the gates. So why live in-between the light and the dark? After all, what is there to be afraid of when you are the monster?” I looked at her, she looked up at me stunned. I knew exactly what she meant.

She smiled before quickly looking back at the board. “I don’t play games, I know you are discussing Xavier and being his main target, I want in, but only Vincenzo and I decide how we kill him and if that means burning him so be it” she makes her conditions clear as crystal.

“You may have power in Spain b-”

“She has power everywhere” Garcia cuts Michele off swiftly.

“It’s a mistake to underestimate her” I add in looking at her, she looks up at me surprised before regaining her composure. “I would have loved to handle him on my own, but seeing as though he now made a threat to each individual here making your own power unsteady, I suggest you let me help and agree to my terms.” She takes her seat next to me knowing they had no other choice but to accept.

Everyone sits back down still on edge “I have been in meetings like this, done business with many Bosses much scarier than any of you and have done many things to make my name so well-known and feared. So, let’s throw out trying to mansplain everything and let’s talk business head on.” She warns the group her comments more specifically targeted to me.


After about thirty minutes of the two of us and the board exchanging deals, we finally come to an agreement. We get to dispose of Xavier as we see fit and the rest of the men can do what they please with Salvatore’s son and his men. “What do you need from us?” John asked the both of us.

“Men, if what we are planning is going to take effect. We need more manpower than before.” I explained the men all nodding their heads in agreement.

“We are with you Vincenzo just say the word and you’ll have as many as you desire” Garcia graciously speaks up.

“Just make sure that son of a bitch suffers” Garcia looks towards Isabella, she smiles giving him a wink “that’s one thing I can guarantee” I turn my head to look at her, her face still facing Garcia and the rest of the board. I sigh trying to keep my head straight before turning to the rest of the gentlemen.


Isabella’s POV

I knew he wasn’t going to be happy with how I conducted myself, or how I tested their authority. Especially for my show of disrespect if I wasn’t who I am I would have been shot dead without a second thought. The only thing that saved me was that side of me. I lay back in my seat, leaning my head back trying to mentally prepare for the battle to come. My body jumps up hearing the doors slam shut, “What the fuck was that?” He yells grabbing the arms of the chair swinging me out. He corners me in both his hands gripped the arms chair.

“What was what?” I raised an eyebrow acting dumb, “Isabella don’t act oblivious, that was the stupidest thing you could have fucking done. Making their men kneel!” He roared obviously reaching his limit.

“They kneeled to their superior” I bit back, my eyes narrowed staring into his refusing to back down. “What about you?” He whispered looking at me. I raised my eyebrow “me what?’ I questioned.

“Are you going to kneel?” He playfully asked taunting me, power laced in his words just like before. My breathing hitched “what’s wrong doll?” He purred, I looked away furious that’s not my fucking nickname. “Call me that one more time, and I promise I’ll have your lucky knife in a very unlucky position” I threatened trying to push him away but failing miserably. His eyes bored into my own, his body stiff and still. Refusing to move an inch, “kneel” he demanded, I looked at him in disbelief scoffing I rolled my eyes. “Never gonna happen Italy”.

He smiled stepping back like he was waiting for me to object, he bent down lifting me up by my chin, “Why don’t you ever listen?” He asked looking at me then his eyes trailed down to my lips, “it’s like you enjoy making me mad, making me violent” he grazed my bottom lip with his thumb before his hand found its rightful spot on my neck.

My breathing started increasing as the moisture in-between my legs started. I clenched my legs shut trying to stop the oh so familiar feeling, his face inches from mine he leaned in.

His lips inches from my ear, “do you like it when I start to get rough amore?” His deep Italian accent was enough to send me over the edge letting out an unconscious moan. I looked shocked at him as he looked at me pleased. “Kneel Isabella” he demanded.