Page 12 of Conquer or Die

Taking the turn to our estate, I look behind us making sure the person on the bike wasn't tailing us. After seeing no sight of anyone behind us I shrugged my shoulders feeling overly paranoid for some reason, like I should be expecting someone to follow me. I got out of the car heading straight for the door, everyone moving out of my way nodding their heads out of respect. I pointed at Bullseye’s, Hacker, Luca and Franco “office” I spoke ushering them. I turn the corner heading towards Lorenzo's room seeing him lying on his bed, I sighed walking closer to him, “Lorenzo” I breathed out, he turned looking at me. “What?” he asked irritated, I rolled my eyes “Office” is all I said and walked out. Not in the mood to fight or in the mood to discuss what the fuck happened at Isabella's house.

I walked inside seeing everyone waiting for me around the meeting table, I walk around and take my stand at the head of the table, I look at the door waiting for Lorenzo to walk in, and he did. He stood next to Hacker annoyed but kept his mouth shut. “Parlare” I ushered for Hacker to speak.

He cleared his throat “we all know why we are here and what the issue at hand is" He spoke up everyone nodded knowing exactly what was happening except for Lorenzo, who had no idea what, why or where we were going. I shook my head staying silent, if he spent more time at home, he would know exactly what was happening … if he knew me like I thought he did he would know.

“We must infiltrate a heavily armed home of 2,000 square meters. The house is double story, so we are going to need all hands-on deck for it work" He explained briefly.

I nodded taking it from here “this job needs to run smoothly and fast I don't want any of our men dead, so we need to be smart. The home is in the mountains, meaning lots of hills and higher vantage points also away from civilisation meaning no witnesses. Bullseye you and your most skilled men are going to be on the hills covering us from every angle, making sure to take out the men at the front gate first. Franco gather your best trained men in combat and get ready, when the men at the front drop, I want them to be collected and hidden I don't want anyone in that home to figure out what's happening until it's too late. Once we are in, we are disbursing-" I cut myself off grabbing a blueprint of the home from my desk draw.

"Fico, after that's done I need you and your men to make your way around here-" I circle the area on the side of the home covered in bushes allowing them to get close before being noticed, “take the guards out one by one, then the rest come up from the back of the house leaving the house completely unarmed, the rest of the guards that surround the home Bullseye will take out with a clean shot. The ones close to the doors of the home Fico you need to handle them quietly and discreetly.” I intersected him nodding my head, he nods sharply.

“Lorenzo, Luca, and I will enter the house taking out whoever else is inside and getting to the desired target. Everyone clear on what they need to do?” I asked, “make sure to stay out of the security camera's way.” I circled all the areas that are covered in camera, “Hacker will have them disabled but I don't want any what ifs so be sure to steer clear.” Everyone nodded their heads sharply going to gather men and assume their positions. “Gear up” I shout out, everyone rushed out of my office leaving me alone, I open my draw grabbing my handgun placing it behind my back. Walking outside my office heading, down to the basement. Opening the door smiling seeing all the weaponry on the walls and tables, I smile going closer to my holy grails neatly hanging on the wall behind glass windows.

I open it up looking at my revolvers, riffles, silencers and handguns. I smiled like a child grabbing my silencer and a revolver strapping it on my hip, turning around I see Lorenzo on the frame of the door watching me intently “where are we going?” he asked, I looked at him my eyes narrowed “since when do you ask?” I questioned.

He shrugged his shoulders "since now" he spoke up firmly.

I straightened my posture and stood in front of him towering above him “just because you're my brother and I gave you the tittle of underboss doesn't mean you should forget who fucking runs everything. I ordered you to come, strap your fucking balls on and move” I brushed past him, his tone just reminded me of the fight and everything he said. I couldn't stand seeing him right now, but this meant to much, I needed my best men on the job.

Everyone climbed into their cars and drove off, a line formed behind us. I sighed sitting in the seat Lorenzo directly across from me, “where you with her?” he breathed irritated, I looked at him and simply nodded my head not wanting to get into it now. “Pathetic” he muttered under his breath, I shut my eyes closed feeling the anger rise up. Breathing in I opened my eyes and stayed calm choosing to ignore him, “didn't you hear me? I said you're fucking path-” cutting him off “Lorenzo” I called out his name. Immediately he shut his mouth rolling his eyes knowing not to egg me on.

“You don't even deserve her” he whispered pissed off, I turned to him “and you do?” I asked frustrated, he looked at me taken back for a second “that has nothing to do with it!” he shouted. I shook my head. “You think you're so much better than me, don't you? Lorenzo King the innocent one, the funny laid back one. The man who could do no wrong” I sarcastically praised him, “because he never had to do anything wrong” I hissed reminding him of how sheltered I raised him, never letting him go through what I had too.

“You were never under the influence of a father who didn't want to raise a boy ... but a weapon” he looked at me analysing everything I said, and every movement. “You never had to go through a quarter of what I did, you never had to endure the pain and torture just so your power-hungry dad could guarantee that it would strip you of all emotions forcing all this rage in you. Traumatising you so you would become more power hungry than your old mad to prevent it from happening again. You love to point fingers and talk about how I'm the fucking monster, the dark cloud in everyone's life. You didn't have to do what I did, see what I saw, you never had to get use to the feeling of blood on your hands. You still jump and get squeamish when you see blood, when you watch me take a life.” I pointed out, “just keep one fucking thing in mind, you never had to get used to it because I wouldn't let you!" I spoke out harshly watching his features soften. "If you deserve her, it's because I let you, because I protected you from becoming like me. I let the humanity in you stay alive, I didn't let you or dad make you selfish, angry, power hungry, blood thirsty. I didn't let it happen!" I shouted feeling my entire body light up.

"I didn't let anyone turn you into a weapon..." I breathed out calming back down again, "I never said I deserved her" I whispered looking away, “ and in my fucked up way I care about her, deeper than I can understand. I might not deserve her, but I deserve a chance... I deserve to be in my son's life the one you and her hid from me. I might be fucked up in more ways than one, but I deserve to be in my son’s life, and he deserves a dad ... but you didn't think about that when you saw me did you?" I asked him, he stayed silent I nodded my head knowingly.

The car came to a stop, I looked out the windows sighing. Tapping on my earpiece pushing everything aside needing to focus on the task at hand, “everyone copy?”

"Copy" everyone responds in union.

“Bullseye, assemble positions on the hill's I want all bases covered. Franco get your men ready, after the men at the gate go down you need to be inside have three of our men remain at the front in case we have any outsiders. Luca, Lorenzo, and I will be waiting for your all clear?" I spoke. “YES, BOSS” they responded firmly, I watched seeing Bullseye and the men turn around in the car everyone going a different direction’s up the hills.

After half an hour we get conformation from Bullseye that he and his men are ready waiting for my single, I instructed Franco and his men to be ready. Giving Bullseye the single I watch all six men at the front gate go down in seconds. Franco and his men quickly grabbing them and hiding them behind the bushes taking their places to not raise suspicion.

"Franco, take the rest of the remainder men and go round make sure to stay hidden. Bullseye make sure you and your men have eyes on us, you're our eyes shoot to kill gentlemen" I nod my head ushering Lorenzo to follow me. “Luca” I call out from the driver’s seat, we go through the back with the rest of the men.

“Hey!” someone shouts out, drawing his gun. I smile “how polite of you.” I smiled grabbing my revolver from my hip drawing it at him, “Goodbye” I whisper shooting him square in the head. I nod the rest of the men to continue. Lorenzo, taking his anger out on one man pounding his fists into his face while the rest quickly kill and dispose of the men. I edge closer to Lorenzo and place my hand on his shoulder shaking my head.

He sighs getting up and like the rest disposing the bodies, placing my revolver back in my hip I pull out my silencer. Entering the house looking around, pressing my back against the wall I peak behind the wall seeing two armed men talking. I wait for them to get closer to me, I see their shadows on the floor they turn to the hallway I'm in. Having my gun already drawn I shoot both in the head, dragging their bodies out of the way and into a random room.

I watch seeing Luca, Lorenzo and Franco's men taking out everyone inside. Everyone nods their head giving me all clear, “how did you all get so many men dead, theirs only three of you?” I questioned, they all shrug also unsure. I raise an eyebrow and shake my head, I have a knowing feeling who was here, I look out the window squinting my eyes, seeing something next to our car. I storm closer towards the window seeing the same motorbike that was on the road earlier. “We have company” I speak out.

“Be aware” I warn everyone and continue my way up the stairs.

Looking at the master bedroom, I burst the door open wanting to fucking kill the bastard for everything he's done. “Fuck” I shout, empty. I turn around quickly hearing footsteps running, I quickly get out chasing the sound, I stop in the middle of the hallway listening. I turn to my side and see someone peak behind the wall. I run towards them, but they quickly run off, pulling out my gun I chase after them. Looking around I cursed “fucking hell” I lost him. I look around the basement, I turned on a light and examined everything.

It all looks normal, surpassingly very modern. A seating area along with a fire pit. Everything looked well placed except for a bookshelf in the far back, I edged closer to it examining everything, it seemed out of place, like it was randomly placed, it was stacked with books, but it was isolated from everything else, no reading chair, no rug not even a light. I grabbed the bookshelf and smashed it down on the floor, I stood back surprised.

A door knob?

I drew my gun and slowly opened the door. My mouth dropped seeing a couple huddled up looking very distraught.“Mum? Dad?”Turning around seeing Isabella behind me, tears welled up in her eyes. “Boss, you all need to get out of there. Someone alarmed Xavier now his coming back and bringing re-enforcements” Hacker rushed out.

“You'll be outnumbered, I got his location and am tailing him through street cameras, you have approximately five minutes to get out”.

"Everyone GO!" I shouted alarming everyone to leave through the earpiece. I looked at Isabella who still stood their shocked, it went without saying she was the one on the bike and the one I was chasing. Hacker’s words taunted me while I rolled my eyes, so she really is dangers.

The feeling I had that something was off was probably my older self-knowing she would follow.