Page 10 of Conquer or Die

Lorenzo started getting flustered when Dante kept crying, I took him off of Lorenzo and Dante started calming down in my arms before he started screaming and crying all over. Vincenzo edged closer to me slowly looking down at Dante, he looked at me asking if he could hold him, I nodded my head handing him over to him.

Within seconds of being in Vincenzo's arms he went quiet, relaxing, and snuggling closer to Vincenzo's chest, like he was taking in his father’s scent, that he recognised his heartbeat.

"I think he just wanted his dad" I whispered softly edging closer to the two of them creasing Dante’s cheek with the back of my finger. Vincenzo let out a proud chuckle looking at me smiling. I smiled back feeling a sense of pride, and like everything was hole again, I turn around and see Lorenzo staring at the both of us before he quickly left the house, slamming the door behind him. I go to chase after him but stop myself, I let out a sigh deciding to give him time to cool off. I’ll check on him after an hour, hopefully by then he would have digested everything and be ready to talk about it. I look back at Vincenzo who was rocking Dante, he played with his hands before Dante wrapped his tiny hand around Vincenzo's finger squeezing it tight not wanting to let go.

I let out a small laugh tears starting to fill up my eyes, I looked at Vincenzo my gaze softening I exhaled softly and put my hand on his arm "I never thought you'd be a bad dad" I whispered softly. He looked at me "I was just scared" I explained softly, "scared that you didn't want a baby, scared that you might've taken him from me, scared that you wouldn't believe a stranger ... I wanted to keep a part of you with me, I already lost all of you and the mere chance that I could have lost the baby scared me to death" I trailed off he looked at me his features softening, everything making sense to him now, knowing why I kept him a secret. He placed a soft kiss on the top of my head before turning back to Dante.

"Thank you ... for giving me a chance" he whispered, "thank you for understanding" I smiled looking at Dante. "Dante King ... god you look so much like your dad, but you have your uncle’s hair and his dimples." Vincenzo whispered.

Dante looked identical to Vincenzo. Vincenzo's brother had a dark oceanic blue eye colour while Vincenzo had a silver grey, and of course my baby gets his eyes and his features ... it's not like I carried him in my stomach for nine months god forbid I get anything that resembles me.

"He would have loved you so much" he whispered softly holding back the urge to cry, “I know his watching over you, and I know just how much Dante loves you. The lengths he would take to protect you.” He took a deep breath. "Dante always wanted to have kids, but one thing he couldn't wait for was to be an uncle. He had stories he was preparing to tell, games he wanted to play, road trips he wanted to take and so much love he couldn't wait to give ... He would have been the best uncle and an amazing dad, I'm hoping I can be just like him, be that person for you" he trailed off, "you're my second chance Leone" he whispered. My breathing hitched at his nickname choice ... Leone, lion.

"Leone?" I asked him, he turned to me smiling "he's got a lions heart, and a Kings name" he explained softly not wanting to wake him up, "that nickname doesn't remind you of anything?" I asked him softly trying to make him remember without pushing, he shook his head softly eyes fixated on Dante. I nodded my head disappointed before letting out a breath, "I should go" he whispers looking at me, I bit my bottom lip "you could spend the night" I suggested softly not wanting him to leave. He looked at me nodding his head "I'd love that" he hugged Dante closer to his chest looking at me, the door creaked open turning around I saw Sebastián and Alex walking back in "did anyone kill each other?" Alex called out, I shook my head rolling my eyes "almost … just go to bed" I pushed them towards their rooms before looking back at Vincenzo, "they all live here?" he muttered through a clenched jaw.

"Are you jealous, Mr King" I teased, he looked at me his jaw locked, eyes hard before he spoke up "Isabella" he warned, I smirked looking at him "yes sir" I purred and walked off to the bedroom, he followed behind. I waited for him to walk in closing the door behind him locking it, "you can put him in his bed over there" I pointed to the cot next to my side of the bed. He looks at him in his arms before slowly putting him in the cot watching over him protectively "you, okay?" I asked him softly, "I didn't know I could love this much" he admitted not taking his eyes off of Dante.

I bit my bottom lip wishing I could turn back time and tell him earlier and yell at myself for everything I feared because it was far from reality. I exhaled and edged closer to him "unzip me?" I breathed out he turned looking at with a shocked expression before covering it up quickly.

I spun around lifting my hair up, my breathing became rigid feeling his fingertips brush over my neck before trailing down my back unzipping me. Both of us letting out a shaky breath, he took a step back and I spun around slowly holding onto the dress "thank you" I whispered he gave me a sharp nod and turned around.

“Go get dressed Isabella, unless you want another baby” I let out a chuckle shaking my head while heading off to the bathroom to get changed. Grabbing a pair of black shorts and a tank I make my way over to the bed putting my hair up in a pony. I watch him lay on the bed without anything on but his boxers, I raised my eyebrow looking at him, “really?” I questioned.

“I’m not sleeping in a suit” he stated defensively.

“Besides it’s nothing you haven’t seen before” he smiled condescendingly. I shook my head getting into the bed, I sat up pulling the covers over my legs before looking at Vincenzo.

“Isabella?” he called softly, I hummed looking at him “would you come back?” he asked turning his head to look at me. I sucked in a breath and turned to look at him.

“What?” I asked again thinking I didn’t hear him right.

“You heard me” he confirmed me.

I looked unsure “I don’t know...” I whispered drifting off.

“The whole reason we are staying in this house now is because Xavier found out about the-” he cut me off sitting up alarmed. “What?” I shut my eyes forgetting he didn’t know about that.

He probably thought I did all this to hide the pregnancy and hide from him. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he snapped, I sat up and edged closer to him, I went to speak before he cut me off again “I could’ve protected you a lot better than my brother. I could’ve protected you and our son, why the fuck didn’t you tell me” I watched his anger unfold before I snapped myself feeling defensive over Lorenzo, he did what he had to do.

“Protect us?” I whispered harshly ... “Maybe you could have Vincenzo, but who was going to protect me from you?” I asked him to remind him of his unreliable mind. “The only reason we are getting along now is for that little guy” I whispered reminding him of our readiness to kill each other just an hour ago.

He slouches looking at me “I wouldn’t hurt you or our baby you know that” he explained, “I knew that ... ever since the accident I honestly don’t know what to expect” I admitted softly looking down, He edges closer putting his finger under my chin lifting it up to look at him. “Every version of me will protect you, even if it’s from myself” he whispered reassuringly.

I nodded my head softly smiling feeling peaceful once more, a feeling I haven’t felt in a long time ‘safe’. “I’ll think about it” I answered his question about moving back, he nodded his head and turned to Dante before he laid back down falling sleeping. I sighed looking at his body frame next to mine once more, how was it that he was so close, but it felt like he was seven seas away.

I laid down cuddling closer to my pillow feeling my eye lids close slowly before I drifted off to sleep.


I tossed awake hearing a crying Dante, I peeked my eyes opened slowly not seeing Vincenzo in the bed, I sit up slowly turning around to pick Dante up from the cot and jolt awake not finding him in his bed. I jump out of bed and rush to the living room seeing Vincenzo holding Dante trying to put him back to sleep obviously flustered. I sniffle back a laugh and watch him from the door frame, his back turned to me.

"Come on buddy take the bottle" he whispered trying to feed him his bottle, Dante kept spitting the milk and weakly pushing the bottle away, trying to latch onto Vincenzo's chest, I couldn't help the wide grin "Buddy my nipples don't work like that" he pulled Dante off his chest whining flustered and panicked. I couldn't help myself I burst out into a fit of laughter alarming Vincenzo to turn around, his cheeks flushed red looking at me. Rolling his eyes "okay, you can stop" he mummers trying to get me to stop laughing.

I straightened up my posture still laughing but desperately trying to be discreet. "Just give me my baby" I laughed holding my arms out, grabbing a hold of Dante I take a seat and take my breast out so he can eat, he immediately latches on. I look up and see Vincenzo watching intensely "how come he gets to do it?" he whined, I looked at him with an amused grin, my eyebrows rising to my forehead. "Seriously?" I asked him, he looked at me nodding his head. "You're jealous of your own son?" I asked him one more time to give a chance to spin this around, "am I not obvious enough?"

I rolled my eyes shaking my head, "go to sleep" I giggled he shook his head no "as long as you're up so am I" he plopped on the couch next to me, I eyed him shaking my head "you just want to stand guard in case any of the guys wake up and see my boob, and you also just want to keep staring at my boobs" I cleared up, he nodded his head pursing his lips "well when you put it like that I sound like jerk" he pointed out. I went to say something before closing my mouth why bother.

I looked at the door then back at Vincenzo "what's going on with you two?" I asked him, he sighed "ever since Maria's death his found it hard to have any relationship with me, probably blaming me for her death and for pushing you out" he spoke up softly, I looked at him sadly "it wasn't your fault" I whispered finally accepting Maria's death as a tragic accident "she wanted to be the hero" I smiled softly remembering her words, "she was ready to go, before she died she told us to look up in the sky and rest assure that, that's where she wanted to be" I looked down at the floor trying to blink away the tears, "it wasn't your fault she died, I don't know if she's going to haunt me for telling you this but she loved you a lot." I laughed.