Page 7 of Conquer or Die

"He isn't your type" I smiled she cocked her eyebrow looking up at me "really? Then what is my type?" she bit back, I pulled up from the dip and spin her around, "tall, handsome, smart, muscular, a King's crown tattooed on his hand and his name has to be Vincenzo King" I sarcastically answered her question. She leaned in closer "You just listed all the things I hated" she whispered in my ear, her lips lingering as she innocently teased me, she was driving me insane and she knew it.

I raised my eyebrows "so you want him short, ugly, fat and dumb?" I laughed. She grunts and steps on my foot. I muffle a groan "Isabella”.

"What is it you want from me? You told me to leave. I left, what do you want" she whispered softly after calming down a little. I sighed softly finally mastering the courage to talk "I may not remember you ... or our past but … " I cleared my throat; she looks down with teary eyes before she looks back up at me with a stone face. I let out a sigh mastering the courage to keep going "after everything, all of this, I can't remember my own name. But you- somehow, I know exactly who you are, and I know what your name means ... What it meant." She continues looking at me with her doe big green eyes. "I shut you out ... because I thought that was what Vincenzo would do, the Vincenzo before he met you. I thought that if I acted like you didn't exist, then I’d be okay, that everything would go back to normal." I scoffed a little and continued "but it didn't. I didn't remember you, but my soul does. I look at any corner of my home and I'm reminded of you, like my subconscious is trying to unlock the memories my head shut out. I don't remember you, but my hands do, my soul and my body do." I tensed up and whispered faintly "my heart does."

She stopped dancing and stood straight up looking at me dead in the eye "does your heart hurt?" she asked dryly. "Does it hurt knowing the one person you cared for more than yourself turned his back on you so easily? Does it hurt knowing that the only person you truly connected with, your heart forgot? Does it still beat knowing that even though your heart forgot me, not on purpose, but it purposely didn't try to remember me ... and for what? to make new memories?” She shouted.

I shut my eyes listening to her speak. "Isabella ..."

"Because it hurts. When you're near me it hurts, when you're away from me, it hurts. Knowingly or unknowingly, you have caused my heart more pain than anyone else ever has ... and I wish I could understand why it still beats for you." She sighs and looks up with guilty eyes, she shakes her head turning around to leave but I grab her by her arm again to finish the dance. I let her go once I wasn’t planning on doing it again, "Vincenzo" she whispers softly trying to leave. I hissed at the pain in my head, Isabella looked up at me concern written all over her face, I shake my head trying to get rid of the pain and assure her I'm okay. I shook it off quickly and pulled Isabella closer. I looked up at the singer's as they finally got to the bit of the song, I was waiting for recreating the memory or daydream I saw in my office.

"E' questo allor hmm" I hummed as I sang the song to her like I once did, she looked up at me stunned for a second. "Quel dolce ardor" by now the dance floor had cleared up as everyone stood and watched in awe, the singer had fallen silent and allowed me to continue. "L'incanto che si chiama amor" her eyes now began tearing up as she softly hummed along. "Adesso so hmm" I spun her and dipped her, "Che ormai non può" slowly lifting her back up. "Null'altro sognare il mio cuor" I finished off.

Our faces inches apart her heavy breathing, I licked my bottom lip my eyes trailing down to hers then back up to her eyes. We both lean in slowly before we stop abruptly as the guests applaud. I cough and smile firmly; Isabella takes a deep breath and dashes off.

I go to call for her, but she's gone. She disappeared into the crowd of people, I move through the crowd and find her near the edge of the roof looking out, "Isabella" I call for her she turns her head slowly then looks back out to the view. I move closer to her "hit me if it'll help you" I spun her around to face me she looked confused. "Hit you?" She repeats I nod my head.

"Right here." I hit my chest with a closed fist.

"A punch. Two punches. However, many you want. Do it!" she looks at my chest then back up at me, she's hesitating.

"The offer only stands for 30 more seconds. After that, you can't get mad at me anymore." Without hesitation I felt her fist collide with my chest, I moved back stunned she actually did it and it hurt a lot more than I will ever admit out loud. She looked up at me shaking her head "your methods although bizarre surprisingly work" she lets out a deep breath.

"I'm sorry" she mummers, I look at her confused "sorry?" I question. "I've spent so much of my time hating you for so many things ..." she looks up at me slowly "most of them out of your control ... I forget myself sometimes and the stuff you should hate me for" She whispers the last bit.

After finding out she was pregnant and gave birth to my child, knowing Lorenzo knows about it stung me more than anything. Whatever, Isabella’s reasoning is we can figure out later, but my own blood kept such a big secret from me, it was the biggest betrayal from both of them, but I still could never hate her for it, and I couldn’t hate him. I couldn't hate her for anything no matter what she did. "I need to tell you something and I should've told you a while ago, but I was scared" she shuts her eyes, her hands are shaking.

"We have a-" she gets cut off by a man "Sir, Miss a car waits for the two of you." she looks confused I nod my head excusing the man "what?" she questions "Garcia" was all I said she nodded her head as realisation overcame her features. "What were you going to say?" I asked she shook her head "I'll tell you later let's go?" she smiles weakly I nod my head slowly "you ready?" I asked frustrated. She was finally going to tell me about our baby and of course, fate finds a way to screw me over.

She took a step back and tripped I lunged towards her "NO!" I shouted, I gripped her arm and pulled her towards me her chest slammed into mine as she gripped my arms. She looked at me shocked. Then all of a sudden, my head started throbbing I let a small groan holding onto my head looking down "Vincenzo are you okay?" Isabella rushes out bending with me her hands protectively holding my arms.

I looked back up again with a pounding headache and saw myself, Isabella, Lorenzo and Xavier all on top of a roof. Isabella had a knife to Xavier when she slowly turned to me. "I might not know a thing about you," I hear myself speak up "but I know one thing, when you kiss me, I feel alive again and my whole world becomes something different. It was heaven and hell, brought together in my head. You're my very own secret world. And I intend to burn there" My own voice echoed in my head. She laughed looking at me through teary eyes, her dimples showing and her green eyes glistening. "I hate to break up this tender moment, but I gotta go." and within a second my world flashed before my eyes he pushed her off the roof.

"NOOO," I roared.

I gasped and took a step back the scene in front of me disappearing as I come back to reality, "what? what's wrong?" she rushed out looking at me then back to where I was staring. “Vincenzo, are you okay? Should we get you to the clinic?” she looked at me concerned. "This isn't the first time I saved you, is it?" was all I said, looking at her waiting for her response, praying to get some closure that what I’m seeing isn’t me going insane.

She looks stunned before her gaze softens "no it's not" she spoke sincerely.

Isabella's POV

We got in the limo after saying our goodbyes to the bride and groom, I sat quietly deep in my own thoughts, did Vincenzo remember me? Or was that memory just triggered because I almost tripped? I look up at him and I tilt my head seeing him also deep in thought his mind is trying to remind him, to give him his memories back but he's shutting it out. He isn't letting them come,he needs a real reason for it to come back.

"Mr Garcia informs me to tell you he had a good laugh" I roll my eyes grinning as the driver announced Garcia’s approval of how everything went down. "I'm sure he did" I speak under my breath "Crafty old grandpa" Vincenzo speaks up. I look up at him ... grandpa? I whispered in my head. Does he ... No, no. If he knew he would have exploded in my face by now.

"Anthony and Lilly have told me they are waiting for you at the warehouse." I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest hearing her name, Vincenzo looks over at me smug "You're jealous, aren't you?" he teases me, "Yes" I blurt out facing him, I lean back into my chair "Are you satisfied?!" I huff out. He gets up placing both his hands on the seat next to me, closing me in. My breathing hitches but I continue to look unfazed by the sudden closeness. "No. Not at all." he breathes out, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. I clasp my legs shut feeling my body immediately fire up. "You're not going to be" I smirked and pushed his chest back with my finger.

He gets up and sits back down in his seat "I wouldn't bet on it" he adjusts his hair and gives me a wink. I eye him "who’s going to satisfy you?" I mocked indicating my little playtime with Roxy and Lexi "If you think those two are the only girls who are willing to have sex with me, you're delusional." He shrugs his shoulders. I rolled my eyes and turned my face to the window. "It's not like you're the only one with a more than willing group" I purred and traced my upper thigh with my finger. "I don’t doubt that" he laughed but his tensed posture showed how much it pissed him off.

"I got someone tonight as a matter of a fact" I smiled innocently. "uomo morto"dead manhe threatened under his voice I cocked an eyebrow at him and shook my head.

My phone buzzed and I looked down at my phone and saw Lorenzo's name, I look back up and see Vincenzo with a pissed expression. Shit did he see my phone? I shook my head and moved my phone turning my back to him 'When are you coming home the King misses you?' I giggled shaking my head 'On the way to the warehouse shouldn't be too long!' I replied turning back around I looked back at Vincenzo his jaw was tensed his hands were balled in fists he was ready to kill someone. I look back down at my phone 'Go all dragon on that pussy! I'll see you soon don't keep us waiting' I rolled my eyes and smiled turning my phone off.

"Who messaged you?" I looked back up at him shocked and taken back. He spat in a hoarse tone his Italian accent became so thick when he was mad ... and right now he was livid. He saw my phone I mentally slapped myself. "None of your business" I bit back trying to turn around, "Isabella, don't make me fucking do something I'll regret why is my fucking brother messaging you? And why does he miss you and want you home" He started shouting his accent getting thicker than ever and the veins in his neck and head started bulging out, when his accent got thick that’s when I knew he was about to explode.

"My fucking brother Isabella! Your sister's-" I cut him off sharply matching his tone and demeanour "I advise you to choose your next words very carefully!" I shouted pointing a finger at him, "It's nothing, drop it" I bit. "What else are you lying to me about?! I wonder what else you're going to hide from me" he snarled, I edged back in my seat staring at him what did he mean what else? There was something else so I couldn’t get too high and mighty.

"What's that supposed to mean" I sneered "I don't know Isabella why don’t you tell me, why don't you tell me what you've been hiding for months!" he yelled emphasising the word months. The car came to a stop and the man informed us we have arrived, Vincenzo stared at me intensely before he stepped out of the car coldly and left me sitting there alone in complete shock and fucking guilt.