Page 6 of Conquer or Die

He pulled back and watched me for a second, "you're mine. Only mine." He cupped my cheek his voice was stern and demanding. "Only yours" I whispered back leaning in to get another kiss. I licked my lips before Vincenzo's Office doors opened. "Cazzo" Vincenzo cussed under his breath. "GET OFF MY SON'S LAP" Giovani bursts inside the office yelling. I turn my head around "he has work he needs to do and you're no fucking help" he cursed.

He looked drunk. I let out a sigh and went to get off before Vincenzo's grip on my waist tightened forcing me back down. "I'll tell her when to get off my dick." he harshly spits sending my feelings into overdrive. Oh, my if I didn’t want him before.

I widen my eyes and bit my lip trying not to let out a laugh. He stares at Vincenzo for a second then glares at me before Vincenzo let out another threat in Italian. He turns around and leaves without another word and Vincenzo stands up pinning me against his desk, "I don't care who’s touched you like this in the past, do you understand?" his voice sounding so dominating, my breathing hitched as he cupped my pussy in his hands. "I don't share ever. If you let me touch you now, you're mine."

My eyes roll to the back of my head, my back arching as I gripped the desk. "Do you let me?" he whispered in my ear. I rolled my head back my eyes following shortly behind. I hummed nodding my head. “Say it Isabella” he demands.

“I let you touch me” I breathed out.

"No other man touches you and if they do ..." his fingers dig into my upper thigh and with his free hand, he pulled me closer by my neck."I know a hundred ways to kill a person, and I can make one hundred of them look like an accident. comprendere?"


"Don't forget it" I shook my head ready to ask another question before he walked straight past me. I bit my bottom lip anxious and shook my head, I won't let him play mind games with me. I refuse to fall back in the same cycle, I grabbed a drink off one of the trays and made my way back to the table.

"You, okay?" Anthony whispered softly, I gave a reassuring smile and nodded my head. I took my seat and watched the people getting up to dance, "we should go say hi to the bride and groom now" he nudged his head my mouth forming an 'oh' I nodded my head and stood up, we made our way to the bride and groom and not far behind was Lilly and Vincenzo. I rolled my eyes massaging my neck, their closeness shouldn't bother me as much as it is. "Congratulations, we are so sorry Garcia couldn't make it. He however sends his best wishes" Anthony shook the groom's hand. I leaned in and kissed the bride on the cheek shaking her hand also, "You look stunning" I complimented her dress. "You look gorgeous, red is really your colour" she smiles being friendly, "your date is pretty good looking too" she winks laughing.

Her husband shoots her a playful glare as I giggle. Do you want to play Vincenzo King? let's play.

"Oh, if you think he is good looking now you should see him without any clothes on" I wink, she goes red and joins me in a small fit of laughter. I can feel Vincenzo's death stare on the back of my head, I smirked feeling victorious. I move to the side allowing Vincenzo and his date to congratulate the couple. I stand near Anthony who is scanning the room looking for the target, and the whole reason why we came to this wedding.

Seeing Vincenzo clouded my head I completely forgot why I was here. I looked up at Anthony and shook my head slightly asking if he found him yet. He looked down at me and leaned in my ear to make it look natural "Nothing yet, how are you holding up I know you haven't been in the game for a while" I smiled and nodded my head that I was ok. It scared me just how okay I was like I was back in my element my comfort zone. I went to speak before my eye caught Lilly making out with Vincenzo, I tensed my jaw and bawled my fist my knuckles turning white. Her arms wrapped around his neck; he rested his hand on her waist. If she doesn't step away from him in the next second, she can be the one to leave this wedding in a body bag. I grabbed another wine and walked near them, I fake tripped and tipped the glass of wine all over her back. She abruptly stepped back and gasped. "Oh no, I'm so clumsy sometimes" I quickly rushed out trying to pat her dry with a napkin.

She faked smiled "It's okay, it doesn't show. I'm just going to go wash up" she sighed and walked towards the bathroom. I looked at Vincenzo with doe eyes "oh I’m sorry did I disturb anything husband?" I sarcastically questioned him.

He looked at me with a frustrated expression "you may have one hundred ways to make a death look like an accident, but I have a hundred and one" I smiled and shoved the glass of wine in his chest and walked away. I sat down at the table and saw Anthony rush towards me "we have a visual, I'm going to need you to stay here. Keep natural until we send someone to grab you" I nodded my head he and a few other men and women headed out. I sighed and sunk into the chair.

I bit my bottom lip wondering how Dante was now, I grabbed my phone and called Lorenzo. "Hello?" He answered the phone in a whisper. "Hey, how's my baby?" I asked concerned and relieved Lorenzo didn't sound stressed. "Oh, he is fine" he fake cries. "What's with the voice?" I questioned. "Well let's just say, he wanted his mum. We had every hand on deck trying to feed him his bottle, burp him, change him and put him to sleep but he wouldn't stop crying and screaming." I sat up straight worry beginning to consume me "What!" I whisper yelled "I'm coming" I stood up and grabbed my purse "Isabella it's okay we handled it. He is safe and sleeping" I stopped and took in a deep breath "We printed a picture of you I put it on my face like a mask and cut a hole in my shirt to feed him the bottle and I kept it on until he fell asleep." I started laughing "Aw that's cute" I giggled. “Sort of creepy but I’ll look past it for now” I added shaking my head, "thank you so much, I owe you one. Put the phone near Dante and put me on speaker." I felt a shudder come over me, my body tingled slightly. I cleared my throat and stood there stunned for a second. I shrugged my shoulders maybe it was just the cool breeze making me shiver like that. "Okay you're on speaker." He announced.

"Hi baby, I'm sorry I’m not home and sleeping next to you. Don't worry baby I'll be back before you know it. I love you so much mi amor" I kissed the phone and hung up. I turn around and slam into a familiar rock-hard chest, I groaned stepping back. "Who was that?" He snaps. I look up at him and roll my eyes, he takes a step closer to me closing the gap between us. I gulped looking into his eyes, his beautiful grey eyes with a mix of blue, the type of eyes you can easily get lost in... just like I am right now. "Who. Was. That" his eyes darkened, and his voice was dangerously low, the small hairs on my arm stood up following the goosebumps that rose.

"Why do you care?" I bit back, he let out a throaty chuckle.

"Isabella, do not test my patience." I raised my eyebrow smirking "No, I think I'd like to test it”. He stared at me for a second, pulling out his gun he placed it in front of me on the table, I looked at the gun and let out a small laugh. Pulling out both my guns I had hidden in my purse I smirked “Mine are bigger” I rolled my eyes putting them back in my purse standing up to leave. A soft gasp left my lips feeling his hand wrap around my neck and pull me back to him. My back hits his chest, he slides his hands further up my neck tilting my chin up. My body was stunned, and my head was spinning a million miles per hour, I couldn't speak, I couldn’t think, and I couldn't move I was paralyzed.

My lips parted, once his thumb reached my lip, I stared at him waiting for his next move and without warning, he turns me around and smashes his lips onto mine. I quickly reacted kissing him back, he spun me around and I grabbed his shirt forcing him closer to me, not wanting to feel any sort of space between us, he rested his hands on my lower back and pulled me in even closer. His tongue swipped my bottom lip leading to a soft moan escaping my lips involuntary. He smiled into the kiss lowering his hand further down giving me a firm squeeze. My body was on fire I would never admit this out loud but im craving him. Craving his touch that flames my inner desire, his soft lips on mine that completely devours my own taking ownership of what belongs to him.

We broke the kiss trying to catch our breath, I bit my lower lip still spinning from what just happened, "unless you want me to take you in the middle of this reception. Let. Go." He tugs at my chin so releasing my bottom lip. Suddenly coming back to reality, I step back and push him away, "who do you think you are!" I whisper shouted so we wouldn't draw any more attention than we already have, he smirked "You might say one thing cucciola ... but your body tells a different tale." he looked down at my goosebumps and then rested his eyes on my chest that was still rising and falling at a rapid pace than I would like to admit. I shut my eyes and turned my head, I was livid at the fact that he just kissed me to prove to himself and me how much I still wanted him he knew what he was doing he was reminding the both of us who we each belonged too. The kiss didn’t frustrate me as much as his new nickname. "Don't call me that" I warned lowly, he eyes me "Cucciola" he purred once more. "Call me that again, and you will find my knife somewhere very uncomfortable," I warned him feeling the anger rising from his stupid new nickname. It’s just another reminder that his forgotten me, he pulls me away and into a more secluded area “Cucciola” he teased, I grinded my teeth together my jaw tensing. He pins me against the wall and smiles condescendingly “You’re cute when you’re angry” I rolled my eyes pushing him off me.

“I will slit your throat” I warned him, he laughed backing away he walks off I watched curiously that was it? He was just walking away? What happened to us? That wasn’t the fight I was expecting. I gasped as a knife punctures the wall the blade was inches from my face. He smirks looking at me, his ego visibly inflating. I smirked there he is, I mentally cheered. “A knife Mr King? Are you flirting with me?” I called out watching him walks over to the table on the opposite side of us picking up an apple. I pulled out the knife throwing it towards Vincenzo hitting the apple dead straight right in the middle. His eyes widened clearly not remembering just how crazy I am. “Next apple I hit will be an adams apple” I warned him, walking off.

Vincenzo's POV

I watched as she walked away, taking the apple out of my mouth I take out the knife and my eyes find their way back to her, she was breath taking in that long red dress. The way it hugged her figure and highlighted her chest, her beautiful lips smiling as she spoke to the bride, her smile painted with that dark red lipstick, that was driving me insane, she always looked like she knew everyone’s deepest darkest secrets, how her confidence effortlessly beamed off her. I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she moved by the dance floor like she owned the world ... like the world owed her. A sick feeling found its place in my stomach ... she was once mine, but now it looks like she's someone else's. My jaw tensed thinking about her in bed with another man, touching another man, letting another man know her. Letting another man near our child. My blood was boiling I cracked my neck trying to distract myself. I saw Lilly approach me "we have eyes on the target, I need to leave but we will send a car to grab you in an hour." I nod my head and she leave’s sharply.

I look over at Isabella, fuck it. I approach the table and sit beside her, while she tries to avoid my stare. Picking up her glass of wine I snicker "careful, I just discovered you're a bit clumsy" I mocked her, she smirked and turned to look at me. "Oh, I am. You wouldn't want me tipping this on you ... maybe you should go annoy another girl" she took a sip.

"Oh, how about you go annoy your girlfriend she's probably looking for you" she spits jealously laced in every word like venom. I tried not to smirk at her failed attempt to cover up her jealousy, she stands up and turns around facing me. "I hate you" she speaks up her voice stern and low, but it was crystal clear that wasn't what she meant.

I turned towards the dance floor and heard a familiar song being sung. Isabella's face looked visibly sad when she heard them singingso this is love, she looked down at her heels and then slowly back up at the couple's dancing. "Dance with me" I whispered she looked confused and went to object "sorry love, I think you got a bit confused I wasn't asking a question" I intertwined our hands and pulled her towards the dance floor before she could hesitate or make a scene. We stood among the rest of the couple's and Isabella gave me a sour look, smirking back I laughed "you don't want to make a scene now do you?" I whispered in her ear as I pulled her closer. The singer began singing and I softly hummed along, she looked up at me with such innocence, my grey eyes melted into her green ones.

For the first time in such a long time, I felt serene, I pushed her out and spun her back into my chest. Her back rested against my chest as we swayed ever so softly "you're cute when you're jealous" I whispered softly, she turns her head and gives me a sour look. I chuckle and spin her, "Jealous? If anything, you were the jealous one" she bites back, "I am jealous" I admitted without an ounce of hesitation. She looks taken back for a moment before she quickly recovered "what?" she asked like she didn't hear me properly. I laughed dryly "Isabella, I’ve been threatening every man at this wedding for simply looking at you, I never tried to be subtle about my jealousy." I smiled looking down at her.

"Do you want to admit something now?" I teased she shot me a warning glare causing me to laugh, she soon cracked and giggled. I couldn't help the soft grin that formed on my lips as we danced like we once did ... or at least I think we did. To this song, all I remember is getting a flashback in the middle of my office, I don't know if it was real or a daydream, but I guess I'll find out now.

We swayed for a few moments, I dipped her and dragged my hand up her thigh, the slit in the dress giving me easier access. My hands stopped at the strap wrapped around her leg holding her knives. She looked at me smirking knowing exactly what I felt on her thigh, “Oh how I’ve missed you amore” I whispered. She smiled softly looking deep into my eyes allowing herself to get lost in the moment, and I for once allowed myself to just be present in the moment.

"On amission, are we?" I teased knowing full well she was here for the same reason I was."Son, trust me if I was trying to set you up with anyone it wouldn't be my employee it would be Isabella"Garcia's voice echoed in my head,"Trust meson you're gonna love it ... even if you don't I know I will get a laugh out of it"that sneaky crafty old man I thought to myself. Two birds with one stone. "I'm on a date" she hisses, I huff and pull her closer to me closing the gap between us knowing full well that man was just one of Garcia’s men.