Page 22 of Conquer or Die


I turn the corner and see Vincenzo staring at the pool holding Dante protectively in his arms. He viscously shakes his head, like he was trying to get rid of a bad memory. I quickly approach the two of them. “Where did you two disappear this morning?” I question looking at a very cheerful Dante.

My god he is getting so big, I whine in my head. “We didn’t want to wake you” Vincenzo mutters, I nod my head staying quiet. The awkward silence dawns on us before he mercifully breaks it. “Come with me” He states walking further into the bushes and trees.

“Vincenzo!” I yelled out, after his silhouette disappeared into the forest. Catching up to him, he hands me Dante and leads the way. “Where are we going?” I eyed him suspiciously before complying and aimlessly following him to God knows where. He walked through the backyard and into the woods, “is this were you murder me?” I questioned looking behind me noticing how far we know are from the house. He kept walking straight but even though he stayed silent I could still hear his eye roll.

“Daddy’s going to punish me” I whispered softly to Dante, I look up seeing Vincenzo freeze in his tracks. Oops he heard. He cleared his throat and continued walking “you, okay?” I innocently asked catching up to his speed. “If you don’t stop talking in a minute you won’t be” he groaned. My eyes widened a sensual sensation erupting in my lower stomach and that familiar feeling between my legs crept its way back. I let out a throaty cough and caught up to a very smug Vincenzo. He points ahead before I could say anything, I eyed him sceptically following his gaze, my mouth hung open.

“NO FREAKING WAY!” I squealed handing him Dante as I ran towards a familiar white horse in the barn, “hey baby, I missed you” I petted it softly putting my head to his, Vincenzo caught up holding Dante with a satisfied grin on his face. “I thought you’d like him” he adds. I turn to look at him disappointed realising he didn’t remember our first date.

I quickly shook my head and looked back at the horse “why’d you think I’d like him?” I questioned still petting his head.

“It’s stubborn and keeps its distance from everyone. Once you gain it’s trust however, he slowly starts warming up and once that happens you never want to go back to the previous distance” he truthfully spoke keeping his gaze fixated on me for longer than I think he intended. Dante reached his hands out trying to grab the horse’s nose, I giggled softly “sorry buddy this one’s for mum, this one is for you” he gestured towards the black pony to match Vincenzo’s horse. I laughed looking at Dante’s excited face, watching his hands clench and unclench trying to jump towards the horse. “I’m no genius but I think he wants to see the pony” I point out, Vincenzo says nothing and makes his way to the pony putting Dante on top of it my mum heart explodes into a million pieces at how adorable my baby looked, such a big boy on a horse.

“Can’t believe you’re already three months” I pout looking at him sucking his bottom lip completely in his mouth drooling, Vincenzo looks up at me “three months?” He questions I smile nodding my head. “I still can’t believe it’s already been three months” he adds shaking his head feeling like it was just yesterday when we finally got to the house. I clear my throat trying to change the subject, “you wanna go for a ride?” I asked playfully watching his eyes light up slightly. We climbed on our horses Vincenzo holding Dante securely as we rode off, keeping a steady pace.

“Be careful not to go to fast last thing I’d want is for you to fall off” he comments looking at me, I turn my head to face him “excuse me?” I questioned slightly offended but more amused he thinks I don’t know how to ride a horse. He looks at me with a cocky expression, I lick the inner corner of my lip “I know my way around every deadly weapon you own, and I single headedly interrogated and killed men while pregnant … but I don’t know my way around a horse?” I tease never breaking eye contact.

“Don’t overcompensate, it’s okay not to know how. I can always teach you 1:1” He teases playfully, I bit my lower lip positioning my body getting ready to Gallop. I look at Vincenzo one last time giving him a wink I kick the side of the horse twice remembering that was its command to get it to run.

Within seconds I was off, leaving Vincenzo and my son behind me in the dust I laugh feeling the wind blow through my hair, tickling at my skin, I felt free like no one, and nothing can touch me.

Vincenzo’s POV

I pulled the horses leach back coming to a stop as I watched Isabella dash off on her horse, she looked like a natural rider. I looked down at Dante in my arms who was looking up at me with those big grey eyes.

I looked down at him scared, what do I do? What if he starts crying? What if he vomits … Cazzo what if he does a shit? I looked back up in the distance “Isabella help!” I shouted out, Dante giggled at my frightened state. I looked back down at him and cocked an eyebrow “you really are a King” once again he let out a giggle before looking forward leaning down trying to grip the horse’s hair, I let out a huff and sit him back up “come on bud” I laugh and continue a steady pace.

“So … do you like horses?” I asked him looking down at his little head, he didn’t even look at me just kept staring ahead.

I rolled my eyes “ignoring me?” I questioned, again no response. I huffed refusing to cave in.

“I won’t do it” I stuck to my ground.

He turned around and gave me a wide smile playing with his fingers as he patiently waited for me. I looked around making sure no one was around. Clearing my throat, I looked down at Dante I let out a sigh.

He continued to look up at me smiling, “Bello come tuo padre, mioleone e altrettanto testardo” I gave in talking in baby talk.(Just as handsome as your dad and as stubborn as your mum)

He laughed out clapping his hands as he leaned back into my chest getting comfortable. I laughed and shook my head defiantly a mini version of his mum. I continued strolling on the horse slowly holding onto Dante, we stopped at a little pond, hopping off the horse letting it have a rest and drink of water.

I walked Dante over to the ducks in the pond “Dante guarda le anatre” I pointed out.(Watch the ducks)

He clapped his hands before holding onto me for dear life, I looked over at the ducks then back at Dante. “Don’t be scared buddy, it won’t bite. If it does, I’ll just shoot it” I shrugged my shoulders, he leaned his head against my neck.

I smiled looking out into the pond I was proud of myself I was proud that I proved myself wrong, but most of all I’m proud that I fulfilled my promise to Dante, that I was going to break the cycle of our parents that we’d be different and if he was alive, I know he would have made the best dad and the best uncle. I looked down in both happiness and sadness looking at the little boy in my hands, who became my redemption. I felt like my heart was about to explode, how can I love someone so much?

For a second, I thought back to Isabella, did I love her? Did I experience the same feelings with her? Was this how she felt about me? I let out a frustrated sigh, “This whole thing is fucking bullshit.” I groaned out before slapping my mouth shut.

I looked down at Dante “You heard nothing, if Isabella heard me right now shed chop my balls off” I scowled, and face palmed. “This stays between us” I looked at Dante sternly, he gave me a smile before continuing to squeeze my face, his nails digging in my skin. I laugh and pull his hands off before giving them a kiss.

Do I allow it all to come flooding back? Do I allow her back in or do I push it all away and focus on what I know best … and to be honest lately I don’t even know what that is anymore.

I looked back at Dante and laughed. He was chewing on my shirt. I took it out of his mouth and held him in the air “My big boy” I sang out.

He giggled making my heart melt. I sound like a fucking girl, thank fuck no one’s here to hear me. I sat him on the horse and grabbed my phone wanting to take a picture. “Smile Dante” I called out, he just looked at me with an unimpressed expression. I rolled my eyes and huffed “Smile Leone” I cooed out, he laughed and began clapping his hands. So, fucking stubborn.

After taking a few pictures and a few selfies we hopped back on the horse and made our way back to the house.