Page 2 of Seduced

Clark sat on her sofa, his legs splayed wide and an expression on his face that looked the opposite of “let’s kiss and make up.” Still, she remained calm, knowing she wasn’t going to back down any time soon.

“So, you wanna tell me what’s going on?” he started, his eyebrows raised.

“All that is going on, Clark, is that I was given an opportunity to take some training out of town for a few nights. It’s hardly groundbreaking stuff.”

He glared across at her, his eyes narrowed. “And why would you want to do that?” He leaned forward, that glare deepening further.

Delilah shook her head in frustration. “Same as anyone who wants to progress a little in their life. I know I’m only a waitress, Clark, but that doesn’t mean I can’t better myself if I’m given the opportunity. David says I have potential.”

“You don’t need to do any of that shit. You’re my mate. I bring in the money. There’s no need for you to go running around out of town getting up to all sorts.”

“All sorts!” she said, exasperated. “It’s a short catering and hospitality course, not some dancing gig on the Vegas Strip!”

“Yeah, well it’s just as good as,” he grumbled as he settled back against the sofa.

As if the penny hadn’t dropped before, it now did, and by the bucket load. She would never be able to doanythingif she were mate-bonded to this guy. He would want a say in anything and everything about her life, and the arguments would always be a feature of their relationship.

“Well, I’ve made up my mind. You’re not my keeper, Clark. The other women in your family might be okay with being told what to do, but I’m not.” The look on his face almost scared her, and she wondered if she’d taken it too far, but…

She meant everything she said.

“Then maybe you’re not good enough for my family,” he spat.

“Maybe,” she shrugged. “That’s why I think we should call this a day. Let’s be honest. It just isn’t working.”

Clark stood, towering over her, and she held her breath as he stepped closer and closer, his eyes never leaving hers. “You do this, and that’s the end of it.” His voice was low and a growl rumbled in his throat.

“I know.” She nearly sighed with the relief those words brought. “We tried. Didn’t we?” She attempted to keep it as amicable as possible. It was clear a breakup wasn’t his intention as he stared her down.

“Nobody will want you now. You’re on your own,” he snarled. “You’re no mate of mine.”

Delilah swallowed hard, his face only inches from hers now. In his eyes she saw the anger and bitterness that had probably always been there, just covered over until it seeped out in ways that were cruel and unhealthy.

Clark took her chin in his hand. “We’re through.” When he let go, she felt as though she could breathe again. She expected the door to slam as he made his way through it, but instead, she just heard the small click of the latch.

Finally, she wasfree.

Chapter 2


Bythetimethesun peeked through her bedroom curtains, Delilah was already awake, having had the best night’s sleep she’d managed in a long time. Surely it wasn’t meant to feel this good the day after a breakup, which told her everything she needed to know. She’d done the right thing.

“Proud of you, Del,” she whispered to herself. For a moment, her thoughts skipped to Clark, but it wasn’t like she’d exactly torn out his heart and then trodden on it in the street. He didn’t love her. All he wanted was the token mate—one that would be meek and mild-mannered, never wanting anything for herself.

That wasn’t her.

Delilah wasn’t sure what the next stage of her life would involve, but she didn’t need to know everything. She’d closed one door and would wait for another to open—this time making sure of its safety before stepping through.

She got up and made herself breakfast, washing a few eggs down with coffee before dressing and treading off to work. Now that she didn’t have to worry about Clark, she decided she’d tell her boss the good news about taking the training course he mentioned.

She worried that maybe the pack would come down on him, but it was her idea to take this course. And besides, she and Clark weren’t even formally mate-bonded when this was being discussed, so in theory, it’s not like her boss needed to ask anyone’s permission.

The thought made her sick—that just agreeing to take a course, or a job, would be such a big deal. That she would need permission from her mate beforehand. She couldn’t stomach such a life. Simply the thought of it made her want to shift and run for the hills, never to return.

But she didn’t need to worry about that now. This was a fresh start for her, a chance to get herself back on course, and the only person she needed to answer to—apart from the alpha—was herself.

When she got to La Luna, she clocked in and put on her apron, more eager than usual to start her shift. She was already realizing how much her relationship with Clark had dragged her down, like a weight on her shoulders that ate up all of her energy as it pushed on her. Now that she was free of that weight, she felt light as a feather.