The door unlatched, and he stepped inside. He eyed the space, seeing the servant’s door he unhinged earlier. How had he not known he was so close to her before?

He walked across and froze when he heard Gianna begging. Her voice traveled through the air vent, causing Kozien’s insides to twist. Her voice was filled with fear, and she was pleading with whoever was with her.

“Let go!” Gianna screamed.

It made his blood boil. “You think you’re so sneaky. Do you? You deserve everything you have coming.”

“Please!” Gianna begged. Then her voice was muffled.

He needed to move quicker. He walked toward the door he had unhinged and froze when he heard voices from the outside.

“Stupid whore.” Someone laughed. “She’s going to get what’s coming to her, thinking she can just find a way out of this situation.”

Kozien leaned over slightly, looking at the two guards. They were standing guard at the door to the right, both lazily leaning against the wall.

“She thought she could outsmart us.” The other laughed. “Dumb bitch.”

Kozien curled his hands into tight fists. He wanted to bust through that door, but the sudden scream made him look back into the supply closet.

His eyes landed on the large vent to the right. He was almost certain the duct there led to the room Gianna was being held in.

Kozien moved toward it and pulled out the blaster he’d picked off the guard. He didn’t know what was on the other side of the wall but he was about to find out.

He pulled at the hinges, ripping them off, and flicked the grate open. This duct was larger than the one before, and he slipped through easily, not having to climb very far before slamming feet first into the grate on the other side.

He slid it out, knocking the cover out of place with ease, and landed on his feet in a crouch. The vent had only been a few feet above the ground, just to the right of the main door.

Kozien’s eyes widened as he took in the scene before him. Gianna was pinned down on the bed, tears streaming down her face with half a sheet shoved into her mouth. It wasn’t working. She had screamed through the fabric.

She was wearing what he could only consider the tiniest piece of clothing made to cover a body. Her skin was scraped up and bruised. She clearly had fought hard to get herself free.

Gianna’s eyes were squeezed shut, and her body was shaking uncontrollably. But that wasn’t the worst part.

The worst part was the man pinning her down, with his cock hung out, fully prepared to have his way with her. The man was smiling, pinning her wrists down, and his knees pressed hard into her thigh.

The man was about to fuckingdie.

It took three seconds for Kozien to lift the blaster and aim. He shot, watching the gun blast a ray right at the man, sending him flying off the bed into the wall. He tumbled hard to the ground, dead.

Gianna’s eyes snapped open, and she looked over toward Kozien like he was godsent. She opened her mouth to say something, but he didn’t hear it.

Kozien took several steps across the room and scooped her up off the bed. She clung to him, and as much as he wanted to just stand there and hold her, they didn’t have time.

He pulled the outfit down, trying to cover as much of her as he could. There wasn’t much fabric to work with, but he didn’t have time to waste on that thought.

He turned toward a door against the side wall, hoping it led to a different hallway than the main ones he’d been running, entirely focused on getting her out. He had her, and he wasn’t losing her again. Gianna shook in his arms, and he pulled her closer. He didn’t know what she had been through, but he knew for a fact she was grateful for him being there.

Chapter 16

Giannawantedtodie.At that moment, after all she had been through and looking at a life with even worse prospects, she wanted to die. She did. She wished for it. But she also wished for Kozien. She wasn’t prepared for the horror that was coming, and she desperately wanted him there, to comfort and protect her.

As much as she wanted him, it was more shocking when she heard a heavy slam and thick boots land against the ground. She opened her eyes, looking up at the scene.

Kozien stood a few steps away, holding a blaster. It didn’t even take him five seconds to pull the trigger and shoot Oxxaro. He flew off the bed, slamming into the wall, shaking the entire room.

She didn’t have time to process before Kozien pulled her off the bed, and she let him. She was too stunned, too shaken up, to stand on her feet. She didn’t think there was a chance she would be saved.

“Kozien.” She softly spoke his name as he swiped his card to unlock one of the doors and carried her down the hallway. He kicked the door shut behind them and ran, trying to put as much distance as he could between them and the room, when the main door swung open.