“They’re silencing anyone who speaks out,” Gabe continued. “By any means necessary. That’s why they threatened me. I knew if I messed up, they’d try and hurt you.”

Gianna moved over and wrapped her arms around her brother, pulling him into a tight embrace. The sight made him want to sigh. It was sad to see such loving siblings being ripped apart because of the manifest destiny of another.

Greed and power were synonymous with the terrorizing of those less fortunate. It was one of the many reasons why he didn’t approve of his own father’s authority over Lorr. Too much could be exploited when one held that kind of power in their hands.

Leaning away from his captain’s chair, Kozien moved around to sit in it and start up the engines.

“We need to get you two to a safe location. If this Umbrosis is to be feared, we shouldn’t take any chances with them catching us.”

“I agree,” Gianna spoke, her footsteps coming up from behind him a moment later.

She leaned over the copilot’s chair and looked out the windshield. “Where will we go, though?”

Flicking on a few of the monitors and power receptors, Kozien turned to look at her.

“I can take you both to somewhere safe far from Delta Gamma, but we’re going to need money to cross the borders. There are fees to leave this sector, not to mention to dock with an out-of-region ship. Being here is dangerous for me, but if we get closer to the royal lands, I’ll have enough of a signal to get into my accounts and transfer money we can use.”

Her eyes widened. “You’d really do that, Kozien?”

He fought back a smile. She really was so sweet and endearing when it came to him wanting to take care of her. Her distrust was understandable, considering what her life had been like before they’d met. But her constant surprise over him wanting to help her still made him want to laugh a little.

He’d only traveled across the entire planet and gotten way too close for comfort to his family’s lands for her to potentially find her brother. Yet she was still questioning him.

Really, he might as well write a sign and stick it to his forehead for her to refer back to when she doubted him.

“Yes, but we must be careful. If the royal guards or my father catch wind that I’m here, they’ll surely do whatever they can to bring me back, and they might not be too concerned about who else gets hurt in the process.”

Gianna’s shoulders straightened, her mouth pulling into a determined line. “Of course. We’ll be careful. If you can’t get far enough, we’ll leave and figure something else out.”

Kozien wanted to groan and pull her into his lap so he could wrap his arms around her and bury his face in her neck. This Terran had turned out to be anything but what he’d first thought of her when they met. Her concern for his well-being touched him deeply.

“All right.” His voice came out a little rough.

She smiled.

“How close do you need to get?” Gabe’s voice piped up from the back of the ship.

“Within walking distance of the central bank.”

Gianna’s fingers drummed against the copilot’s seat. “That might be too risky for you to go. We can go instead. You’ll just need to talk us through the process.”

Kozien frowned. “Someone could recognize you.”

Gianna shrugged. “We’ll wear disguises.”

“Disguises? Of what?”

Gianna laughed softly. “Don’t they have royal servants or something? Guards? Anything that we can dress up in that has a uniform?”

Leaning back in his chair, Kozien lifted a leg and crossed it over his knee.

“Yes, they have royal servants. Though, the outfits are a bit… hard to come by unless you steal one from someone on the streets.”

Her grin was practically diabolical. “Gabe and I are experts at stealing.”

That made him bark out a laugh.

“Just tell us what they look like and leave the rest to us.”