He listened as she cried, clutching onto his arms like she would never let go. He kissed every inch of her body, silently promising to erase every trace of Oxxaro. He would do anything to help her forget today.

He was gentle, asking to ensure she wanted him, all of him. She, in turn, said she needed him. And he felt that deep in his soul.

Wrapped up in the sheets, holding each other, they made love. He felt every inch of her, and even when he was deep inside her, his only thought was that she was safe in his arms.

Gianna straddled him, looking deep into his eyes. Kozien cupped her cheek, wiping a few stray tears that broke free. He kissed her chin. “Am I hurting you? We can stop if this hurts.”

She shook her head. “No.” She leaned closer, kissing his nose. “You’re healing me, Kozien.”

He wiped a few more tears, kissing her softly once more on the lips. She made him feel like everything was going to be okay. He had to hope that was entirely true. He didn’t want to let her down again.

He thrust into her, looking deep into her eyes. He watched the lust take over as she allowed her mind to finally wander. He allowed it to shift his own mind.

He gripped her hips, thrusting deeper up into her. Gianna ground down on him, bringing them closer than before.

Kozien growled, “You’re amazing.”

Clutching onto each other, they came together, and when they finished, he pulled Gianna close to him again. He pulled the sheets over their naked bodies and held her against his chest.

Gianna snuggled closer. “We should be planning,” she muttered sleepily.

“Tomorrow.” He kissed the top of her head. “First, we need to sleep. You need sleep.”

He expected her to fight, but she didn’t. She fell asleep, and Kozien soon followed.

Chapter 17

WarmthsoakedintoGianna’sskin, making her feel safe and protected. The space was tiny, but she was comforted, not cramped. With a little wriggle, she pressed herself even tighter against Kozien and breathed deeply of his intoxicating scent.

For a few moments, Gianna floated blissfully in a sea of security. She had never felt so safe in her entire life, and finally, she was far from the conflict that had chased her through her recent days.

Her next thought was of Gabe, and that was when the full weight of the situation crashed down on her. She might be safe, but Gabe definitely was not. She couldn’t relax until she found him.

As if he felt the tension in her body, Kozien woke with a start, his arms tightening around her as his eyes snapped open.

“Are you okay?” he glanced around the room as if he expected an army of D’Narvius to come pouring through the door.

“I’ve never been better,” she whispered, kissing him softly. “Except for worrying about Gabe, this could be the best moment of my life.”

Kozien’s face softened, and he wrapped his arms more tightly around her, snuggling her to his chest.

“We’ll find him,” Kozien whispered. “I promise.”

Gianna let herself enjoy the warmth and comfort for a few moments more and then slipped out of bed to get dressed. Her worry for Gabe was driving her into restless movement.

“I’ll make some calls,” Kozien told her. “See what I can find out.”

Gianna nodded, trying to calm as she got dressed. The events of the night before had rattled her badly. She was more worried about Gabe now than she had been before.

“Okay,” Kozien re-entered the main room. “A large ship is coming in later today. I know it’s part of the same organization the D’Narvius are working for. It might not pan out, but it’s the best lead we have.”

Gianna nodded. “What do you suggest we do?”

“I think we can sneak into the dock and get a good look at it. If we disguise ourselves as dock workers, no one will pay much attention to us.”

“Okay.” She smiled. “That sounds like a good plan.”

Kozien seemed to sense her fear and wrapped his arms around her again. Immediately, she was safe and comforted. Something about being in his presence made her feel like everything really was going to be all right.