“Where is she?”

“I don’t know!”

“She can’t have disappeared. She must be here somewhere!”

The voices boomed down the hall, made high and shrill with panic. Kozien smiled, the sound was like music to his ears.

That’s my girl! She got away.

“I’m telling you, you better find her, or it’ll be your head!”

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.”

“I mean it! And you, I want you in the opposite direction. This is a fucking disgrace. Call the top team if you have to.”

“Yes, sir.”

Three D’Narvius guards were in the hall as well as one superior. He could tell that all of them were shocked and maybe a little scared that a young woman had evaded them.

“I can’t believe this,” the deepest voice muttered, striding past the door. “One Terran woman, outsmarting me and every single one of my guards. Fuck this.”

Kozien smiled, thinking the guy seemed particularly upset. He hoped Gianna had given him one hell of a run for his money. Then he recalled that he had her comm, and her clothes. Fear raced down his spine.

If she isn’t here, where is she?

His mate could be out in the meanest, darkest space port in the known galaxy completely fucking naked without cash, weapons, or comms. A new kind of fear gripped him, and he realized he had to get out.

Maybe she’s well-dressed and armed. I can hope for the best.

Hope hadn’t gotten him very far in his life. Decisive action always did, though. Kozien stood up and listened, reassuring himself that the D’Narvius were gone. He knew the entire complex would be mobilized to look for Gianna soon, and he didn’t have long to find her.

As much as he admired his mate’s tenacity and skill, he was beginning to wonder if she knew how to stay still. It seemed he’d been relentlessly chasing her ever since the first moment he’d met her.

As he stepped out into the hall and ran toward the nearest stairwell, he grinned to himself. He knew he’d keep chasing her into eternity if that’s what it took. It would just be nice if they could shake the bad guys that always seemed to be chasing her, too.

Chapter 15

Gianna’sheartracedamile a minute, and she squeezed her knees closer to herself. She was afraid, cold, and exposed in every way possible.

The sudden footsteps made her freeze, and she heard the lid open. She squeezed her eyes shut, knowing she was done for. But a box landed on her, and the lid slammed shut. She sat very still until the footsteps receded.

She pushed the box up, and the lip flapped open. She crawled out and opened the box, peering into it.

She needed a better hiding spot, but as soon as she thought about it, she needed something else even more. She needed a wrist-comm. She needed to get in contact with Kozien.

She wanted to stay hidden. She wanted to never be found again and forever just stay in the trash, but she knew she couldn’t. If she wanted a chance at getting out of here, she needed to move. They would start looking in every little place for her, including the trash.

She ran her hands through her hair and felt a wave of tears burst free. She was in a mess, and she didn’t see an escape. She was stuck here, and it was her own doing.

Gritting her teeth, she wiped her eyes, knowing crying wouldn’t solve her problems. She needed to think, and fast. She surveyed the area once more before seeing there was nothing here to help her.

She needed to find a wrist-comm. So she headed back out into the hallway and walked slowly. She tried to listen for footsteps and paused every few feet to listen. She thought she could make it to a room and steal a wrist-comm.

Someone grabbed her from behind, and she screamed. Her body was lifted off the ground as she looked back to see two men had grabbed her. They smiled. “We found you.”

Horror filled her entire body, and she screamed louder as they pulled her back.

One covered her mouth, but she continued to scream. She thrashed, trying to wiggle herself free, but they had a good grip on her. One grabbed her legs, and the other hoisted her body up.