Kozien didn’t like either of those options. “Gianna, can you see anything? Tell me where you are.”

“I can’t…” she muttered. He heard another crackling burst. “I can’t see anything.”

“Are you alone?” he bellowed, realizing he was drawing attention again but not being able to help it.

The crackling settled, and Kozien could hear Gianna crying even harder now. He could tell she was very frightened, which made his heart ache with rage.

I’m going to tear apart anyone who touches her!

Kozien had bright, vivid fantasies of ripping the entire dock to pieces, building by building, until he found her. He didn’t give a fuck if it upset the Jorvlens or the Lorr. Nothing mattered except finding her.

“Talk to me,” he begged. “Tell me what you can see. I need to know where you are. Tell me anything you can see.”

The connection went hazy again, and Kozien held in another frustrated roar. It sounded like Gianna might be fighting to hold on to the comm. Maybe she was running from her captors and trying to get the signal to him so he could track her.

“Gianna,” he whispered. He refused to believe the situation was hopeless. He would find her. He just needed a little bit more time.

God, give me that time! I need to save her!

He remembered the pull he felt in his chest when she smiled, when her joy was so pure it lit up her dark brown eyes. Her life had been too hard, so terribly hard. She didn’t deserve any of this.

All Kozien wanted was to give her everything, spoil her with every luxury she’d never known. She deserved to live in comfort without fear and hardship.

I can’t bear this.

“Kozien,” she whispered before another frightful burst of static. Then a clear, high scream that was his mate in a state of pure terror.

The comm went dead. He tried to call back or open the connection again, but it wouldn’t go through.

Kozien looked up to the dark sky, taking deep breaths to calm himself. Gianna was nearby and she was in big trouble.

Chapter 12

Giannahadrunfromthe D’Narvius as fast as she could, but she wasn’t fast enough. Her one hope was to get back to the docking area and put herself on a shuttle, hoping he wouldn’t kidnap her right there in a public place.

A very vain hope.

Crime obviously ruled here. If she had pissed off the wrong guy, she knew security would probably let the criminals kidnap her. They might even help the bad guys.

She couldn’t outrun the D’Narvius. He tackled her before she’d even made it ten feet. Gianna tried calling Kozien again, fighting off the alien as he tried to stop her. It was obvious the guy didn’t have restraints on him, nor was he expecting her to put up a fight.

We must be making quite a spectacle. I wonder if passersby think we are lovers or enemies. Maybe a drunk dance troop?

She kept struggling against the D’Narvius, even as he forced her down a street and into a bright, secure-looking building. She managed to put one more call through to Kozien before the D’Narvius took the device and shoved it in his pocket.

“Finally!” the alien cried as a bunch of other D’Narvius hurried down the hall. “She’s a fucking firecracker, man!”

“Can’t handle a little girlie?” one of them muttered. Her captor shoved her so hard, she went down on her knees.

“You take her. I’m done. Droka won’t even know what’s gone down. The supply chain should be uninterrupted.”

“What’s she got on her?”

“Not sure,” the D’Narvius behind her said. He dug in his pocket and tossed the wrist-comm to the others. “I got this from her but didn’t search her.”

Gianna sat up, looking behind her and then in front. She was completely surrounded, so it was useless to fight.

The one who had caught her gave a mock salute and left. The two remaining D’Narvius looked at her coldly. The smaller one searched her and was quite rough about it.