Gianna didn’t even pause. She snatched up the envelope, stuffed it into her shirt, and ran. As she left the room, she heard laughter, but she didn’t even care.

Up ahead, where the street began to get lighter with security lamps, she saw a little stall. Gianna breathed a sigh of relief when she saw comm devices for sale.

She hastily purchased one and called Kozien.

“Hello,” he muttered.

“Kozien! It’s me.”

“Where are you?” he snapped.

“In the back alleys of the station. The one outside Jorvlen. I had to do a deal, and now I think I’m in big trouble!”

Suddenly, Gianna felt a horrible foreboding. She looked up and saw a D’Narvius watching her.

Even though Kozien kept shouting, asking her for more information, Gianna was too scared. She gathered up her things and ran.

The alien chased her.

Kozien was frantic to get to Gianna now. Her comm going dead at that exact moment didn’t bode well. He hurried through the docks on Jorvlen, booking himself on a shuttle up to the space station.

He kept trying to call Gianna, but she didn’t answer. His anxiety grew. She was in one of the worst ports in the galaxy, where all kinds of shady deals went down.

People were murdered there every day, and Kozien knew that even though it was run by Jorvlens, it was practically lawless.

When the shuttle docked, he hurried through the port, heading to a public restroom. He could ditch the Ethane Breather mask now because he was pretty sure the royal family wouldn’t be looking for him up here. Kozien kept his big, hooded robe and wrapped it around himself, covering his horns.

He left the restroom and walked through the main areas around the docks. He kept calling Gianna, hoping to hear a comm device ringing nearby that might lead him to her.

Kozien gave up on the businesses around the docks. Gianna was clearly in the thick of some nasty criminal business, and no way would she be hanging out in the secure areas. With some trepidation, Kozien headed into the dark alleys that spread away from the well-lit docks.

He kept calling her but received no answer. With every moment, his frustration grew. He caught a few hostile looks from burly looking types, but he ignored them. Starting trouble would only slow him down.

If they want to start something, I’ll tear them apart with my bare hands!

He was twitchy enough that he felt like he could kill at will. Kozien was so worried about Gianna that his patience with the entire situation had definitely run out.

After a lot of walking with no results, Kozien paused to examine his own comm. He tweaked the controls a little, trying to see if it could track Gianna. The comm was not very sophisticated, but it did thread to Gianna’s signal.

Eagerly, Kozien waited for the little device to give him a direction. He held it up, hoping for a better signal. The comm beeped, showing a green light.

Then the damn thing rang, almost making him drop it. He saw the number and answered it immediately.

“Gianna!” he cried, almost shouting into the speaker.

Kozien looked around quickly, realizing he was drawing attention to himself. Quickly, he hurried into a shadowy corner and tried to conceal his actions.

“Gianna?” he asked.

“Kozien,” she whispered.

He could hear her crying, and red-hot fury flooded his veins. “Where are you? What’s happening?”

“I’m…” Her voice was lost in a burst of crackling static. Kozien shook the comm device, barely restraining himself from shattering it against the wall.

“I don’t know where I am.” Gianna’s voice came through loud and clear before disappearing into static again. Kozien realized she was not above ground; she couldn’t be. That was the only reason the signal would be so messed up.

Either that, or she’s in a completely sealed metal room.