Page 76 of Deadly Protector

She seems to study my face. I let her because I have absolutely nothing to hide. I’m not a good man, but I’ll be the man my woman needs.

“So, you’re here to ask questions? I’m sorry, boy, but I barely remember what I had for breakfast two hours ago. My mind likes to play tricks on me,” she replies. I feel my hopes begin to fade away. This entire trip has been useless. The only thing I accomplished was to let another man take my woman out.

“Do you remember Gia—Angie at all?” I press, unwilling to give up without trying.

“Of course. I told you I did. Maybe your memory is worse than mine,” she answers, and EZ laughs out loud.The asshole.

I smile and chuckle a bit myself. She may be old, but she’s got a fire in her—that’s for sure.

“Do you remember anything about the people who visited her? Maybe close to the time you went on the cruise?”

“Not really, I try not to get in other people’s business you understand. Plus, like you said, I was on that cruise I won.”

“You won a cruise? I’m thinking I need some of your luck,” EZ jokes.

“No, you don’t. That cruise is the only thing I’ve ever won in my life. It was the darnedest thing. I don’t even remember entering. Of course, I’ve warned you how my memory is,” she says, staring off into space like she’s trying to remembersomething important, either that or she forgot we’re here altogether. Either one is a distinct possibility.

“How did you win the cruise?” EZ asks, beating me to asking the same thing. His question ends in a grunt, though, when the black cat jumps up and stands in his lap. He takes his claws and proceeds to pick at EZ’s jeans making himself a bed. I can tell from EZ’s slight facial movements, the claws are very sharp, but he doesn’t object.

“Melissa! Get down from there,” Mildred admonishes.

“She’s fine,” EZ says, casually scratching the cat behind his ears. Well,herears. I guess he is a she.

“Pussy has always loved me,” he quips, making me laugh even when I don’t want to.

My attention goes back to Mildred. She thankfully didn’t hear EZ. She’s still staring off into space. “Mildred?” I nudge. I don’t know why I’m asking. None of this information could really help me figure out who attacked Angie. All I know is that I don’t want to leave one stone unturned.

“It was from the Around The World travel agency. I think they were based out of Washington. I thought it was a hoax, to be honest. Sure enough, when I called the phone number on my prize notification, it was real. I may not have remembered entering the contest, but I must have. They had all my information.”

“Seems to me your memory, Ms. Mildred, is sharp as a tack.”

“About some things,” she admits.

“You don’t remember any of guys that Angie dated back then?” I ask.

I know I’m an idiot. I know she didn’t date anyone. I’m just trying to see if she remembers any men hanging around Gia’s rental back then. Gia said she didn’t date. I believe her, she’s too innocent. That means if Mildred remembers anyone and can give me just a name to go by, it might help.

“Not really. Only one suitor stands out to be honest and I don’t know anything about him. I don’t even know his full name.”

“His full name? Does that mean you know part of it?” I can’t help the hope that begins bubbling up in me. I’m desperate for a lead.

“Maybe, I’m not sure. He came by about a week before I left for my cruise. I remember because I called out that Angie wasn’t home. He said he knew that. He was just dropping something off for her.”

“Was that common? For him to come around when Gia—uh, Angie, wasn’t home?”

“Sometimes. They had a weird relationship. I never really saw them together. He must have worked long hours because sometimes he wouldn’t even show up until after midnight. He was really nice and courteous, though. Plus, on his days off, he’d show up and clean Angie’s house or fix her dinner.”

None of this is lining up with what I know of Gia. She said she never dated this asshole and I have no doubt at all she told me the truth. She would have mentioned having a boyfriend back then. Iknowshe would.

“How do you know he cooked and cleaned for her? Did Gi—Angie tell you?”

“No, the man did when we were talking one day. Before I could ask him more, the guy with him yelled that they had to go. He called him by name though. Malachi.”

I frown. “Malachi? Are you positive?”

“Mostly, the guy he was with had a thick accent, so I may have heard wrong.”

“What type of accent?” EZ pipes in, still stroking that damn cat who is now purring so loud that it’s a little scary.