Page 6 of Deadly Protector

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I fucked up somewhere. I’d like to say that I have no idea where, but I’m pretty sure she got pissed because I looked into that motherfucker who has been asking her out. I worked like hell to try and find something wrong with the guy and it kills me that so far, I’ve found nothing. It seems impossible. Everyone has skeletons to hide but so far, I’m not finding anything on this Caleb asshole.

Gia was quiet through dinner and through this horrible Superman movie. She loves it though, I could see how her eyes lit up during certain scenes and sometimes, she would even mouth the dialogue along with the characters on the screen. It was adorable, and it took everything in me not to grab her and pull her into my arms. There’s a voice inside my head, telling me to do that even now. I want to, so bad that I can taste it. The problem is, if I scare her away, I’ll never forgive myself.

Jesus!This woman has me tied in knots and she has no idea. Antonio and Niko might be right. I should man up. In the time we’ve been together, I’ve tried to spend my time letting her heal. I’ve made it a point to make sure she knows when I see her, I don’t see her scars. I’ve made it a priority to let her know how special she is to me. I have been biding my time until I see thatshe’s wanting more, and then I have always planned to make my move. I haven’t yet because I still see fear in her eyes. I’ve been there when she has her panic attacks. I don’t want to add to her panic and push her to the point she runs from me. I’m pretty sure that would kill me.

Maybe it’s time I talk to Emilia. I smirk because I know Niko is going to have a fit over that. That just makes the idea more appealing. I turn my attention back to Gia and find she’s fallen asleep. She’s leaning against the arm of the sofa, and she looks so beautiful and innocent that my damn chest aches.

“What am I going to do with you, Kitten?” I whisper.

I stand and lift her up easily, cradling her against my chest. Her hair is down and dry from her shower. Her beautiful burnt auburn hair is falling over my arm in waves that remind me of liquid fire sparkling in the moonlight. Her face is relaxed for a change, something that rarely happens. It usually takes me all evening to get her to come out of her shell and past her walls. She changed into a set of Christmas pajamas that have little reindeers all over the green, furry bottoms. Her top is the same matching green fur, dark in color and long sleeves. There is nothing sexy about any of it, and yet, I’d never seen another woman look hotter in my life.

Gia is it for me. I knew that the moment I first saw her standing next to Dante. I had to fight down the urge to yank her away from him even then. I was the first person to get her out of the funeral home that night. Since then—with a few work exceptions—I’ve been pretty close to her side every evening. I know she doesn’t understand why, but truthfully, she’s the only one that doesn’t realize that I’m completely and utterly gone for her. Time has done nothing to change that. If anything, it has made my need for her worse. I’ve been twiddling my thumbs like a damn moron just waiting.

In the meantime, I’ve watched Niko, Antonio, and now even Marco claim their women and get them pregnant. I want that with Gia. It’s not going to happen unless things change, and I have to admit that I’m tired of waiting. It’s time. Hell, it’s past time. I take her in as I lay her down on the bed.

With a heavy sigh I go to her bathroom and find my overnight bag that I brought over ages ago. I just replenish my clothes here and there. Gia does my laundry, so every new piece I bring just adds to what I already have here. I even have suits in her closet.Does she even realize that we’re practically living together?

Of course, she doesn’t.

I can’t even blame her completely. A lot of this is on me. I haven’t made my intentions clear. I have to start getting my angel to see me as her man. With that thought, I take my clothes off and slip on my joggers. Then, I slide into the bed and pull my woman into me, spooning her. When her sexy, curvy ass rubs against my groin, teasing my already hard cock I quietly groan. Closing my eyes, I tap down the urge to take her up on the offer she has no idea she’s making. I wrap one hand around her stomach and hold her tightly. As I close my eyes, enveloped in her scent, I can only acknowledge the fact that nothing has ever felt this right in my life.

I would move heaven and hell for this woman.

I just hope she doesn’t require that before she gives in to me.


. . .

I stretch, feeling all warm and tingly. The only time I sleep this well is when Victor is in bed with me. It may seem weird to some that I don’t freak out with a man in bed with me. The first night it happened, Victor came in when I was having a panic attack. He held me and talked me through it. Now, I just feel safe and cared for in his arms. On the nights when he sleeps on the couch, I wake up often. I didn’t wake up once last night.Not once.

I burrow into my covers, loving the heat they provided. I breathe in deeply, loving the scent. I don’t remember buying a different brand of detergent, but whatever I bought, I should keep getting it. It kind of reminds me of…Victor.

I freeze and drag my tired brain away from sleep. It’s then I notice that I’m snuggled into warmth, but that warmth is not a big pile of covers. That warmth is the muscled body of the man who haunts my dreams nightly. His arms are around me, my leg is over his thigh, and my head is tucked under his chin. My breath lodges in my chest and I can’t seem to function. He’s usually long gone when I wake up in the morning.

I carefully lean back so I can look up at him. He’s asleep. His face is just as beautiful as it is when he’s awake, but more relaxed and therefore, even more appealing. His long dark lashes fanout beautifully, making my breath stall once more. It should be against the law for a man to be as gorgeous as he is.

“Victor?” I whisper, my voice sounding breathless even to my own ears.

In response, he tightens his hold on me, mumbles slightly and then let’s sleep drag him back under. I take a moment to enjoy the way his lips move and wonder how they would feel against mine.

I close my eyes as feelings and emotions I refuse to give a name to assail me. What would it feel like to give into what I want just once and press my lips against Victor’s. Would he kiss me back? God, what I wouldn’t give for him to kiss me just once.

Just. Once.

I stretch, thinking of doing just that, but right before I can kiss him, his eyes open.

“Kitten,” he groans, his eyes studying me. Even full of sleep, I’m almost positive he’s aware of what I was about to do.God, I’m so stupid.


His name ends on a squeak as he tightens his hold on my hip and pulls me into him even deeper than I already was. He curls his head down and his nose grazes against mine. His hot breath fans against me and then I feel his lips against my ear.

“What do you want, sweetheart? Just ask and I’ll give it to you.”

I close my eyes, because I wanted him, and I already knew that I couldn’t have him. There’s no way that Victor could ever be mine. I’m too damaged both outside and…in.Besides, there’s no way a man like him would want me—at least not the way I need. He’s my best friend. If I push for more, I’ll lose him. I’ve never had much in my life. The future I wanted was erased the night I was violated and something in me died. I can’t survive losing Victor. I never meant to let myself love him, but I do.