Page 22 of Deadly Protector

“That was before,” I snap. I panic when I realize what I was about to say and go back to trying to jerk my arm away.

“Before what?” he demands, tugging on my arm hard enough that I almost fall against him. He spreads his legs apart and, somehow, I find myself standing between them. He lets go of my arm, but before I can celebrate both his hands are braced on my hips and this is even more worrisome.

I brace myself on his shoulders. “Let me go, Victor.”

“Never, Gia. Now, answer the question,before what.”

I swallow, trying to figure out how to get out of this. “It was before you left the country,” I invent, hoping he will leave it alone, but knowing he won’t.

“Going out of town made you believe you could go back on your word to me?” he asks incredulously.

“No,” I huff, remembering I’m pissed at him. “Having you tell me that we weren’t friends made me realize you don’t get a say in what I do. Deanna is right. I need to start pushing myself. I want a normal life. I want to be happy. I want a man in my life who doesn’t view me as a weak family member—ashamed of me to the point that he doesn’t even want to be my friend.”

“That’s it,” he growls. He pulls me down, forcing me to straddle his thighs, and sit in his lap, so that I’m facing him.


“You’re the only woman in the world I get tongue tied around and I’m not proud of how I handled things in our last conversation, I can admit that.”

“I think?—”

“Shut up, Gia.”

My head snaps back with his words. “Excuse me?”

“I don’t want to be your friend, Gia. What I feel for you isn’t something you can sum up in friendship.”

“What you feel for me?” I murmur, my heart flip-flopping as I try to understand. “Do… do you feel something for me, Victor?”

“No,” he says, and I didn’t think that one simple word could crush you, but this one does. I feel tears stinging my eyes. My body stiffens from the verbal blow he just delivered. I want to scream at him, slap his face, punch him, or even kick him. Yet, I do nothing except to force my head sideways as I get control of my emotions. I can’t pull away. He’s not allowing me that. If anything, his grip on me intensifies. “Kitten,” he adds softly, one hand leaving my hip to slide under my chin and force me to turn my head and look at him. “I feeleverythingfor you.”

I blink. I’m not sure what he means by that. I’m afraid to think it’s significant. I don’t want to feel my heart get crushed again. “I don’t think I understand,” I finally respond quietly.

“You’re not ready for all I want from you. You’re still healing and I’m not going to pressure you into something you’re not ready for. That doesn’t mean I’m going to sit by and let another man snake his way into your life and your heart. You belong to me, Angelina. You have from the first moment I saw you. When you’re ready, I’m here.Just me.”

My breath quickens. I look into his eyes. I know I heard the words, but I’m more than a little afraid to believe them. He said a lot, but I can’t leave room for doubt. I can’t risk the chance that Victor and I are on different pages again. “Do you…loveme?” I struggle to get the words out. I’m terrified of his answer. Shit, I’m petrified of even breathing at this point. I can feel heat bloom across my cheeks as I resist the urge to bolt from the room. I don’t know if I could get away, but he’s only holding me with one hand now, so there’s a chance. It’s slim, but it is still there. With each second that ticks by, the option is more appealing.

“I don’t want to scare you.”

“Too late,” I quip without thought, my mouth suddenly feeling dry.

“I don’t think I’ve ever used the word love in my life,” he adds and that hope that was beginning to blossom inside of me begins to wither.

“I see,” I breathe, trying to contain my reaction.

“I don’t want to go through the day without hearing your voice or seeing you smile. I live for the sound of your laughter.”

“Victor,” I mouth, unsure if actual sound comes out, I’m too lost in what he’s saying.

“I’ve all but moved into your house, Kitten. I didn’t do that because your place is better than mine. I did it because where you are is where I need to be.”

“Because you want to make sure I’m safe?” I ask, confused again.

“That’s part of it. That’s nowhere near the full reason why,” he answers.

“I really wish you’d quit talking in circles,” I complain, rubbing my forehead as I try to lessen the tension gathering inside me.

“I think I’m making it pretty fucking clear,” he gripes, clearly as frustrated as I am.