Page 105 of Deadly Protector

“Women with big tits and a good ass. He’s not choosy about anything else they might have.”

Antonio chuckles, “Interesting.”

“I wouldn’t be too eager to send him a gift. You have a mole inside our organization that reports back to these assholes,” I tell him, making Antonio stiffen. Immediately there’s a pissed-off vibe coming from him.

Samuil has found some zip ties in the small console of the golf cart and is busy securing my prisoner’s hands. “They weren’t moles. They won’t be there when you return.”

“What does that mean?” Antonio growls.

Samuil shrugs. “From the moment we hired them, their job was to make sure Angelina stayed safe and nothing touched her. Anything else they did for you we didn’t ask about—unless it pertained to our operation. Which until Victorio headed our way with a war party—didn’t.”

“Then, how did Zervas Cirillo know about them?” Antonio asks, mentioning the man who had bragged to Marco’s wife that I had moles in my operation. “I don’t like people playing games in my organization. Those that do usually end up dead.”

“Cirillo knew because we needed him to believe Ivan was completely dark and had eyes on DeLucas’ Athens base. It got us what we wanted.”

“And what was that?” I find myself asking.

“Proof on who exactly Abram’s allies were. If you look closely over there, you’ll see some of Toban Cirillo’s people. He apparently‘disappeared’,” Sam says, making the air quotes. So, we couldn’t invite him, but we wanted that family to know their time is up.” With that, he walks off.

“What are you going to do when you find out who the plants were?” I ask, Antonio.

He shrugs. “I’m not sure. Depends on who it was. If it was minor players? Maybe nothing overt, but I’ll get a message across. Who’s this fucker?” he asks, motioning toward the golf cart.

“I’m pretty sure he’s the one who attacked Gia. He’s going home with me. I’m just not sure if it’s in pieces or still breathing.”

Antonio stares at him, contemplating something. “Finish him so he doesn’t have to ride on the same plane as your woman. Make it hurt but get it over quick. You have a wife to fuck, and that’s more important.”

With that advice, he walks off, leaving me standing there.


. . .

I wanted to make this fucker’s pain last, but Antonio’s words kept ringing in my ear. He was right, I have a wife I need to fuck. When Samuil led me down to what he called the dungeon—which was basically a hidden cavern that had been cemented with drains and a jail cell—I stopped a minute to take in the dead bodies which the Levkins’ men had packed in. Thankfully, people were searched before admittance for cellphones and listening devices upon entry to the wedding. If they had them, they were stripped from them and could only be retrieved when leaving. That was needed just in case anyone wanted to try to report the massacre that happened today, so there would be no evidence. The bodies would be gone before daybreak.

The Levkin brothers were nothing, if not efficient.

I’ve now been down here for a while, by myself, torturing Adam Dolan. I know I need to end it. The bodies around me were on ice, but they needed to be handled sooner rather than later. Plus, my Gia texted me she was going to bed. I told her I’d be there soon and I’m not lying to her—especially on my wedding night. I’m done with this.

I look down at the naked Adam Dolan, bloody with dozens of crisscrossed stripes all over his body from a whip I foundhanging on the wall. There was also one long jagged, deep cut that was still oozing blood that followed the same path as the one on Gia’s face. I had also inflicted some knife wounds in various areas on his body, too. I got bored and did it to pass the time while the asshole tried to convince me that he wasn’t the one to hurt my Kitten. Other than that, I haven’t done much. Okay, I did shoot his kneecaps out. It looked like fun and it mostly was. I did that after he finally admitted that he was the one who touched my woman.

I didn’t want to do anything to kill him, because when that time came, I wanted him to feel it all. He was stretched out on the cold, cement floor with a chain on each wrist, pulling him until his shoulders popped out of socket. His legs were done the same way, but sadly no popping, just his screams of pain and protest.

“Adam, I think our time is over. I just wanted to see what kind of sick fuck it took to try to destroy an innocent woman. Did it make you feel big to do that to her? Because I have to tell you motherfucker, looking at you, I don’t see anything but putrid rot. Which, by the way, is what you’ll be when this is done. I’m going to have my boys melt your body down to nothing but the slime you are. You see there’s this big pig farm down the road. They have a homemade sewage plant and that’s where you’re going. I’m going to pour you into it to become one with the pig shit, because that’s all you ever were.”

“Fuck you! She was just a girl. Abram had me do that to lots of them. He got off on it. She was worthless. Her own mother gave us the keys to get into the girl’s house. She even told us to teach her a lesson.” He tried to laugh, but he was wheezing and too weak from pain. His words chill me to the bone. I silently vow that this is something that my Gia will never find out. I’m also going to make her mother pay. “You’re doing all this over some pussy? What a joke. She wasn’t even the best I’ve had.”

I step on his groin then, wishing I had on my boots, but it doesn’t matter, it’s not like he can move. Then, I take my knife and look over my shoulder at him with a smile that I’m sure is sinister looking, because right now, the only pleasure I have is knowing I’m ending his sorry life. “My knife is pretty dull. I spent twenty minutes—while the men were getting you ready for me—throwing the sharp blade into one of those turtle statues around here.”

“Fuck you,” he mumbles, but I feel the terror that is trembling through him. It makes me happy.

“I did it so this wouldreallyhurt. In case you were wondering,I’mgoing to get off on that. You’re going to be the best kill I’ve ever had. I’m so fucking excited over killing you. I’m actually planning on celebrating it for a while.”

“J-just do it.”

“Come on. Youshouldbe asking how I’m going to commemorate your death. Oh, never mind. I’ll be nice and tell you. When I finally do end your miserable, stinking life, I’m going to cut your heart out and bring it back to Miami with me. I’m going to dig a hole and bury it just outside my fence line and then, every fucking morning and every fucking night, I’m going to yank out my dick, which—spoiler alert—is much bigger than your pitiful example of one, and piss all over the only part left of you to rot.”

“Just kill me already,” he snaps, but his voice is weak. He also pisses himself. Thankfully, I don’t have to touch that end. I grab his dick and begin sawing through it. The knife is definitely dull, so it’s making jagged cuts. Eventually, it makes it through, as I blot out the fucker’s screams. When I grab it by the sawn-off base, I turn, holding up the limp-ass thing, looking down at him. “Oh, God, oh, God,” he cries, panicking and making me laugh.