His lip curled in a sneer, and he turned away from her with an abrupt flutter of his cloak as if she were suddenly unworthy to even look upon. “I should have expected that some of you would not understand the depths of romance. Have you not proven it time and again?” he added, his gaze flicking scornfully over Quin, Nancey, Jasmine, and Stacey one by one.

“I…I think it is sweet that he still wished to remember them,” Destiny hedged as she edged closer to his side.

She looked over at the women nearest to her and widened her eyes at them. A few of them seemed to get the message and hurried over to the prince’s side with smiles pasted on their faces.

“He must have still loved and cherished them to have this here,” another mate, Angelica, agreed as the other two with her bobbed their heads.

The prince beamed down at them and wrapped his arms around Destiny and Angelica and brushed loving kisses along their cheeks as the other two women entwined their arms around him with happy little sighs at his smiles of approval. Stacey smothered her surprise as his other two favored breeders hung back with the other women, fear stamping their faces, and their presence altogether ignored by the prince.

“Now, let us make camp in the great hall. I wish to be surrounded by all the grandeur while I enjoy my beauties,” he purred. “But first, we dine. Lerix, I assume you have something planned?”

The Kadesh nodded. “I set traps for the kilgee. I imagine that I will have some fine birds ready shortly if you are ready to return.”

It turned that that Lerix had five fat birds waiting for them. Stacey almost felt sorry for the beautiful birds but then reasoned that the population had to be pretty significant to have been able to trap that many. Still, that didn’t stop her from morosely collecting the longest and most beautiful of the bright feathers and admired the almost crystalline quality of the feathers as she ran her fingers over them. She lifted a feather up and made a show of inspecting it as Varik walked by on his rounds. Their eyes met for only a moment, but it conveyed everything—she saw every bit of his love for her in that brief meeting—before his gaze snapped away and his steps carried him away from her.

A rising excitement stirred within her heart. She would sneak away tonight. She couldn’t just lay there among the other women and allow the night to pass without seeing him again. But first she just had to get through the night.

The kilgee turned out to be better tasting than she imagined, and they all practically gorged themselves on the sweet meat, but no more so than Athdar and the prince. The males indulged themselves in meat, claiming it to be the best they had tasted. After the last bite had been eaten, Gaix licked the seasoned grease from his fingers contently as Athdar dozed a short distance away from him, and gestured toward them as he reached down and freed his straining cock with one hand.

“I fear I have overindulged just a little too much to pleasure you, my sweets, but come and show me your love and devotion and please the gods of love,” he purred. “Worship my phallus as you would that of your love god and play with your lips upon the instrument of your pleasure.”

Stacey politely kept a straight face though she was uncertain of whether she wanted to laugh or gag. It was at least gratifying to see that even his favorite “breeders” were lacking in enthusiasm as they surrounded him with their perfumed bodies and began to ran kisses upon his body as they took turn kneeling between his spread thighs to suck his cock into their mouths. She wrinkled her nose faintly, not wanting to know what that all smelled like after all day walking through the heat of the forest. To her surprise, some of the other mates took pity on them and tapped them out, taking turns working the prince’s cock with hands and mouths as he erupted over and over until he finally shooed them away with a content sigh.

The relief was palpable as the women scattered.

Jasmine sighed softly and rolled away from the sight toward her. Although it was too hot in the humid heat of the castle to sleep huddled close together without even a breeze off the ocean to cool them, the five of them still arranged the thin blankets and mats that the Lorgor gave them from a crate close together.

“We should just push him into that stupid well,” Vera muttered, and Quin choked on a quiet laugh before making a small sound of agreement.

“Good idea,” Stacey sighed.

“It would solve all of our problems, except how to get off this fucking planet,” Jasmine sighed. “His stupid shuttle will never take us up without him.”

“Maybe a Kadesh mate wouldn’t be a total loss,” Quin quipped and was immediately hushed by the rest of them when she broke into a quiet chuckle.

“I don’t want a Kadesh mate,” Nancy whispered sharply, her eyes dropping. “I don’t know if I want any mate if a male can’t first prove that he will be good to me. I can’t trade one tyrant who thinks he owns my body for another. I can’t.”

Stacey reached out from her blanket and tangled their fingers. “Don’t worry, Nancy. You won’t have any mate that you don’t want. And if you decide to mate, he will be the best male out there who will love you completely.”

Her words were greeted by a small smile. “I hope that we all get that.”

“From your lips to god’s ears, or whatever divinity or divinities you believe in,” Jasmine sighed. “Let’s go to sleep. At least sleeping allows me to pretend for a little while that this life is just a nightmare.”

With a whisper of goodnight passing between them, Stacey watched the activity in the rest of the room from beneath her eyelashes as she lay on her own mat, observing each of the other women as they left Gaix and settled down for the night, followed by the steady patrol of the guards. Half of the Lorgor had settled down to rest in preparation to take the next watch, but those that were up pacing through the palace were the ones she often saw in Varik’s company when he was on shift.

Taking it as her cue, Stacey rose from her mat and slipped her shoes on her feet. The Lorgor stationed at the far wall of the room watched her with glowing eyes, but he did not try to stop her as she slipped from the room. She did not bother going toward the temple—the well of lovers’ tears was not something she cared to see again but most especially not for a romantic rendezvous—but headed in the opposite direction that opened up into an overgrown courtyard.

Surrounded by an aura of moonlight from the largest of Kaidava’s three moons framing him, Varik turned to greet her, a pleased smile curling his lips as he opened his arms for her. They did fall into the flowers and make love. He merely held her under the moonlight, the hearts beating together as their breaths mingled with their kiss. She stared there with him for as long as she dared, enjoying the even sound of his heart beneath her ear as she rested her head against his chest and the comforting weight of his tail as it curled around her, its spined frill raised protectively and pointed away from her as if seeking to her guard her even in their most intimate of moments.

He had her and she had him. They were one together, mates in truth, with only the moonlight to shelter them, the same moons that had been the sole witness to their mating.

“Let the gods of love of Kaidava, of Earth, and all across time and space bear witness,” she whispered. “You are my chosen mate and no other, Varik Otorol of Lorgoon.”

“Let the gods bear witness and hear,” he replied in a raspy voice. “For they safeguard true mates and devoted lovers. A false mate had you by his selfish devices and trickery, but you are my chosen mate now and forever, and no other, Stacey Kendricks of Earth.” Varik sighed deeply and tipped his head back, but she was startled when he suddenly made a choked sound. “Stacey. Look above us. When the stars fall, the gods shown their signs that prayers have been heard and heeded and recorded in the tapestry of the heavens. So we say on Lorgoon.”

Her eyes lifted as his arms tightened around her and she smiled. A shower of stars streaked across the sky had dozens of shimmering diamonds. Her heart felt as if it was about to burst. They were heard and blessed by the gods of love. No prince or any living person would be able to tear them apart.

As for her mate… it seemed that he was quite the romantic after all. And he proved it well as he whispered to her as he often had over the nights and when they could not see or touch each other during the day through a private link in her comm implant. It made her feel closer to him than ever. But more so when he was whispering sweet nothings in her ear as she fell asleep late into the night.