He shivered against her. “Do not say words that you do not mean in the heat of your desire,” he growled in warning, and she smiled against the warm scales of his neck.
“I mean it,” she breathed against his scales, enjoying the way his body trembled in reaction. “I’ve always desired you on some level, even back when I didn’t wish to acknowledge it, but now it is you that I want entirely. You have my heart. I love you.”
“This is madness,” he growled and then broke off into a deep moan as she unfastened his pants, freeing the frills of his sex and his hot cock into her waiting palm. He shuddered and shook his head, but she knew it was not in denial but to collect his scattered thoughts. “It should not have happened, but gods only know that there is no female that I have ever loved the way that I love you, even though I’ve been forced to adore you from afar all of these days. I have watched you and fallen even more in love with every day and thankful that it was you that the gods seemed to see fit to bond me to so unexpectedly.”
“You will run with me?” she whispered hopefully and smiled when he quickly nodded in response.
“Even if I must steal you. You are my own heart, and I will never be parted from you. I had planned on escaping with you,” he admitted in a quiet rasp. “Somehow, I will get you off Kaidava.”
“I love you, too, Varik.” Her smile grew and she straddled him, her sopping wet pussy sliding over his shaft and the unfurled frills so that they were both forced to bite back their moans. His hand tangled in her hair and suddenly his head descended, and his mouth closed over hers. Their mutual cries were muted in that moment by their joining of breath and by his tongue sliding between her lips, stealing her senses entirely as his booted feet dug into the sand and his hips lifted, driving his cock without error into the welcoming heat of her sheath.
Stacey cried out into his mouth, her hips rolling as she met his stroke, the sweet flavor of his kiss driving her crazy. They mated there beneath the moonlight of Kaidava’s three moons, their bodies undulating together, their breaths and soft sighs the only thing breaking through the heavy silence of the night. His cock rocked into her, the unique ridges around its length and frills around his sex and just beneath his cock’s head stroking exquisitely deep within her and against her exterior pleasure spots made his claim on her as much as she claimed him. Each thrust filled her, dominated her even from his position beneath her as she ground against the vibrating frills caressing her sex. He clung to her, his claws pricking faintly with exquisite care and his hips pumped and rolled against hers, driving his cock deep within her with increasing urgency, his frills teasing and coaxing her need higher, his words of love and adoration whispered fervently against her lips.
They gasped against each other’s mouths as they writhed together, their bodies coming together quicker in a slapping rhythm as he rutted into her, his tail flatting and coiling tightly around her, latching her firmly against him in their mating embrace. His cock drove deep, seeking and finding the mouth of her womb, each touch flood heat into the depth of her as his cock thickened and jerked upon contact as if giving up some small release of his seed directly into her womb.
Whatever it was, it seemed to be loaded with something extra that drove her wild, causing her pleasure to spike with each delivery. She clung to him in turn as she rode him, meeting him stroke for stroke, her body clenching eagerly around him as she felt the gathering of erotic, pleasurable pressure along the base of her spine and low in her belly. She quickened her rhythm, chasing that burning pleasure and felt his own pace rise into a frenzy as he rocked her ass, driving himself faster, harder, and deeper than ever. The sand kicked up around them in soft spraying plumes as their bodies came together, his tail occasionally dropping away to slap against the sand and flick it in high arcs into the air around them with the force of his rut. It was as if he was branding her and she craved it, wanting him to leave some mark within her that would never wash away.
Kissing a trail from her lips and along her jaw, his mouth moved along her neck. “You are sure, my blossom?”
She barely finished nodding when she felt a sharp pressure and then a sharp sting that was abruptly lost in a sea of pleasure. His hand covered her mouth as she cried out, her hips jerking against his, encouraging him to thrust more wildly into her as the sweet, wondrous heat flowed through her veins. It was liquid pleasure roaring through her, and it breathed through her as Varik’s hold became firmer and his cock shuttling in and out of her clenching channel like a creature possessed. He wasn’t just rutting her, but it was like he was descending into a true rut that put any rut of Gaix’s to shame. He pinned her to him, his body claiming hers thoroughly as his kiss branded her lips once more, his tongue stroking into her mouth and along her tongue with the same urgency of the cock pounding into her.
Bliss flowed through her, her heart brimming over with love for him as she felt her pleasure rapidly climb. She rocked violently against him as her climax ripped through her, her shout muffled thoroughly by the sudden renewed ardor of his kiss. His hips kicked up, rutting desperately, drawing out her orgasm as his cock jerked deep within her and began to give up its seed with his own brutal growl in accompaniment. They clung even harder to each other, lost in their joined pleasure as his cock ground into ever sensitive spot within her with every spray of his release. She was so lost in pleasure that she didn’t even object when he finally pulled himself free with a reluctant sigh. She expected it and felt that same reluctance despite the knowledge that their stolen moment couldn’t last any longer for the time being. She was even prepared this time for the cleansing cloth that removed every trace of his seed from her skin and inside her, though she still hated it as much as he did.
It was only then, with her sanity somewhat returned, that she could summon the energy to give her love one last, sweet kiss as he reclined back on his elbow against the stand before straightening and walking back out across the beach. She stopped near the lounging bench to pick up her clothes and hastily dress before heading toward the sleeping women a short distance away from Gaix, the weight of Varik’s gaze following her every step.
Though she hated having to continue the charade, her heart felt light as she dropped to the sand next to Quin and burrowed against the other woman’s back. She didn’t yet know how, but one way or another they would be getting away from Gaix and off Kaidava. There was a boat… perhaps all they needed was an appropriate distraction that would allow them to escape. It would need to be. Despite the laws, she was pretty sure that Athdar had some sort of weapon on him. He was never unarmed and was clever at concealing little, unexpected things. It would have to be a big distraction to get them to the boat without incident. She wasn’t lucky enough to hope that something would just save her the trouble and eat the prince and gonsi both at the forbidden palace. But surely some sort of distraction could be managed so far from the boat and the resources of civilization.
Stacey smiled to herself as she settled comfortably into sleep. They would find a way.
Few things bothered Varik as much as watching the delirium his mate had suffered when she had been forced to dance for the bastard prince while the useless gonsi applied himself to recording everything at Gaix’s instruction. But watching his mate disappear among the forest’s dense brush behind him as he took the fore-guard position was coming up a close second. He did not like her being out of his sight for even a moment and certainly did not trust either Calysii male with caring for her welfare when he could not. Especially not in a heavy forest that hid any number of dangerous threats.
And she was his mate now. The commitment of her heart to his and their joining and the sharing of his venom had solidified that within his mind in a way that trumped Gaix’s hollow claim upon his Stacey. That he had to continue the lie and trust the male with her at all sent a bitter rage deep into his gut. Not even the occasional touches of their minds via uplink was able to complete soothe him.
Jornesh’s gaze slid over to him knowingly as they broke through the brush side by side with Lerix. Although the other males were in defensive positions around their charges, he knew that they too would be look at him in such a way if they were present. His crew was not ignorant in the least as to what he had done. No Lorgor, and certainly no male trained under him, would have been capable of sleeping their vigorous mating. Their thrashing in the sand aside, the pheromone blast rising from them to warn away rivals would have been impossible to ignore even if they had discreetly pretended otherwise at the time. Still, they had met his eyes with conflicting looks of pride and censure.
He understood. His time was… unwise. And yet his determination to wait until he whisked her away to safety had crumbled in the face of her gift. It had not just been his imagination—she had truly performed a mating dance for him, and she was gifting him her designated valentine. He still did not entirely understand the context of what it meant to be one’s valentine, but he understood that it set him apart as beloved. As much as Gaix was forcing this Valentines celebration upon his mates to satisfy his own selfish pleasure— and no matter how much he dressed it up as a gift for them, it was obvious that the gift was his alone—Stacey had given that gift to Varik alone, claiming him as hers. How could he not follow through with the mating?
Gaix did not realize yet since he had wiped away all evidence of his secondary seed, removing Varik’s immediate scent from her that was detectable by Calysii noses, but Varik had bred his mate well, claiming her in truth in the Lorgor fashion. The presence of his primary seed deep within her was enough to alert any Lorgor close to her—and the Kadesh with their equally sensitive noses—of her mated status. Of course, he had no doubt that Lerix also scented her on him, though the male kept it to himself other the smirking at him as they broke the trail through together.
Jornesh sighed heavily. “I know I told you to go for it, but when I did, I imagined this playing out a little bit differently. You were supposed to steal her away, not mate her beneath the nose of her lawful male.” His mouth tipped faintly, unable to himself. “Though I must admit that is something that all of Lorgoon would greatly enjoy. But still—it is risky, captain.”
“I am aware,” Varik solemnly replied as he cut through the thick growth ahead of him. He shot his friend an annoyed look. “This is not something I require instruction on. If my parents did not disown me for disserting, they most certainly will for this. I found myself in a position of being unable to wait. And before you ask, no, I do not regret even a moment of it. It was as glorious of a moment as I had long and often imagined over the revolutions. Even more so with the splendor of a Kaidava night embracing us.”
Jornesh looked over at him, a genuine smile pulling at his mouth. “Even with your security team practically within touching distance, it is certainly more than any of us would dare to hope for. It is a courtship and mating worthy of any Lorgor to boast of. You are blessed, my friend.”
Varik nodded his head in acknowledgement and thanks as the Kadesh coughed discreetly and moved in close to his left.
“Do not let the magic of Kaidava go straight to your heads,” the male whispered. His eyes moved restlessly over the forest ahead of them but when they returned to Varik, he grinned humorously. “Though I admit that it is quite potent and certainly have no complaints over how it helped me to win over my own mate, so I offer my sincere congratulations even as I must remind you that the romance of this island has a very nasty bite. The sooner we can your mate, and all of the human females, away from this place the better.”
“Any ideas of how we might accomplish that?” Varik replied crossly, though he managed to keep his voice pitched low so that it would not carry to any of those following behind them.
Lerix grimaced. “There is a plan… of a fashion. Enough so that there are definitely some very important parts in place but getting there… let us just say that it is a work in progress. I considered just jumping them but the gonsi is no mere pleasure keeper. He is armed to the teeth with class six weaponry. Prince Gaix must have bribed someone very well to see to it that his personal male was well equipped while seeing your crew summarily disarmed in accordance with protocol. There is a chance that we might be able to overpower him if we all shoot him at once. Area all of your males loyal to you?”
“Unknown,” Varik replied. “There are plenty of rumors about me going around and the sentiment on the ship swings in my favor but as for the males I selected, I could not say for any certainty.”
He glanced over at Jornesh but the male shook his head in frustration. “I spoke to Gewell and Shelk, who are more observant than most and are males I trust without question to even have the insights that they did regarding your desire for the human, but together we could not ascertain their loyalty without making them suspicious. There is a good chance that they would favor our cause, but we cannot be certain.”