Page 46 of Broken Dolls

He watched as she let the shorts and her panties fall to the floor.

“Lift the shirt.”

She did, revealing a smooth curve of skin.

“Hmmm,” he said, watching her squirm. “I need a better look. Sit and spread your legs wide for me.”

A lovely blush crept up her neck as she stepped fully out of the shorts and sat, spreading her legs. She wanted to obey him. He saw it in her eyes. She wanted to give him everything.

“Did it hurt?”

“Yes, Master.”

“I’m sorry.”

Weirdly, in a way, he was. The waxing was for his personal aesthetic and the joy of running his tongue over smooth bare flesh with no obstruction to her enjoyment or his. The pain was an incidental cost, not the point of the exercise. “Did you make another appointment?”

“Yes, Master. In five weeks.”

“Good. You’ll get waxed regularly for me. You will never miss an appointment.”


“Yes?” His gaze was still riveted to the space between her legs, staring at it like he’d just seen his first cunt.

“Shannon said you left those scars on her.”

His eyes snapped to her face. “And?” he challenged. This was exactly the kind of bullshit he’d feared—that he might be coaxed to care what another being thought about him or his actions, that the one freedom he’d had in his life… the freedom of just not giving a shit, could be so easily torn from him. If it could, he was no better than the sniveling boy he once was, crying and cowering locked under the stairs. The only freedom was not giving a shit. And yet, Mina made him care about something beyond his own sadism. Fuck her for that. But even as the anger welled up, it turned his stomach again and then quieted down.

“N-nothing, Master.”

“Nothing is right. You do not question me or my actions. You are not in a position to judge me or control my behavior. Quite the opposite, in fact.”

She started to cry. Brian stood and closed the distance between them. He carefully ran his tongue over the tears on her cheek. He needed to taste her pain. Then he held her close.

“Mina, you didn’t choose this. You didn’t choose me. This isn’t your fault. You are just a puppet on my stage, and when I say dance, you’ll dance.”

He pressed two fingers inside her and reveled in her exquisite wetness, then he knelt between her legs and licked the smooth, freshly waxed skin until he felt her succumb to him. Her fingers threaded in his hair, and she moaned.

“Louder,” he said. “I want them all to hear you surrender to me.”

Her whimpers and groans grew more intense until he was sure there could be no doubt what was happening in the dressing room. When she finally shuddered and came, he stood smoothly.

“Get dressed, and get on the treadmill. I want a thirty minute run out of you, then we’ll hit the weights.”

He left the dressing room to let her get herself together. The girls in the gym gaped at him, but as he met each of their eyes, they turned quickly away. The bitter hatred was painted starkly across their faces. He could practically hear the thoughts in their heads:Why is Mina so special?

He wanted to take them to his dungeon for private one-on-one sessions until they each admitted they were filthy entitled trash just like his stepmother, until they begged him to forgive them for daring to think they were worth his protection or care.


The music’s too loud.It was the signal things were about to go bad. It meant they were all downstairs waiting for her. Jason and his friends. Would it be less horrible if it was only him? She should have left already. But now, she was trapped at least for the night. They’d take her and tie her down. There would be no going anywhere until they’d each had their turn.

“Mina,” Jason called her. “Come out come out wherever you are.”

His voice drew closer. God, why hadn’t she left this afternoon while he was out? And go where? And do what?

She was running out of places to hide in his house. He always found her.