Page 7 of Broken Dolls

If she hadn’t watched him open a brand new bottle and pour it in front of her, she might have been too paranoid to accept the drink, but the only thing in it was wine. It was a brand she recognized and one she liked. She downed it in one long swallow, not caring what Anton would think of her slamming the wine back like a refugee from a 12-step program.

Within minutes, the warm, tingly buzz crept over her face, and she didn’t feel like the world was ending—even though it still might be. That would depend on what Anton did to her.

She handed the glass back to him.

“Another?” he asked.

“No.” She was afraid to be too drunk with him, afraid to pass out locked away in his secret apartment.

He put the glass in the sink and sat beside her. She was surprised when he pulled her close. Without conscious thought, she leaned against his chest while his fingers caressed her hair and up and down her arm. Even after everything, she drank up the promise and hope of kindness.

“Lindsay explained what we do, didn’t he?”

“Well, not exactly. A bit. He was vague.” She found herself relaxing as his hand moved to knead the back of her neck.

“And you understand you will be naked and being touched by me in a few moments, yes?”

Maybe she should have taken the second drink. For all her experience in the kink scene, this man left her unbalanced.

She nodded.

Mina sat mute as he undressed her. The lighting was low, and for a moment she thought he might not get a good look at her back, but he moved to the wall and flicked a switch, bathing the room in bright cruel fluorescence.

“Turn,” he said, rotating a finger in the air.

She turned away and held her breath. The only sound in the room was the central heat clicking on. Anton made no comment. He didn’t trace any of her scars with his fingertips as the doctor had done.

For those moments of silence, Mina found herself more terrified he would reject her than anything else he might do. Her damage was too much on display. It made her a freak. The longer this silence dragged, the more the images of Jason and the others flashed through her mind. The laughing, the taunts, the humiliation, the pain.

Why had she allowed any of that?

Why was she here now?

“In this room, you will call me, Sir.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Something familiar. This would be okay. Even if he were a terrible person like the others, no one else had started hurting her the first day… they’d all pretended at first. He’d probably pretend, too. Then she would go home and forget all this.

He perched on the edge of the bed. “Crawl to me. I want to watch how you move.”

She went to her hands and knees and moved across the thick carpet.

“Stay on your knees and spread your legs.” That accent touched places inside her that she’d been sure were gone now. “Sit up straight.”

Being under Anton’s gaze was the very definition of scrutiny. Before it had been scenes at play parties followed by scenes that flowed into relationships in private… kink that flowed into abuse.

Here, Anton held a quiet power, like the doctor’s in some ways. Different in others. These men were a whole other level—a level she’d been unaware existed. She was afraid to know more. The past chased her, biting at her heels, telling her to run. But all she could do was obey him.

Anton leaned forward. “That’s a good girl,” he cooed as his hand moved between her legs. “So wet. Does it not embarrass you to be this excited kneeling at my feet?”

“No, Sir.”

“You’re very brave to be here.”

She tensed at that, even as his fingers caressed the bundle of nerves between her thighs.

“Relax. That was not a threat. Just an observation.” He stroked the side of her throat, leaving behind a trail of the evidence of her excitement.