Page 5 of The Beast

Justice is manning the bar as part of his prospect duties. Although, I think he may enjoy it enough to still do it after he gets patched. He says he hears things and I believe him. Alcohol does tend to make people loose-lipped.

“Do you know what happened?” Bishop asks lowly.

“Don’t care,” I reply taking my beer with me as I rise. “What I care about is what I’m getting out of the deal.”

“Which is?” Bishop asks with a raised brow.

“Wait until we go to church, and you’ll find out. For now, have some fun.”

Walking away I scan the bar for the little brunette piece of ass I had between my legs before this entire shitshow started. I can’t even remember her name. I don’t see her around but some of my brothers aren’t here either so she might be servicing a different member right now.

Member.The double entendre makes me chuckle as I scan the crowded room.

My gaze lands on Mad Dog and Kaiya as she gestures wildly with her hands. Mad Dog is frowning so I make my way over to them wondering if there’s something wrong.

“I’m sorry, little bird,” Mad Dog says to his wife. “We just don’t have the room. She will have to stay here or at the motel in town.”

Kaiya makes a noise in the back of her throat that sounds a lot like a kitten growling before stomping away. Mad Dog watches every step she takes until she is seated beside Storm, our president’s old lady.

“Don’t ever get married,” he jokes. “Women will drive you crazy.”

“First, brother, you love that woman and the fact that she drives you crazy. It’s like the two of you thrive off that shit.” I chuckle. “Second, don’t ever let Kaiya hear you say that about marriage. I really don’t feel like digging a hole to hide your body, but you know I will if she asks me.”

Mad Dog throws his head back as he laughs loudly, drawing the attention of every person here before clapping me on the back.

“I love that you love all the women here enough to help them hide a body. You’re a good man, Kelly.”

He is the only person that still calls me by my actual name, most people just refer to me as Beast nowadays. I’m about to give him shit when Kaiya screams behind us.

“What the ever-loving fuck happened to you?”

Chapter Four

I’m Not Explaining a Damn Thing


In theory, I know exactly how many miles there are between Louisiana and Gypsy Falls. That’s bullshit when you’re driving all those miles with a throbbing headache, one eye swollen shut, and what I’m starting to believe is not simply a cracked but a broken rib. It doesn’t help that it’s the middle of the night and every passing vehicle has their lights on. It only makes my head hurt a little more.

Sitting in the same position for over three hours has made me regret my decision quite a few times, but I push through. I know when I get to Gypsy Falls, I’ll have a lot of explaining to do but I can’t think of anywhere else to go.

Finally, the lights of the Gypsy Falls beckon from just beyond the horizon and I feel pure elation at the thought of getting out of my car and just having space to breathe and move, however painful both actions may be. I drive down Main Street following the GPS as the generic voice directs me to the location that Kaiya texted.

Mentally I’m preparing to see a woman who has become a dear friend to me in the past year. But I’m aware that it doesn’t matter how much I prepare, Kaiya is going to lose her shit when she sees me. I stop at the local gas station and buy a pair of cheap sunglasses, some makeup, some pain pills, and a pack of wet wipes.

A pimply kid working behind the counter stares at me before handing over the key to the restroom.

“Are you okay, lady?” he asks nervously.

“Yeah, you should see the other guy,” I joke before closing the bathroom door.

I spend fifteen minutes cleaning my face and trying to hide some of the damage with the shitty makeup I bought. Looking at myself in the mirror I throw my hands in the air and give up trying to disguise the bruises already discoloring my face. It clearly isn’t going to work.

I give the kid the key back with a smile and gingerly clamber back into my car. I drink three of the pain pills with a swig of water before following the voice for the last couple of blocks until I reach a building that looks more like a factory than a clubhouse for an outlaw biker club. But I recognize the building from the photos Kaiya has sent me over the past year.

There are at least twenty gleaming chromed-out motorcycles and a handful of cars and trucks parked on the gravel. Suddenly, I’m not so sure about being here. I don’t know anything about these people except what Kaiya and Storm have told me. Granted, they sound like good guys, but I shouldn’t have come here in this state. I should have found a motel and laid low until I looked better before coming out here. I want to be here, I miss Kaiya, and I need the break, but this isn’t the right way to do it.

As usual, I didn’t think things through before making a snap decision. I’m about to reverse out of the lot when my car door is ripped open and a shrill scream escapes me.