Page 37 of The Beast


I should have had Trinity drive us to the motel. I should have had Sparrow meet us there. But I wasn’t thinking clearly after the fucking shot I took. Now I’m sitting here with everyone staring at me, and Beast is probably out there somewhere looking for Gerald.


“Will one of you just go after him?” I ask brokenly not making eye contact with anyone.

I can’t face any of these people. I swore when I got here that my problems wouldn’t follow me. Now look at me.

“Bishop already locked the clubhouse down,” Pope replies. “Sparrow said it may be necessary.”

I nod but still keep my gaze downcast.

“You need to start talking, Irene,” Pope says sternly. “I know you’re hurting and probably in shock. But we need to know how to handle this before it gets any worse.”

My gaze finally snaps to him. “My problems followed me. Just like everyone was worried they would.”

I jump down from the table and cry out at the pain in my hip and ribs. Wolf tries to assist me, but I swat his hands away.

“But you can believe I won’t be making the same mistake twice,” I say with finality.

I turn on my heel and head toward the back door with as much dignity as I can muster.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Beast asks.

“Leaving,” I whisper.

It’s going to kill me to leave the club behind, to leavehimbehind, but it is what’s best for everyone. Now that I know Gerald is here, I can head home to Louisiana. Maybe I can even get my old job back. I’m holding back tears at the thought of losing these people, this family I have fallen into, but I won’t put anyone here in jeopardy.

I don’t turn to look at him. Seeing him will hurt too much. It’s better to just get it over with.

“Don’t make me pick you up,” his voice rumbles in my ear. I didn’t realize he was so close. “I don’t want to hurt you any worse.” A full-body shiver works its way through me. “And Doc is here to check you out.”

He turns me around and takes my hand, leading me through the people watching us. I want to take the comfort he’s offering and fall into the safety he represents, but I can’t do that to him. I love this man too much to watch him fuck up his entire life because of me. It took much too long for me to realize I was already in too deep with him. Now everything is all fucked up and I know when he says he’s going to kill Gerald that he means it. Literally. He is going to do everything he can to avenge me, and I need himnotto do that.

I was going to tell him tonight. I wanted to let him know that I’m ready for us, and that he is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. Now, all of that has gone to shit and I will leave Gypsy Falls without ever letting him know that I love him.

The Gypsy Bastards may have connections in Gypsy Falls. And the chief of police may be friendly with the club, but when his newest staff member turns up missing, I can guarantee this will be the first place he looks. The little tiff Gerald and I had in Dusk earlier just pointed the finger more firmly in the club’s direction.

These people have been nothing but good to me and I won’t allow my problems to tear their families and lives apart. Fuck that noise.

Walking through the main bar area is painful for different reasons. All the women turn their gazes in my direction. Storm and Hadley look pissed enough to spit fire and Kaiya is crying. I wish I could go to her and assure her I’m fine. But I’m not and I won’t lie to my friend like that.

My body hurts but it’s the fact that my heart and soul feel like they’re being torn apart that is killing me. I know the moment I leave Gypsy Falls I will never return. It will all hurt too much to be here again.

Beast nods in the direction of my friends before leading me up the stairs and toward the room he uses. Inside, an older, white-haired man is waiting.

“Irene, this is Doc,” Beast introduces us. “He is a friend of the club, and he will take care of your injuries.” Beast releases my hand before gently pulling me closer. “I’m going to give you some privacy, but I’ll be just outside.”

I nod in acceptance. Knowing these people, they won’t let me off the hook as easily as they did the first time. I’ll be accepting medical assistance whether I want it or not.

“But know that the moment Doc is done, you and I are going to discuss this shit.”

I want to argue but he kisses me passionately, cutting off my words, before turning and walking out, the door closing softly behind him. I turn to face Doc only to find he has a soft smile on his face.

“Let’s see what I can do for you this evening,” he says.

“It’s really not that bad,” I reply trying to smile but failing miserably.