Page 14 of The Beast

Sparrow runs his gaze down the length of my body before smirking. “The club ass sure got a hell of a lot better while I was gone.”

Hadley looks like she may want to say something, but I silence her with a look. Leaning over the bar, I flash my cleavage while beckoning him closer.

“I’m not club ass,” I whisper. “But you can kiss my ass later if you want.”

For the first time since he walked in, a genuine smile crosses his features. “Shit,” he whispers back. “I might just take you up on that offer.”

I hope to God he doesn’t think I’m serious. I don’t want any man that close to me for the foreseeable future. Maybe never. Except … nope.

Storm, Hadley, and Kaiya both watch us closely before bursting out laughing. I get everyone a drink and listen while they tell Sparrow everything that has happened in Gypsy Falls in the past two or so years. He doesn’t offer much but it doesn’t seem to matter to them. They are simply happy to have him here.


When the guys walk in a while later, they don’t stop to talk to anyone. Each of them nods at Sparrow before heading up the stairs. The only person that makes his way over is Pope, the president of the club, as Sparrow stands from his seat. I watch Beast as he climbs the stairs, his jeans hugging his ass and thighs with every step. The visual alone is enough to have a woman swooning. He walks around the corner, and I focus my attention back on the people in front of me.

I watch as Pope grabs him in a full-on hug—none of that side shit, bro hugging here—and holds him for long moments. When they pull apart, I can see both men trying to get their emotions back under control.

“Let’s head to church,” Pope says. “We need to break down today’s run and then we can all talk together.”

Sparrow nods and follows Pope up the stairs to the conference room. I learned early on that they refer to their meetings as “church.” No outsiders are allowed to sit in these meetings and the only woman that has ever been to a church meeting in this club is Storm. And those were special circumstances.

“I can’t believe he’s back,” Storm says while wiping away a tear. “I thought we were never going to see him or Gage again.”

“I know,” Kaiya agrees softly.

For long moments silence blankets the four of us, but I’m too curious to just leave it at that.

“Are you guys going to fill me in or am I just going to stand here wondering for the rest of my life?” No one ever said I had tact. If I want to know something I usually just ask. I prefer the direct approach.

Storm smiles at me before speaking. “Sparrow is the vice president. His wife died just over two years back. A horrible situation all around, and he left.”

“But he’s back now,” Hadley adds. “And that is all that matters.”

I frown. “Shit, I flirted with him. How tacky was that?”

All three women laugh. “I didn’t know what was going to happen,” Kaiya says. “But he didn’t seem to mind. Most of the guys here wouldn’t mind.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I ask while watching her smirk.

“That you’re hot!” Hadley exclaims. “It doesn’t hurt that you’re smart and have a great sense of humor. Any of the guys here would be happy to have you.”

“I don’t want or need a man in my life,” I state firmly before turning to add more beers to the fridge.

“No one said you had to get married,” Kaiya interjects. “But it does seem like you could use some fun in your life.”

I know she is talking about sex for fun. It has crossed my mind with all these delicious men around me the entire time. But how the hell would that work? You’re not supposed to have to face your one-night stand every day. If I sleep with one of the Gypsy Bastards I either must move out or see him constantly, and I don’t know if I can handle either of those prospects.

Thoughts of Beast swirl in my mind. Broad shoulders, thick thighs, strong hands. I can hear his voice in my head, and I know I would sleep with him if I ever got the chance. But I also know that Beast is the kind of man I could get hooked on, and lose myself in. I’m not giving myself up for another man again.

If I ever decide to jump into bed with one of the Bastards, I’ll sure as hell be actively avoiding Beast.

“Yes!” Hadley exclaims. “I was going to call you both to go out on a ladies’ night tonight. We haven’t done that in ages. And now the guys are all going to be spending time with Sparrow, so we have the perfect excuse.”

“But—” I try to stop this roll they all seem to be on but Storm cuts me off.

“That’s perfect! We can meet here at eight.”

After that, I haven’t got a choice. Seems like my friends have decided I need a bit of fun in my life. Starting tonight.