Page 24 of The Beast

Stomping down the stairs I see my younger brother behind the bar, stocking the shelves. His head lifts at my footsteps but I don’t stop to chat with him. I need to get the fuck out of here before I do something I’ll regret.

Striding across the gravel parking lot, I head toward my Harley but get stopped halfway by Mad Dog.

“Hey, Kelly…” He clamps me on the shoulder. “Where you headed off to?”

“Fuck knows,” I reply in a snarl. “I just need to get the fuck away.”

“How about we go to the gun range? We could both use something to help us blow off some steam.”

Glancing at him from the corner of my eye, I can see he’s smiling brightly. Since he and Kaiya got together, he is seldom without a smile. Even though I feel like being alone to wallow in my emotions, I nod. Straddling my Harley, I gun the engine and head out of the compound with Mad Dog following behind me.

I take the scenic route around Gypsy Falls. It may take longer to get to our destination, but it gives me time to clear my mind and center myself. Before Mad Dog caught up to me in the compound lot, this is exactly what I was going to do. The rumble of the machine between my thighs always has a way of calming me. The open road, even if it’s not a lot, is enough to have me feeling like I can breathe again.

I love the MC lifestyle, and I love my brothers, but this is the main reason I joined the Gypsy Bastards MC. The freedom I get while driving my bike to wherever the road may take me. Having them at my side just makes it that much better.

We reach the gun range on the outskirts of town and roll down the gravel road. This is probably one of my favorite places, ever. I don’t have to pretend to be something I’m not, I can just be a guy with a gun, working on my shot.

Mad Dog and I sign in at the counter and then move to the outdoor range. We shoot at targets, reload, and do it all over again. Neither of us is being competitive about it, just enjoying the mindlessness of the task. After an hour I feel like I can breathe enough to finally have the conversation I know Mad Dog wants to have.

“Finally.” He laughs as I holster my weapon and walk over to a picnic table in the shade of a massive elm tree. “I thought you were never going to stop.”

“Just needed to clear my head,” I reply as I take a seat.

“Wanna talk it out?”

“Not really.”

He watches me closely, trying to determine if he should push the subject. “It might help.”

“When did you become my keeper?” I ask with a harsher tone than I was planning. “Sorry, I just mean that I don’t need you to take care of me, man. I’m all grown up and can do that myself.”

“Everyone needs someone in their corner eventually.” He looks out over the range. “You are always there for everyone else. I know you raised both Justice and Trinity and that you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

“It is what it is,” I grumble not wanting to talk about that either.

“Yeah, it is. And I know what that can do to a man if he doesn’t have a support system. Look what I was like two years ago.”

Thinking back on what Mad Dog used to be like has me chuckling. “I get what you’re saying.”

“Now tell me what’s going on so we can get out of here and grab a cold beer.”

“Fine.” I sigh. “It’s Irene.” I hang my head.

“What about her?” Mad Dog asks with a smirk.

“Don’t act like you don’t know.” I frown.

“I don’t know shit. So, why don’t you tell me.”

“I like her, all right?” I exclaim throwing my hands into the air. “And I thought there may be something there, but she’s going out with Preacher. So, that’s a dead end.”

Mad Dog is silent for long moments. I can see him working through the information I just laid out before saying anything. “Have you talked to her?” He raises a brow.

“There’s no point.”

He laughs. “Brother, one thing I learned from the two years I wasted with Kaiya, is that if I had only manned up and talked to her in the beginning instead of keeping her at arm’s length, I would have been a better man a hell of lot sooner. Believe me, just talk to her. What’s the worst that could happen?”

Nodding, I smile before we both head back to our bikes. Mad Dog has a point. I don’t know what she wants or where I stand with her, and I won’t if I don’t talk to her. On the drive back my mind is swimming with thoughts of Irene. I already know what I want, now I just have to find out if she wants the same thing.