Page 26 of First Down

Fuck. She did flinch when I grabbed her wrist. I wasn’t sure if I’d been imagining it.

I practically throw some cash down on the bar top, then gather up the drinks. But I’m not in the mood to kick back and relax anymore, knowing Darryl hurt Bex. I shove through the crowd, glad that my size makes it easy. The moment I reach the girls, I say, “How badly?”

Bex flicks her gaze up to look at me. “Not too bad. James—”

“He fucking hurt you.”

“And he won’t again once he knows we’re together. He’s a coward. He talks a big game, but—”

I cut her off again; I can’t help it. “He won’t again because I’m about to break his fucking face.”

She shakes her head as she reaches out for my hand and squeezes our palms together. “You can’t.”

“Watch me.”

“Don’t,” Laura says.

I turn to her. “No offense, but I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

She puts her hands on her hips, glaring right back at me, clearly not the slightest bit intimidated by the energy I’m radiating. “If you start anything, you’ll be blamed. You could be suspended, and that’s the least of it.”

I grit my teeth. “He hurt her.”

“And this wouldn’t be helping her.”

“She’s right,” Bex says. “You can’t risk it.”

I take a deep breath. Now that the immediate wave of emotion is receding, I feel a little calmer. “You’re right.”

I can’t believe how close I came to sending myself right over the edge again. The second I decided Bex was mine—even if it’s just for show—I was ready to throw it all away for her. This is exactly what Coach Gomez warned me against. Sara proved that I can’t let myself get drawn in completely. I jump right off the cliff without a second thought.

Her eyes search mine. “Promise me you’ll leave him alone. Act like everything is normal. Just tell him that it’s not his business who I decide to date. I promise that he’ll get the message.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yeah.” She leans up, kissing my cheek. “But thank you.”

I have no choice but to believe her. “Fine. But let me know if he tries anything.”

She takes her drink from the table and sips it. “You know, I think girlfriends usually get introduced to the team.”

“You sure? He’s right back there.”

She takes my hand and leads me through the crowd. “I know.”

When we reach the back, we’re still holding hands. Seb chokes on his beer, and Bo gives me a pointed look. Cooper even pulls himself away from the girl he’s making out with to stare.

And Darryl looks like he’s about to tackle me into the pool table. For half a second, everyone is frozen, waiting to see how he’ll react. Beside me, Bex squeezes my hand, hard. She’s smiling, but she’s putting up a front. She’s scared of what Darryl will do.

If I need to throw myself in front of her, I will.

“Hey, Bo,” she says. “Good game earlier.”

“Uh, thanks.” Bo looks at me as he adds, “Wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

“I know, right?” she says with a little laugh. “Because it’s been so long since Darryl and I broke up.”

Darryl sets his beer down so hard the table rattles. “Baby, I know what game you’re playing, and you need to cut the shit now.”