Page 13 of First Down

She snorts, which makes a dude in front of us clear his throat pointedly.

“Skip down to the part where it discusses the study on formal writing education,” she whispers.

She takes me through the article, showing me her own annotations as examples for what to focus on. I can’t help but be a little distracted by the way she smells and how much I’m yearning to lean in closer, but in the end, I have a halfway decent paragraph to hand in. Something about the way she explained it made way more sense than in the past, which is weird, considering I’ve always had such a block when it comes to writing. If she was the professor, I’d probably get an A in this class.

I reach over and pluck her pen out of her hand. She gives me an outraged look, but I just grin and scrawlthank youon her syllabus. I have to resist the urge to include my phone number. That would definitely make her scowl even more adorable, but I don’t want to come on too strong—because a plan is forming in my mind, and I need her on board for it to work.

After all, who would say no to a paid tutoring gig?

Chapter 7


“Hey, Bexy.”

I turn to James, a scowl already planted on my face. I figured he was going to follow me outside, but no one calls me Bexy. Darryl ruined that nickname completely.

I hike my bag over my shoulder and shade my eyes as I look up at him. He’s even taller than Darryl. It’s seriously unfair that he’s up there and I’m all the way down here. “It’s Bex.”

“Sorry. Bex, can we talk?”

I thought he was attractive at the party, all dressed up in a black suit, but this is somehow better. He’s wearing a tank top that shows off his drool-worthy shoulders, athletic shorts, and sandals, and I have no idea why it’s working so well for me, but it is. The irrational part of my brain is chanting,“Lick him!”Pathetic.

But his eyes aresoblue.

I mentally put my foot down. “I have work.”

“Where do you work?”

I huff out a breath. “Just make it quick. I need to be back across campus in fifteen.”

“Let’s walk and talk, then.”

He literally starts walking away, and I can’t help it, I burst out laughing. He looks so confident—and if he headed that way, he’d end up in town.

He looks back at me, frustration in the set of his jaw. “What?”

“It’s this way.” I point in the opposite direction and start fast-walking. “And you can walk with me, but only because I have a feeling you’re going to make this conversation happen one way or another.”

He jogs to catch up to me. “What makes you think that?”

I look up at him. “We kissed.”

“We did,” he agrees. He lowers his voice. “It was a good kiss.”

“I’m sorry I did it,” I blurt as my cheeks heat up. “Darryl—” I stop walking abruptly and bump into him. He steadies me, his big hands on my shoulders, and for a hot second they feel like a brand going straight between my legs. What’s with this guy? My body loves when he’s close. The entire time I helped him with that assignment, I wanted to lean my head on his shoulder.

“Bex,” he says. “Look at me.”

If I look into those ocean eyes, I’m afraid he’ll be able to see how much he’s affecting me.

He hooks his finger under my chin and tilts up my head. My hands flutter around him for half a second before finding their way to his sides, resting lightly. Even through the shirt he’s wearing, I can feel the power in his body. Stupid athletes with their stupidly sculpted bodies. Something about knowing the dedication that had to go into creating and maintaining it gets me every time.

“Hey,” he says, still holding me in place. I’m frozen, looking up at him, torn between pulling away and staying put. “Don’t worry about it. I know a jealousy kiss when I see one.”

“I didn’t realize you were his teammate.”

He just shrugs. “Like I said, don’t worry about it. We talked; we’re cool.”