Page 122 of First Down

“Yes.” I pull him close, breathing in the smell of his cologne, digging my nails into his skin. We tip backward onto the sand; I kiss him like that while we both laugh. He slides the ring onto my finger, pressing his lips to my hand. I know that his family is right there, I can hear their exclamations and congratulations, but in this moment, the only living thing in the world I’m truly aware of is James.

No longer my boyfriend—my fiancé.

He helps me to our feet, picking me up and spinning me around. “I love you,” he murmurs.

I cup his jaw with both hands, looking into his eyes. They’re shining with tears. “I love you too.”

He sets me down. Izzy engulfs me in a hug. Sandra asks if she can look at the ring. Cooper hugs me, then Sebastian, and Richard kisses me on the cheek as he pulls both of us into a hug.

“Congratulations, both of you,” he says. “Bex, we’re so happy to call you family.”

“Yes,” Sandra says, clapping her hands excitedly. “James already mentioned the wedding won’t be for a while, but whenever you’re ready, I know a few wedding planners.”

“Want me to take photos?” Izzy says. “Like at graduation?”

It’s nearly dark now, the nighttime chasing away the sun, but westill wade into the surf. It’s too perfect a moment to worry about the cold. James holds onto me securely—not that I’m worried about him letting go. Not now and not ever. Izzy walks around us, snapping pictures with the flash on, while James admires the way the ring looks on my finger.

“Do you love it?” he asks.

The diamond takes my breath away, but the sapphires are just wonderful. I don’t know if he did it on purpose, but they remind me of his eyes, and I like the thought of wearing something that feels like him every day. I’m sure it was expensive, but it’s like last night: he spoils me because that’s who he is, and he can.

I lean up, kissing him again, and murmur my answer against his mouth. “It’s perfect.”

“My brothers helped me pick it out.”

“The day you went into the city?”


I shake my head as my smile widens. “Well, you all have excellent taste. I’m proud to wear it.”

“And I meant it, there’s no rush. We can stay engaged for as long as you want. I’m not quite ready to plan a wedding either.” He picks me up unexpectedly, his hands secure underneath my thighs, leaving me no choice but to wrap my wet legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I glance back at his family, but no one seems scandalized—just thrilled. I swear I see Cooper wiping at his eyes. I smack James’s chest lightly anyway, making him laugh. The sound of it makes me laugh as well, and I have a feeling that’s the best photograph Izzy takes.

“I have to call my mother. Oh, and Laura. She’s going to flip out.”

James just hums, hugging me closer.

“But actually... I think we ought to call Kerry first.”

“You sure?” I hear the surprise in his voice. I’m sure he hoped I’d say that, but he didn’t expect it—and it’s one of the millions of reasons I love him.

I take a deep breath. Despite being in his arms, despite wearing his ring on my finger, it still scares me, thinking of living together, alone, in a new city. I hope we can handle it. I hope it’s the beginning of something wonderful.

I think it will be.

I cup the nape of his neck as I murmur against his lips, “Yes.”



A month later, Kerry meets us on the steps to the townhouse, a set of keys in hand. She drops them into my palm, a wide smile on her face. “Congratulations, both of you. I have champagne waiting.”

My hands are shaking so badly I can barely turn the key. James pushes the door open as soon as the lock finally slides out of place. He takes my hand, and together, we step over the threshold.

Without anything in the house but the chandelier overhead, our footsteps echo. This is an old house, one that will make sounds as it settles. I don’t know the history of this building yet, but I’d like to find out about it, if I can. I hope that this house was filled with love before, just like it will be now and in the future.

We walk slowly through the empty rooms, planning out where to put the furniture, where to hang art on the walls. When we eventually make our way to the kitchen, I see the promised bottle of champagne sitting in ice, along with two glasses.