Page 68 of Gentleman Sadist

Robert took it, scanning it, and smirked. “Justin Tristan Davis?”

“Criminals are stupid,” his partner remarked. “I started running his name through our databases before coming down here.”

Robert handed the paper back to Benjamin. “Give me five,” he said before jogging off to the bathrooms to get a quick shower.

Eight minutes later, he was sliding into his chair, drops of water dripped from his still wet hair, but he didn’t give a shit. They were close. So close, he could fucking smell it. He sent a message to Duncan with Tristan’s full and correct name and then got to work checking and digging on the information their system was spitting out.

Ironically, Justin had a squeaky-clean record. Not even a fucking traffic ticket. Benjamin was able to pull bank and property records. Again, there wasn’t much, other than a single piece of property listed in Justin T. Davis’ name. Right now, they were both focused onthatpiece of property in the Everglades. It seemed it was purchased by his great grandfather before 1947 when President Truman designating the area a National Park and been handed down through the generations. Tristan was the current one to hold the property.

Benjamin typed in the latitude and longitude coordinates for the house to get an aerial view of where the parcel was located. "We can fly in here, then get a boat to come in behind them."

Robert cocked a brow. “Right, because an FBI helicopter wouldn’t raise any flags to the locals.”

Those who lived in the smaller towns around the Everglades were protective of their land, going so far as to booby trap their property so no one could get in and, if they did happen to enter their property, they couldn't get out. They didn't have a healthy appreciation for law enforcement, nor did they appreciate it when anyone came into their corner of the country. It would make getting in and out without having to deal with a bunch of pissed off people, a headache.


“Wastes too much time. Time, we don’t have,” Robert stated the obvious.

The other man scratched at his head in thought. “Do we have unmarked birds available?”

"Doubt it." They were both aware, most of those were used in undercover ops. "Give me a sec. I might know a person." Robert grabbed his phone and sent a message to Duncan.

Agent Famosa: Any chance your friends in high places would be willing to loan us an unmarked helo?

Damian: It can be arranged. Time?

Agent Famosa: Immediately.

Damian: Give me 5.

Robert looked up. “Make the arrangements to get us a couple of boats and we’re going to need an arrest warrant.” He paused for a second. “And a search warrant.”

Benjamin nodded before he stood, making his way to the AIC or the Agent in Charge to get the ball rolling on the warrants. Robert knew they’d be issued without delay since their division was supported by DOJ attorneys who did not fuck around. Four and half minutes later his phone rang. It was an unknown number and he didn’t hesitate to answer it.

“Agent Famosa.”

"It's arranged," Duncan stated. "I just need the pick up and drop off locations."

Robert rattled off both locations. “I owe you one.”

Duncan snorted. “And someday I might collect. Helo will be there within the hour.”

The line went dead and Robert chucked his phone onto his desk.

Sometime later Benjamin walked back into their office. “Both warrants are in the process of being issued. We should have them within the hour.”

He'd text Duncan the moment they had the paperwork in their hands. In the meantime, they briefed the three other agents that would be making this trip with them. At no time were firearms involved in the robberies, since they stole under the cover of night when the museums were closed. That didn't mean they wouldn't be prepared. But they had to be cautious too. There were priceless works of art stashed somewhere and if anything happened to their suspect, they were fucked when it came to retrieving the priceless artifacts.

Their identification needed to be in plain view. They also needed to wear their agency issued bulletproof jackets as well. The last thing they wanted to be confused with, were the cartels they knew ran the tributaries through the Everglades for drug deliveries and trafficking. Fuck all if they'd mess up any of the other agents running ops in the area. Which reminded him, they'd have to make the call before they left so everyone was on the same page.

Robert pulled the aerial view of the house up on the screen. The place was little more than a shanty out in the middle of nowhere. Probably hadn’t changed since the house was built there. He and Benjamin would take the front entrance, while the other agents would spread out, covering the remaining doors and windows in case the little bastard attempt to escape. Upside, the only place Tristan could go was in the water, and then he’d have to face the gators beside all of them.

“We need to remember we don’t know if this is a solo operation or if those who work with Justin are involved. Because we received his name first, we haven’t had time to interview them, however once we’ve taken Justin into custody we will begin the arduous task of questioning all the employees of Da Vinci Couriers,” Benjamin said.

They made the short drive to the location where they'd meet the helicopter then loaded up. The bird wasn't anything like he'd seen before. The body was sleek with reflective panels on it along with the fact it had zero markings. Except for a soft hum for the engine, the blades made no noise whatsoever. The pilot glanced over his shoulder as they climbed in and pointed to the headsets. Will grabbed one as did Benjamin so he could keep in contact with their pilot.

"Name's Hanover," the guy said. "ETA is twenty minutes give or take the headwind. You should know we're going in hot. You won't be able to prepare for landing, so stay on your toes."