Page 72 of Gentleman Sadist

Six months later...

Robert and Will stepped onto the main floor of the club. They’d spent their weekends there more often than not, but it’d been the first time they’d spent an evening there since moving in together. Robert had even rented out his apartment to Ace, so the guy didn’t have to drive to and from the base on the weekends, giving Robert extra income to put back into the club, pushing him ever so closer to retiring from the FBI. Being able to close the museum cases had been one of the biggest stress relievers for Robert. It allowed him to re-evaluate his life.

He'd been a solitary man for years, never believing he'd be afforded the chance to find the one person to complete him. With Will, he'd been lucky. Thinking back on the last year and a half, so many things could have gone wrong. But, by pushing through each of their barriers, Robert found his life partner, corny as it sounded.

Which brought him back to why he was at the club.

Tonight he was collaring Will, then later, he’d be slipping the ring he bought his lover onto his wedding finger. He knew Will would say yes. Or, he’d wear his lover down until Will could no longer resist him. Either way, they were forever. As he stepped up to the bar, he motioned to Manic for his usual. Will would need the drink tonight too. He was about to be edged to within an inch of his life and, in a way, Robert pitied him.

“The usual?” Manic stepped in front of Robert.

“Make it two.” Robert glanced at Will.

“On it. Ace said he’d be in by the second shift. He said something about a call out.” Manic shrugged. “Whatever that means.”

Robert grunted as Manic stepped away. “Flyboys.” He tugged Will into his side and nuzzled his neck. “You look pensive, boy.”

“Sorry Master, I’m nervous,” Will whispered. “I don’t know why. We’ve been here almost every weekend since the case closed, but I can’t shake this feeling of?—”

Robert took his lips in a searing kiss. Over the last six months, they’d worked on their communication skills. If they couldn’t talk to each other, how could they hope to make their relationship work? It also meant Will going to see a therapist to help reconcile his feelings about Tristan aka Justin and how he violated Will in some of the most basic ways. It also meant telling his friends everything that happened to him where Justin was concerned. As Robert had suspected, none of them judged Will, on the contrary, they were pissed he went through everything on his own without once reaching out to them.

Above all of them though, Kristen had taken it the worst. She was his cousin after all and what was family for, if not leaning on each other when times were tough. Robert snorted to himself. She let Will have it with both barrels and when she was done, she wouldn’t talk to him for two weeks. The punishment hurt Will, but he also understood why his cousin had been pissed too.

He also garnered no sympathy from Robert.

In that time though, he was able to introduce Will to his brother and sister-in-law, albeit the day Rocco made his way into the world a couple of weeks early. The impatient six-pound baby boy screamed his way into their lives completing his brother's family. Seeing Will hold his nephew, gave Robert this small thrill he didn't even have the words to express. He was a natural with kids. Robert had seen it firsthand with Kayla and Roxanne's twins when they greeted their uncle Will and now, shit, Robert didn't want to think about it. Children for themselves would change their whole dynamic, especially with the club.

For now, he pushed the thought aside. One step at a time. “Better?” He cocked a brow when he pulled back from Will.

“Much.” Will leaned his head against Robert’s shoulder and sighed. When Manic placed their drinks on the teak in front of them, Will picked up his glass first. “Thank you, Manic.”

The man nodded. “You’ve got it, Will. Have fun tonight.”

“We will,” Robert answered swirling his drink in the crystal tumbler. “Is everything prepared?”

“Yes,” Manic answered. “You should be good to go.”

“Thank you.” Robert motioned for Will to follow. Public displays weren’t a kink for Will. Sure he didn’t mind watching the different couples, but when it came to playing, he preferred to be in their safe place—Robert’s playroom.

However, Robert was determined to help Will overcome his insecurities and see how freeing it could be to have fun out in the open instead of hidden away. But, that was for another day. Tonight, he had a plan. If he’d been into rope play, he’d have Will trussed up like a spring chicken waiting to be tortured. Instead, he’d use a pair of cuffs, a spreader bar, and a chain to truss up Will.

Anticipation crawled through Robert’s veins as they stepped into his room. The lights were turned down, casting a golden hue over the area. A platinum cuff—Will’s everyday reminder of who he belonged to—sat on the bedside table, while the simple platinum chain collar with lock waited for him on the tray near the area they’d be playing in.

"Finish your drink then strip for me, boy." Robert downed the rest of his bourbon before removing his corset waistcoat and button-down shirt. They were about to get dirty and sweaty. Plus the less there was between them, the quicker he could claim his sub and make everything official between them.

The clank of the tumbler touching the small table off to the side drew Robert's attention. He spied a glance over his shoulder as Will removed his clothing, taking one garment off at a time. His motions were tentative and a bit off as he folded each item and placed them in the designated space. Come to think of it, he'd been a bit hesitant the whole night. Robert hadn't pushed Will to talk, he never did, but he wondered if, in this single moment, it was his silence that was causing the anxiousness within Will.

Usually, he got off on the fact his boy couldn’t figure out what Robert had up his sleeve for the evening. Or maybe tonight was different, more intimate and it left him unsure of himself. The idea of scrapping the whole plan then going home to fuck the frustration out lingered in the back of his mind. The idea of Will being driven to delirium did sound like fun, but then again, what would be the fun in negating his plan? No, he was on the right path, he had to trust his sub as much as Will had to trust his Master.

"Are you afraid, boy?" Robert murmured. "Is your mind spinning a million miles an hour trying to figure out what's going on?"

Will gave an audible gulp as he went to his knees in front of Robert. “Yes, Master. Both”

“So, you’re curious?” He ran his fingers through Will’s hair and groaned. “You’re so expressive. You wear your emotions on your sleeve. You might be afraid, but when you fly in my arms, you forget about everything, don’t you?”

Will whimpered. “Yes.”

“Then trust me one more time, boy,” Robert stated, snaring Will’s amber gaze.