“Why don’t we go inside so I can introduce you to Martha and Joseph. They have both been anxious to meet you.”
“Martha and Joseph,” she repeated, realizing suddenly that she was someone who had “staff”. Coming from an apartment that contained her full sized bed and one chair, a chair that she’d found on a curb, this was a significant step up in the world.
Levi watched as Clarissa stepped cautiously through the ornate double doors of her inherited home. Her tentative steps reminded him of a cat stepping out of a crate after it had been in the animal shelter for too long. She didn’t want to get too far away from the front door, just in case she needed to skitter away.
“This is…big,” she whispered.
An older couple stepped through the doors off to the right, the woman wringing her hands while the man had a hand to the small of her back, guiding her closer.
Levi stepped up to Clarissa’s side. He was intensely aware of her body shifting closer to him, as if she trusted him and only him. Coming from his background, that was a heady sensation!
Tamping down his body’s immediate reaction, he nodded towards the couple. “Clarissa, this is your housekeeper, Martha Thompson, and her husband, Joseph. Joe takes care of everything outside of the house.”
Clarissa stepped closer and Levi wondered if she was simply a naturally warm and welcoming person. She hadn’t been with him. Correction, she’d been very eager the first time they’d met. It was just the second and third confrontations that were sticking in his mind.
“Ms. Thompson, it is a pleasure to meet you.” She looked around at the great room that had thirty foot windows looking out onto a stone terrace. Beyond the terrace was an enormous pool that shimmered in the late evening sunshine. The room was enormous and more than slightly intimidating.
“The pleasure is all ours,” the woman gushed. “Ms. Fuque, please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you. I love cooking and graduated from the Culinary Institute of America, so there’s nothing I can’t cook for you.”
“Oh, that’s…uh…” she paused, glancing back over her shoulder and Levi felt another jolt when she looked to him for approval. He nodded encouragingly and Clarissa understood his silent message. When she turned back to the kind housekeeper, she said, “That sounds expectedly wonderful since I burn water when I try to boil an egg.”
The housekeeper flushed with pleasure and Levi wanted to kiss Clarissa.
No! Absolutely not! Clarissa was beautiful, in an adorable sort of way. But kissing? Levi’s whole body stiffened with outrage. Clarissa wasn’t the kind of woman he normally…well, he didn’tdate, exactly. What did he do with the women in his life? He provided for them. The best way to describe the women he’d seen in the past was “mistress”. His relationships had been purely transactional and that had satisfied him.
So, why did that term bother him so much right now?
Before he could follow that thought to its logical conclusion, Joseph stepped forward, shaking Clarissa’s hand. “I have a degree in botany, Ms. Fuque. And it would be my pleasure to take you on a tour of the grounds so that you can tell me what you’d like to change.”
Again, Clarissa reacted with kindness and generosity. “Oh, Mr. Thompson! If you are the genius who created the lush beauty around this house, then I’m delighted to meet you! I would never ask for anything to change! You’re brilliant, sir! Absolutely brilliant! The grounds are verdant and filled with beauty! Please don’t change a single thing. Just keep on doing exactly what you’ve been doing!”
Levi’s fingers clenched as he resisted the desire to pull her into his arms and kiss her until she was breathless! The kindness she showed to these two people was unheard of in the circles in which he traveled. In fact, Levi hadn’t seen that level of outright kindness since he’d left his old neighborhood. Of course, he’d been dodging bullets at the time. But that was in the past. Besides, the bullets were being fired by a drug dealer that had just gotten out of jail, thanks to a tip from Levi.
“I will, ma’am. I will!” Joe replied, his elderly features flushed with joy.
“One more thing,” Clarissa added. “I never knew my…” she paused and looked around again, obviously overwhelmed by the palatial room, “…father.” She glanced over her shoulder, looking to Mr. Silverman for confirmation. When she turned back to the couple, she said, “I go by Donata. Clarissa Donata. That was my mother’s name. However, please, call me Clarissa. I’m not used to formality.”
The couple nodded and smiled, obviously relieved. “Have you eaten dinner, Ms…Clarissa?” Martha asked.
Clarissa nodded. “Yes. I was eating dinner when Mr. Harris interrupted me.”
Levi rolled his eyes. “She was eating cereal out of a box. Martha, would you mind whipping up a meal for the three of us? Clarissa, Mr. Silverman, and I can discuss the details of Clarissa’s change in scenery over a proper dinner.”
“I would be honored,” Martha replied and nodded to everyone before heading into the kitchen. Joseph followed his wife and Levi suspected that they were both reassured that their jobs were safe for the moment.
“How about if I take you on a tour of your new home while Martha cooks us dinner?” Levi offered.
“Oh, that’s not–”
Mr. Silverman interrupted. “The house is quite large, Ms. Donata. It is possible to get lost in here. I will check in with my associates while you look around. Mr. Harris informed me that there have been some…challenges…with your step-siblings. I have sent word to them that you have been located, but they have demanded daily updates. I will attempt to contact them and let them know that you’ve taken up residence here.”
Before Clarissa could tell the man that she hadn’t…taken up residence, that is…he turned and headed down a hallway, already dialing a number on his cell phone. She had no idea where he was going, so she turned to Levi.
“This is so wild,” she whispered to him conspiratorially, crossing her arms over her chest. “And it’s freezing in here!” The last was barely a hiss. Obviously, she was hoping that no one would overhear her.
Levi moved closer, drawn to the woman and her scent. “Clarissa,” he whispered back, “this is your home now. If you want to change the temperature, feel free to adjust it to whatever temperature makes you more comfortable. Make this your home.”